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After helping Emily with the late lunch, it came to the moment that Aniya was dreading. Sitting down and talking to the boys that she was wary of, which was Paul and Jared mainly. She had nothing against Quil since he kept to himself, meanwhile, Seth and Embry were already her friends because of the girls.

Her history with Paul and Jared went far too when they suddenly became friends. She knew like most people in school that they absolutely hated each other, but then one day Paul stopped coming to school, and Jared following after. Soon, the pair of them returned and were pretty much like best friends. Along the way she and they had often clashed and then when Jacob became their friend, it only got worse.

Aniya noticed how silent the two of them were, making her sigh loudly getting their attention," You know, I get you two weren't the nicest to me in school, but to be fair I wasn't either. So-I want to apologize"

Jared and Paul were taken back as they shared looks and almost recoiled to the stern look Sam was giving them, "It's okay Aniya, I'm sorry too, for well all the things I said as well" Jared been the first to say sorry and then nudged Paul making him cough and nod his head

"Yeah, I'm sorry as well, I know we can't take back what happened, but I hope we can put it behind us"

She smiled and nodded her head," Good, then it's a truce" Immediately with those words the pair of them laughed and the tension that once filled the table had disappeared making the other three all sigh in relief.

"I figured the awkward air was the pair of you" Leah commented making Emily nod in agreement

"I don't want to pry on what happened, but now that you know Aniya is my friend, I'd appreciate if you didn't do anything to upset her" She said softly, but to the boys it had a chill run down their spine knowing it was a warning.

The pair of them nodded quickly with Jared playfully saluting to her," You have our word Em" he grinned making her playfully roll her eyes.

"Hey, Aniya" Embry spoke up making her turn to him and hum in acknowledgement," I never had the chance to ask Juliet, but how did you two meet?"

Aniya smiled at the question," I met her in defence classes"

Seth's eyes widen to her words," Defense classes?"

She chuckled to his reaction," Yeah it was actually something we got as punishment from our teacher in Junior High. You see, Juliet and I were actually not friends at all, but more of sideline enemies"

"Sideline enemies? Is that a thing?" Paul questioned

"Well it's the best I can describe it, basically our group of friends didn't like each other, or well one person from her group and one from mine. So, it became natural that we all followed in suit of it. Well one day, those girls finally got to the point of physically fighting. It caused a riot, a few of us pulled back from our groups and through the mess, she and I got in trouble despite not being involved. That led to the teacher forcing us to attend defence classes-which made no sense, but we did it in over being suspended"

"I had a tough time fitting in the class, being unsociable but then Juliet literally dragged out of my corner, and I thought she'd give up on my stubbornness but she had the same obstinacy as me. Eventually, over the next few months, we became best friends, and well-she was just really the first actual friend I had that actually cared for my wellbeing. She was there for me through the rough times, you can probably picture how hard it was for me to part with her. Then, through luck, she and I reunited"

When they had listened to her story with her smiling the entire it had a contagious effect as they all mirrored her facial expression.

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