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It was the weekend and just like Zahra's mom said, it was sunny so the beach plans were in full swing. "I never thought I'd wake up; I had a long night" Maya stretched laying herself on the beach towel.

"Okay, May we don't need to picture what you and Seth were up to-" Aniya joked making Maya flick some sand to her which resulted into the pair of them chasing each other throwing sand to each other.

"And there they go" Juliet chuckled leaning on Embry," Seth, Jake you both have your hands full," The said males just laughed leaning on the log behind them.

After a while Aniya and Maya stopped chasing each other, and went back to greet the rest arriving," Oh look the Cullens are here" Maya announced watching the teens walk over.

"And that must be the infamous girlfriend everyone seems to keep talking about" Aniya whispered making Maya snort.

"Sorry we're late, had a tough time waking up" Edward said sheepishly scratching his head," Guys this is Bella Swan, she is Chief Swan's daughter"

"Oh, look at you Edward, pretty daring if I say so myself" Aniya joked making him laugh," Hi Bella, I'm Aniya and these fools can say their own names"

She smiled waving awkwardly," Hi" Aniya tried not to point out how stiff she was but chose to push it aside as she waited for the rest to introduce themselves.

Once that exchange was over every one went to enjoy their time, and Aniya found herself alone with Jacob sitting on a rock near the waters.

"That Swan girl is so awkward" Jacob chuckled making Aniya snicker," I thought I was the only one who noticed"

"Nope, I think everyone did" He responded then shifted to turn her way," Are you feeling okay?"

"What do you mean?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Well-you seem like something is bothering you" He commented making her fold her arms," Really?"

He nodded grabbing her hand," Aniya I need you to listen to me" She was taken back to his voice suddenly changing," Jake?"

He looked at her keeping his lips in a tight frown," I need you to wake up"

"Huh?" She let out a small laugh looking at him like he was crazy

"This isn't real Aniya, and I need you to wake up" Jacob's voice was now louder in her ears, and soon she felt herself losing her breath as a force pushed through her lungs. She let out a gasp for air as she watched her vision blur as it slowly darkened.

"Wake up Aniya" The voice changed to now a soft female voice. She opened her eyes and standing before her was a woman who she recognized making her eyes widen.

"It's you..." She whispered watching the woman nod," Yes"

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