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Jacob deflated on the chair he was sitting on before the whole mess, and everyone in the room was staring at him.

"I know" He commented," I shouldn't have done any of that"

"Yet you still did" Paul scoffed," Now I'm not even hungry after that mess, Jacob you know what she said, all of it was right"

"She doesn't know Bella like I do" Jacob looked at Paul narrowing his eyes.

"Bella, Bella-Dude you need to pull your head outta your ass and realize that everything Aniya said about her is true. She ran back to him without hesitation Jacob, when are you going to get it through your thick skull that she'll always go back to him!" Paul raised his voice

Leah growled as she stood up slamming her hand on the table," Will both of you shut up about that leech-lover I rather not have my ears bleed hearing more about her! Right now, we should all be talking about what Aniya had told us! Her d-dea-Fuck I can't even say it because it physically hurts me!"

"It does hurt" Seth put a hand on his chest," It hurt when she said d-di-she said that word twice" He just like his sister couldn't say anything that dealt with Aniya's possible fate. He looked at Sam frowning," Sam, can you explain why that affects us as it does thinking about our imprints getting hurt?"

Emily stood up as tears were pouring down her face," I-I'm sorry I need a moment" She ran away from the table running to her room. She couldn't explain why she felt physically pained as well. It was probably not as painful as it was for the pack, but she didn't want to think about her own good friend dying. It was not just her, but the rest of the imprints, all felt the same pain from within their own chest.

As Sam heard the door close, he looked at the others, he had already discussed it with Emily, so he let her go knowing she didn't need to hear it again," First, I think it'd be appropriate if you all went to get the girls. I think they might all be affected with the words Aniya had said"

"Even if they didn't hear it?" Quil asked

"Your souls are connected, so if you feel the pain, it's possible they will as well" Sam stated making the guys all share looks and get up from their chairs leaving without saying anything more. All that was left was Leah and Jacob.

Sam let out a breath as he looked at Jacob," Once I discuss everything tonight, I want you to apologize to Aniya"


Leah scoffed cutting Jacob off," Oh grow up Jacob, Aniya can't control what she dreams, and you pretty much called her insane at this point. Like she said, how do you think she feels? She was just living her life, but then now she can't and the whole Bella thing? I still can't see why you continue to pine for her, it's not love Jacob, its obsession"

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