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"Why am I drawn a lot?" Jacob asked as he looked over the sketches of them all in their wolf forms. All of the guys, Leah and Emily all halted from talking since they all had finished looking at the drawings.

Aniya looked at him and then shrugged her shoulders," I asked myself the same question many times" She responded naturally making everyone return to eating but only to pretend they weren't listening in between the pair.

"Maybe it's because of you being Ephraim's great-grandson?" Seth spoke innocently making Aniya chuckle at his remark

"Yeah, maybe that"

"Yeah, I highly doubt that" Jacob muttered under his breath. Aniya had already been trying to think of many excuses as she prepared herself for the worst.

"Hey Aniya, remember last time when you were here?" She nodded to Jared's question thankful for him making the subject change," You said that your dreams always ended the same, what did you mean?"

She blinked a couple of times at his question, while Emily gave Jared a stern look," Jared" She said and Aniya lowered the muffin she was eating

"It's okay, actually, I think now that since I know everything, I feel comfortable about saying it now"

"Wait so besides seeing us, there is more to the dreams?" Jacob asked and Aniya looked at him and nodded

"I'll re-tell it since now I know everything"

"Okay, so besides just the random drawing of you all in your shifted forms, it was also just that at first. But since finding out about the whole thing, it started to make a lot of sense"

"I had seen each of you the moment you all phased, and from there, I saw glimpses of that all. Then it came to seeing that red-head, that you guys often attempted to catch but she always tended to slip away"

"Victoria" Jacob sneered as the others let out small growls of anger when the name was said, almost like it triggered the wolf within to break free.

"Well it would come down to a clearing where you guys are with some other-I don't know what they are, I've never understood it, but they all had golden-yellow eyes? Something like that"

"The Cullens" Sam spoke up making Aniya turn to him

"As in the one from the whole treaty? They are back?"

"Yeah, just came back a few days ago," Jacob said bitterly as she looked at him noticing how dark and grim his face became.

"What happens in the dreams?" Embry was next to ask

"You were working with the Cullens," She said slowly and everyone all fell silent as they all looked at her. She felt herself recoil from the stares as the silence continued.

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