Training & Experimenting

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So..... How's your guy's Valentine's Day?

* Awkward Silence *

Yeah.... I didn't get anything either. Just a broken heart : ( 

But whatever, I have you guys so it doesn't matter either way.


It's been a day since I 'died' so to speak, and my parents had me at arms length ( or anything closer ) since the whole thing happened. It's a good thing that today is the weekends, so both my parents are able to stay at home to help me understand my new quirk.


Early Morning, after a complete breakfast. Me and my parents were hanging out in the living room, just throwing ideas around. Since my quirk can kill me, they decided to hang around incase something goes wrong.

F/N: Here son

He said as he handed me some batteries, I took them and looked at him like he was crazy

LittleY/N: Um... thanks? I can use these to charge my game controller

My father chuckled as he flicked his finger over my forehead

F/N: Try absorbing their electricity, the doctor did say to experiment. And since your quirk is tied to your literal life, me and your mother are gonna help you find ways to recharge yourself until then.

I nodded since that made sense, I took one of the batteries and put it in my mouth. I then started sucking on it like it was a piece of candy, but didn't feel anything

M/N: Well? Do you feel yourself getting... you know... charged? How do you feel?

I spit out the battery as It landed back on my hand

LittleY/N: Apart feeling stupid, no. I don't think this works.

F/N: * Sigh * let's relax for now, I'll do some research on how electricity works. Where's my laptop?

He stood up and went to the table where his laptop was at, I followed him as he sat down and opened it and tried to turn it on

F/N: * Groan * I forgot to charge the damn thing, Where's the charger?

But then it hit me, I'm a battery, or somewhat like one. Maybe I can charge it myself. While my dad left to find the charger, I sat down in the chair and tired to give it electricity.

LittleY/N: Okay.... how do I do this? How about....

I held my palm open at the screen, closing my eyes and concentrating

LittleY/N: Come on! Shoot. Fire. Electricate.

M/N: Honey? What are you doing?

I didn't open my eyes but still concentrated on the laptop

LittleY/N: I'm trying to charge dad's laptop with me

I heard my mom laugh a little as I stopped for a moment. As I opened my eyes again, I see my mom sit down across from me. Looking up something on her phone

M/N: You know, if your quirk is electricity like the thunder part of my quirk I usually use. I just imagine shooting out of my hands

LittleY/N: I already tried that, it didn't work

My mom chuckled again

M/N: I heard what you were trying to do, I meant actually shooting it. Not just saying 'Shoot', try... i dunno, shooting it from your hand. I can't explain it son, only you can do it.

Okay, she has a point, but how do I do this? It's not like there's a tutorial video on Electric quirks. Okay, let's go with her idea. I held my palm open at the laptop screen and closed my eyes as I concentrated

M/N: Trying my idea?

LittleY/N: Can't talk now, Concentrating

I tried, in a way. To shoot out the electricity from my hand. Wait... why does my hand feel tingly?

M/N: Uh... son? You might want to open your---

* BOOM *

After hearing the sudden little explosion, I opened my eyes in alarm to see my mom a little bit away and dad's laptop.... destroyed.... oops

LittleY/N: I think.... I put too much electricity and it... exploded... huh

By then my dad finally walked back in, charger in hand.

F/N: I heard a commotion, what happened? And, why is my computer burned out?

My mom walked up and stood next to him, holding his arm

M/N: Don't be mad now dear, our son was experimenting and he did it. I saw it, he shot electricity from his hand to try and charge your laptop.... but I think he put too much In it and it exploded

Rather than being mad, and my getting ready to run for my life. He just laughed a bit

F/N: Its Alright son, I can finally get a newer one. And you learned a bit right?

LittleY/N: Yeah, check it out

After finally learning the feeling, it felt like a second nature. Like breathing or speaking. I coated my arms with lightning, making them glow blue,

F/N: Impressive son, very Impressive. So you know how to shoot it. But how do you absorb electricity to charge yourself?

By then, I just realized that. How do I recharge myself?

LittleY/N: Good Question... well, shooting electricity is like a second nature to me. So it'll be easier to understand it now

They both agreed, but for the whole day. I practiced mastering this part of my quirk. It was pretty cool, I could shoot little bolts of lightning at people. My mother helped me with this part since her work allows her to control the weather, she says she mostly uses the lighting part since its quick and effective.

I leaned alot of things that day, and I'm absolutely in live with my quirk!


It was a very tiring day, my excuse is that I used too much electricity yesterday. I'm still awake but I'm starting to feel more tired then usual. That's not a good sign

My parents agreed but my father said he'd take me straight to the hospital but this is a good opportunity to try and learn how to absorb electricity

Still, we were still hanging out... at the house.

LittleY/N: So... * Yawn * what's the plan today dad?

I said tired, rubbing my eyes. My dad bought a few things for me to absorb. Like an actual car battery, his phone, and maybe some other things that use electricity in the house

F/N: Okay son, now like you mother taught you about releasing and shooting lightning like her. I'll teach you how to absorb electricity, now I can't do that but absorbing power is something I do, and you do the same thing with your electricity.

I nodded as he pushed the car battery towards me, I pulled it closer.

LittleY/N: Okay, * Yawn * learning how to shoot was a bit tough but now it's super easy. But... how do I absorb? How do you do it dad?

F/N: Well, my quirk halves the damage I received so I only take half the kinetic force of any attack. The other half that's stored, I can then use that stored energy to increase my strength and size. I'm sorry son, but I don't know how to explain it. It's hard to explain

I nodded slowly, I'm a bit disappointed. But i understand. But, how do I absorb? I was getting more tired every minute, and if I waste too much I can die. I concentrated, trying to absorb the electricity from the battery.

After a few minutes and other failed methods. My mother did a bit of research on it, only aluminum and magnesium can absorb electricity, but it's not like I'm made of medal.

But, the weird thing it. I can feel it from inside the battery. Maybe i can control the electricity to move inside me? Ugh! I'm about to die and o can't recharge myself unless I'm electrocuted again?!

LittleY/N: Stupid battery, absorb already!

But then in my fit of rage, I absorbed not only from the battery, or his phone. But also the entire house. Leaving us pitch black in the dark.

LittleY/N: Oh man..... I Feel Great! Oh I'm gonna do that again! Oh, I already did. So there's nothing left. But I finally figured it out!

Here's a better visual explanation on how you absorb electricity

I actually did play both Infamous 1 and 2 games. This was my favorite part of the game, and why I chose to make this book!

LittleY/N: Um, dad? I'm sorry

F/N: Hey, don't worry about it bud. At least me and your mother can rest easy knowing you know how to recharge yourself. We were thinking of buying a defibrillator to shock you everytime your tired

I chuckled nervously at the idea, but throughout the day. I practiced both shooting and absorbing. What's better is that I can recharge them too. I recharged the house, my parents phone, and other things.

My father says that with more practice, I can increase the amount of lightning i can store in my body. Increasing the time I can use my quirk and stay alive. I can see lots of possibilities with this quirk

There, chapter finished. And since I'm sure there are other people who are like me,

Happy Valentine's day

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