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Samantha watched as the most popular girls in the school drag her best friend, Nathan, away. Leaving her alone once again. She began to cry her glowing blue tears, hurt by the fact that her one true friend, the most popular guy in the school, is always be taken away from her and then doesn't hear from him all day.

“Ouch.” She heard as she looked up to see her best friend, Jack.

“Hey.” She wiped away her tears,  hoping Jack didn't notice they were glowing and not clear tears.

“I saw what happened and I'm sorry.  That was truly wrong about what just went on. Hey, Miko, Raf, and I are going to the cafeteria now, want to join??” Jack asked as Samantha smiled and nodded.

Jack then lead her to whereMiko and Raf sat in the cafeteria and grabbed their lunches. Just as Samantha and Jack headed back to their table, someone bumped into Samantha.

“Sorry, I didn't see you there.” The boy that bumped her said as he helped her pick up her lunch.

“Are you new here?? I never seen you around here.” She stated to the boy as the boy nodded.

“My name's Brandon Bee.”

“Samantha Pax.” She introduced as Brandon smiled and stood up while giving Samantha her lunch.

“Well, nice to meet you, but I gotta go.  See you later though.” Brandon said as he ran off out of the cafeteria.

“What a nice kid.” Samantha stated to herself before her and Jack walked and sat down with Miko and Raf.

Meanwhile, Bumblebee as Brandon disappeared and went back to his alt mode which was parked outside the school.

“Bumblebee,  were you able to get a fix on the Autobot signal??” Ratchet said through comm link as Bumblebee beeped.

:*Yep. Its a human named Samantha Pax.*: Bumblebee said as he rode off. He wanted to know how a human can have an Autobot signal. Unless that is just a holoform.

Once the bell rung for last period,  Samantha walked out of her class and towards the entrance. Just as she got to the door, she grew curious when she heard...

“Miss Samantha Pax, report to the principal's office for a moment. Again, Samantha Pax, report to the principal's office.”

“Looks like someone's in trouble.” She heard as she looked to the retard glitches before walking to the principal's office.

As she entered, she saw two men in the room and Nathan sitting in the chair in front​ of the principal's desk.

“Mr. Tronus??” She called as the principal spun around in his chair.

“Ah, Miss Pax. Nice of you to join us.” He said in his deep and creepy voice.

“Whatever I did wrong, I'm sorry. Even though I don't remembe-”

“You didn't do anything wrong.” He cut her off as she looked at him with pure confusion.

“Then why am I...um...are we here??” Samantha asked as she gestured to both herself and Nathan.

Just then gas started to cover the room and Samantha quickly covered her mouth and coughed. She looked over at Nathan who was out like a light. Samantha struggled to reach the door but once she caught her hand on the doorknob, she blacked out.

Megatron smirked at the two humans and looked at Knockout and Breakdown.

“You two, round them up. It's time to make a ransom with the Autobots.” He said as the two Cons nodded. Breakdown picked up Nathan while Knockout picked up Samantha and carried her over his shoulder and took them to their alt modes.

Little did the three Cons know, but the three humans, Jack, Miko, and Raf, saw the whole thing and quickly called Optimus and the others to report it.

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