Chapter 4

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All of us meet in my dad's study, except for Sam's dad. He is still being banned from our pack because of his disrespect, Alpha Carter knew this would be too stressful for us to also have to deal with his attitude. Wayne tells us how he was running with some rogues when they mentioned an old underground bunker made by the humans back during the cold war. It was pretty far from our pack, we had to cross Greenland's territory and enter in Silver Ice territory. None of us knew how they travelled so fast, and my dad concluded it must have been the witch that helped them move so quickly. But the rogues told Wayne that they weren't supposed to go near it, and if they do they always feel pain. My dad called Cecilia to come to the study to figure out how to stop that from happening to us so we could get Sam out. Wayne was able to get close enough to snap some pictures of the bunker and we looked up some old schematics of the bunker.

"They will have Sam at the deepest part of the bunker, heavily guarded. All of these bunkers have different layouts and we don't know the exact layout of this one. How do we know where to go?"

"We don't need to go anywhere." My dad turned to Alpha Carter as we looked through a stack of different bunker styles used back in the cold war. "All we need to do is get William in, once inside he will find her and rescue her. We are just escorting and a distraction for him."

"We draw them out, and he nabs Samantha. Smart." Alpha Carter nodded but I didn't speak. I couldn't talk. All I was focused on is when we would leave.

"We attack the back of the bunker, Cecilia will cast a spell to negate the pain once we near the bunker. This will direct most of the attention away from the front door where Will will enter in. Once inside he will sneak down to reach Sam, once he has her we will start to retreat. Then once he is out, we high tail it out of there. I think a decent sized attack force should be used, just big enough to be able to sneak near them but large enough for them to take us seriously. So I would say about fifty men?"

"We can go half on the men so neither one of us has too many injuries?" Alpha Carter offered his help but I couldn't bite back my growl at his offer.

"That will take longer." I growled, I wanted to get her as quick as we could. I didn't want to wait any longer, and every pain that I felt was nothing compared to what she was feeling.

"That's a generous offer son, we would be stupid not to take it. Plus we still need to fine tune our plan." My dad scolded me, but I didn't care. I lifted a lip at him in an attempt to snarl at him but he stared me down. I knew I was acting out, but we were so close and Sam was in so much pain.

"What is there to fine tune! You guys hit the back, I sneak in the front. Grab Sam. Kill everyone. Run back home." I threw my hands into the air, frustrated.

"No, we are not killing everyone. We only kill those that we need to. We also need to take some alive so that we can interrogate them about what their overall plan is." I growled at my dad's words, all those bastards needed to pay for what they are doing. "William if you don't cool it, you're not coming!" I bawled my fists, there is no way I'm not going for Sam. I nodded because I didn't trust my voice right now. They finish planning and I sit back trying to send anything I could over the bond to her, I hope she can feel it.

After another sleepless night, Alpha Carter's men arrived. Him and my dad spoke to all the warriors about the plan and who would do what. Cecilia came out and practiced some magic before announcing she had the right mixture for the compound. Some of the wolves would have a rough night sleeping as she experimented on them to see if she had the right stuff. I didn't move much, I just kept focusing on our bond. At some points I would fall from the pain, and other times I would panic at the bond feeling weaker. I didn't know how Sam was dealing with this for so long, but once I get her back she won't have to worry about anything ever again. My dad told me to give him two days so the warriors could train together then they would leave to get Sam. I didn't want to wait, we fought until my mom came and separated us again. I just wanted her, I just wanted her safe back in my arms.

After watching the men train together so they would know how to react to each other, we left. My mom stayed behind with my sisters to keep the pack safe.

"Bring her back safely son. Don't lose yourself." My mom said as she hugged me goodbye. I wasn't able to say anything back as Xander was pushing my limits so badly. My claws were almost permanently out from his power. I nodded and climbed into the cars before my dad said his goodbyes and we left. We drove to our personal airport where my dad had just finished buying a private jet large enough to fit all of us. It wasn't the prettiest of planes, but it got the job done and I was just glad we were able to find it in time. After a short flight to the edge of the Greenland territory, we got back in the cars and drove into the Silver Ice territory. If there wasn't already a war going on, what we were doing would start one with the Silver Ice's Alpha, you are supposed to contact the Alpha of the territory you are entering before actually going. But we were chasing whoever kidnapped Sam, so my dad probably would have said something if that wasn't the case. He likes to still abide by as many rules as he can. Alex pointed out to my dad we were starting to get close when my dad decided to ditch the cars and walk the rest of the way to the bunker. He didn't want anyone knowing we were closing in, I jumped out and I could feel the bond hum. I knew she really was here. My chest started to rumble long and deep from Xander snapping at the bits of wanting out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my dad stare at me and then nod, he knew that I felt her here. He gathered everyone together to rehearse the plan, I didn't need to hear it again. I already knew everything I needed to know. My dad passed out the small vials of the potion Cecilia crafted to negate the pain shield over the bunker. I growled as Wayne was the one who passed me mine, but I quickly grabbed it from him and downed the drink. It was thick and tasted like copper, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Some of the men dry heaved, not used to tasting Cecilia's potions. I was proud to see that all of our pack members drank it without making a face, they have trained with Cecilia. Most of our pack knows some basic magic, but I never went. I was too busy with my training to be Alpha to seek out Cecilia. We started the run to the compound, only taking two breaks as my dad didn't want anyone to tire too much before getting to the edge. We had a team of trackers take out the guards who watched the border of the bunker. It was all Hunters, which had both my dad and I confused.

"Why are Hunters here? They have been on the sidelines mostly during the war."

"I don't know. We will have to make sure to capture at least one of them alive for questioning." I growled at my dad mentioning alive. I wanted them all to die. My dad let a low growl out.

"William I know it's been really tough on you. That's the only reason why I have dealt with all of your growling. But once you have Sam, and we are back home and safe, we will need to talk if this continues. I won't say I know what you're feeling because I'm lucky enough to have never been through this with your mother. But I'm just as worried for her safety and angry at the bastards for taking her from us. I'm also guilty and sorry for letting you down. I let both of you down. I'll never be able to forgive myself for that, especially if that girl is in there hurt, I don't think I'll ever be able to look at myself the same. She is my daughter just like you are my son, and I will do anything to protect either of you." I started to breathe hard as I grabbed a tree branch next to me to steady myself, my dad's words melted the pain and anger I felt towards him since the night they took her. I knew he wanted to protect Sam, I knew he must have been put in an impossible situation for him to leave her, but I was still so angry. I squeezed the branch to not let the sob choke out of my throat, I knew my parents loved Sam, but to hear how much my dad felt for her, really helped.

I nodded my head as the branch snapped from the pressure of my hand, "I know dad. I'm sorry too." Most Alphas didn't speak about their feelings, thinking that as males we should stay silent and suffer by ourselves. But both my dad and mom taught us that men should be able to share their feelings as much as women. If I was sad, I could cry. If I was angry and couldn't explain it, I could cry. If I was happy, I could cry tears of joy. If I was frustrated, I could rant and yell. If I had a problem, I could talk about it. To have feelings doesn't make me any less of a man than my dad who was one of the most respected Alphas today.

"Now, let's find Sam. I'll take our men to the south side, stay hidden until I say so." I nodded as my dad gave my shoulder one last clap of encouragement before running to gather the men. It became really quiet as the men left and gathered at the other end of the bunker.

'We are starting the attack, still wait.'

'Don't take too long.'

Xander was itching for me to say the word to let him find Sam, he wasn't even including me anymore.

No, I just want her safe.

'I know, but we still need to work together.'

She's hurting again.

'Not for long.'

'It's clear, go find her.'

I jumped up and ran towards the bunker. I heard the men fighting on the other side, wolves were howling as the Hunters retaliated. I hardly cared, there wasn't anyone guarding the front door but it was locked. I let Xander grab more control as we rammed into the door, knocking it off its hinges. Once inside all I could smell was her, it was as if a wave of her scent hit me like a freight train. Xander growled loud, as we took off deeper into the bunker. We met a couple of Hunters on the way down, our bond pulsing as I got closer I believe, Xander made quick work of anyone who got in front of us. Her scent was getting stronger and it was sending Xander in a frenzy. It was getting harder and harder to keep a grasp on him.

'Hurry, we are starting to get too many casualties out here. The Hunters are using weapons now.'

I growled back, pushing myself further to find her faster. I was going to make everyone pay that hurt her. Finally I rounded a corner, and her smell was directly behind this door. They had her behind this giant steel door but I could feel she was behind it. I ran into the door to break it down, but was only able to dent it.

Again. She's in there.

I ran at the door again, Xander growling and pushing further to strengthen us. But we only dented in the door more. I roared in frustration, I needed to get to her.

Get in there! She needs us!


I ran at the door again and again but it still stood upright, I roared out again in frustration. I needed to get to her.

'We need more.'

There is no more. That's all I have.


You don't think I'm trying!

'Dig deeper. We need to get to her.'

I found something...

I felt fire go through my veins, I snarled at the pain but with it I felt strength as well. I took some steps back before ramming into the door again, causing it to fly off its hinges and across the room. I quickly walked into the room and fell to my knees. Xander roared in my head but the pain didn't amount to the pain to my chest. Tears sprang to my eyes as I looked at what was left of Sam. She was hanging from her wrist in shackles. Shackles that were slightly too high for her so her toes barely touched the floor, letting her arms bear the full weight of herself. She looked like she hadn't eaten in months. And it was all my fault. I should have found her quicker. I shouldn't have let her go that night. Xander roared in my head, threatening to take over as he wanted the blood of those who did this to her. I was right with him, but my sorrow equaled my rage. I limply rose and trudged over to her. She heard my footsteps and started to open her eyes. She slightly raised her head and hooded bloodshot eyes met mine. Those beautiful brown eyes, were now darken and bloodshot. Xander roared again as it was evident someone touched our mate. She didn't smell the same. She had the same scent as before but as we got closer, it had a small trace of others and something else. A smell that had Xander shaking with rage I had never seen before. Tears started to stream down my face as hers widen with shock. She started shaking her head and screaming. I raced over to her and grabbed her face, forcing her to look at me.

"Sam! Sam! It's me! It's Will! Please I'm your mate! I love you!" My heart broke as she continued to sob and scream.

Shaking her head, she hoarsely said, "No. Please not this again. I can't take it anymore. Please. Please just kill me. No more. Please. Please just let me die!" My heart fell. Everything stilled in me as if my very blood froze. I couldn't believe how far she fell. How far they brought her.

"Baby." I whispered. "Baby please it is me. Feel my hands. This is my heat. Hear my heartbeat. Smell my scent. That can only be me. It is me. Please. Sam, please believe me. I love you so much. You're my light." Xander let a rumble from our chest to help try to reassure her.

She opened her eyes as she looked into my eyes. I let my power engulf her. Letting her soak in my scent and I could see the truth start to dawn in her eyes. Both pain and hope sparked in them.

"Will?" She tentatively whispered. I knew she was scared, but I had to get her away from her and to a doctor.

"Yes baby. It is me. Please, please believe me." I whispered back at her. Holding my breath as more tears were brought to her eyes.

Another sob broke her voice, "Oh my God, it is you! Oh my God! Will! I can't believe you found me! Oh my God! Please, I love you! I love you so much! I missed you so much!"

" I love and miss you too, but I need to get you out of here. Can you stand?"

"I don't think so..."

"Ok hold on, I will carry you but first I need to break these shackles." I ripped the steel shackles away. Surprised as the new strength stayed within me now that I had Sam back with me. She whimpered as I grabbed onto her to stop her from falling. "Shit! I'm sorry baby! I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me! I'm going to pick you up now. We are leaving this place." She nodded her head and whimpered out again as I quickly snatched her body up. I tried to be gentle as I held her close as I ran out of the bunker. Outside the bunker I could still hear fighting.

'We are out.'

'Alright, I'm calling the retreat now. Hurry.'

As we ran to return back to my father and then head home, I looked down at her hollowed-out face, grey from the lack of sunlight. "What happened baby?"

Her body stiffened, and her eyes became filled with terror that I had never seen before. "I don't want to talk about it. Please don't make me."

"Ok ok ok." I hurried whispered. "You don't have to say anything until your ready." My insides churned as the once strong she-wolf that I knew and loved and returned back as nothing but a shell of who she once was. Xander whined at how our mate was reacting and I couldn't help but feel the guilt and sorrow eat away at what was left of my heart. "Sleep, we will be home soon." I whispered comfortingly.

"I don't want to ever sleep again..." She hauntingly said and looked over my shoulder. A gasp let out her mouth and she fainted. I halted and spun around. Looking all around us but not seeing anything. I looked down at her and saw her whimper and her eyes flickering under her eyelids. I looked closely and saw red marks all over her neck and down her breasts, and with that Xander let out a roar that had my head ringing and our rage flamed to a new height. My eyes narrowed as I vowed to make them pay and to heal my little mate. No matter what it will take or how long it will take. They will all pay. No one touches what is mine. 

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