Chapter 2

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There he was. Surrounded by a couple of my friends...which incidentally were all female werewolves.


My wolf let out a loud feral growl from my throat before I could stop her. Anger and rage started bubbling at the pit of my stomach and started racing through my veins. The human in me tried to reason with my wolf, explaining he doesn't realize I'm here yet and my friends do not realize that they are all drooling over my mate! Jealousy coursed through my body as I looked upon my mate. He was tall, chocolate skinned muscular built. He must have been a football player by how big he was, normally male werewolves were muscular but not as built as he was. I saw one of my friends lift her hand to place it on his arm. Another feral snarl came out of my throat as ran to grab her arm. Instantly I was in front of him and grabbed my friends arm.

"MINE!!" I snarled at her. She instantly bared her teeth at me actually challenging my claim. My wolf instantly wanted me to slice her throat for her daring to challenge me but I didn't want to kill my friend. "Back off Shira, he is my mate." I felt him stiffen at my words then relax and practically purr at my statement.

"No! He is mine. I claim him as my mate. You would be a nobody if it wasn't for your dad!" she snarled at me.

"Back the FUCK off Shira! Don't try to challenge me!" Was she seriously trying to take my mate from me?! What the fuck?! Nobody knew how bloodthirsty my wolf could be. I locked that part of her deep down away from anybody. Not even my father or brother knew how cruel she could be when she wanted. And what the hell did she mean by nobody? That kind of hurt.

Grrr rip her throat out!! How DARE she try to take our mate from us! Break her arm! Slice her throat! Rip her head off!!!
'I got this Zira! Now calm down!'

"Shira, I won't say it again.!" I snarled and bared my teeth at her. Letting my eyes show my rage and anger as my usual golden brown eyes turned pitch black with a hint of red. None of my friends had ever seen me like this and fear fell over all their faces. Shira's eyes finally glinted with fear as she bowed her head to me. I growled at her one more time for good measure and gave a once look around at each of my friends' faces, all of them looked down in fear and respect as they felt my anger still roll off of me like waves. Plus as the beta's daughter I was higher rank then them. I turned to finally see my mate up close and instantly my breath was taken. He was so sexy! He was taller then me by half a foot, light black skin rippled over his bulging muscles. He wasn't very light but he wasn't dark either. I would call him a peanut butter chocolate. My wolf purred internally as she approved of his looks. His hair was cut in the usual short buzz cut black men had their hair like with a thin striped beard and goatee. He had a half cocked smile on a face as he looked up and down me. As I said before I wasn't the usual wolf, instead of being thin and abbed out, I was a little chunky. To me, I looked fat; I always had to find extra large shirts in the junior section clothes and my pants were always bigger then the "trendy" styles had. But I started to get used to my pudginess. Now with him staring at me like I was a piece of meat, it not only made me feel self conscience but also angry. Who did he think he was staring me up and down like that?

Well we are his mate...
'Shut up!'

"And your name is...?" he asked me with a humorous glint in his eyes.
"My name is Samantha Raize. What's yours?"
"You don't know me?"
"Am I supposed to?" I asked.
His eyes widened with shock a little as he realized I wasn't playing.
"My name is William Black of the Black Iris Pack."
Oh shit!!! No wonder he thought I knew his name! Which I guess I did, everyone has heard of the monstrous future Alpha of the Black Iris Pack. His wolf was apparently the biggest the elders had ever seen, and he supposedly had a string of lovers a mile long. Which I could definitely see that happening...

Grrrr not anymore! He's mine!!
'Oh calm down Zira! And he's ours!!!'

"Well," he continued as I just stared at his face for a minute spaced out as I thought to myself, "have you heard of me?"
"Oh, um, yea." I replied stuttering like a little five year old. Yesh could I get anymore more embarrassed?
"Good, then I guess I could take you home today?" he asked with a lift of his eyebrow.
"Umm," SAY YES, "OK sure."
'Didn't need the input Zira.'

Geometry flew by and I soon realized that I would soon find a math that I did not like, at all. If any of you have taken geometry then you know whay I'm talking about. I hated trying to explain to the teacher why I got an answer right, the point is I got it right and it should have to match some thousand year old formula. My next class was the fun computer class. My teacher was some old guy but he kind of had that Santa Claus look to his face. He seemed pretty laid back and nice, at least to those of us that actually did our work. It was interesting learning the different parts in computers and didn't seem hard at all. That class ended before I felt even comfortable as my stomach started to churn with nervousness as it got closer to when William would pick me up.
Ok. Time to go face my mate. My wolf practically purred at the thought of being close to our mate again. As I walked out of my class I suddenly realized though we agreed on him taking me home, we never discussed on where to meet?

'Ummmm where should I go?'
Duh just follow the bond. And you call yourself a werewolf?
'Shut it Zira! Damn you have been cheeky lately.'

I headed towards the student parking on the other side of the school knowing eventually I would see him walking towards his car or out of his class. As I walked through the cafeteria to get to the parking lot I heard a giggle to my far right and smelled a familiar scent.

'Damn Zira stop!'

As I looked behind the corner there stood my mate with some girl practically grinding on him batting her eyelashes at him. I could smell she was yet another she-wolf.

Damn how many girls am I going to have to beat off of this guy? Is it even worth it? Ugh. I started to trudge towards the little private corner they shared with my rage starting to burn through my veins yet again.

I know this was a pretty bad chapter. I kept going in and out of writers block and trying to write while having 2 kids is a handful  lol but it's a good handful. You will soon figure out that Samantha is more of peaceful and compromising of her and her wolf. Zira was more about instincts and held the more powerful emotions. Jealous, rage, anger. She is the "animal" part that every human has, but some choose not to act on it. We will continue to see Samantha being put in decisions by Zira of whether to give into the animal or go the high road. Will Samantha eventually tear William a new one? We will see as I write whatever pops in my head. And sorry these first couple of chapters are going to be kind of slow. As we develop a little more about our characters then we will start to see some real action. And some under the sheets action ;)

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