Dragon Hunter's Isolation

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I traveled through some woods. The sound of birds chirping and the wind blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves.

"The world is rather beautiful. Better than my polluted world. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up from..." I paused and began to think about my family, "I wish they could see this..." I felt some sympathy coming from my sword causing me to chuckle, "You are one curious enigma." I began to wonder why my weapon started to resonate so well with me. Dragon Eater is just a weapon that benefits my class, "Wait... What was her weapon description... Come on you know this..."

I stopped walking and began to sift through my memories of Yggdrasil, "Come on you are a lore nerd... Dragon Eater, a blade that was forged by the primordial dragon by... Damn it what was the description..." I began to grow impatient as I struggled to remember, "Okay let's think of this differently, what is the basic bare bones information... It was forged using... The soul of another dragon, yes that's right but there is definitely more... Wait I have books for this reason..." I was about to sit down and begin looking for information on my weapon, which I knew more about than my own class, but the sound of heavy wings flying through the air caught my attention. I sighed from annoyance as I glanced up at the sky. A large reptilian figure flew by quickly and the ground shook as it landed ahead.

"Human! I know you are there. I can smell your putrid essence." The dragon shouted.

God I know I haven't showered... Wait that even possible? Well I haven't bathed in five days but that's not my fault. Not a single source of water large enough to do that, and drinking water is more important than comfort. I felt a bit of comfort coming from my sword, "Will you feast today?" I mumbled at it. Clearly it's alive so I will treat it like a living being. While it's nice to have some semblance of companionship, it still saddened me. The lore of it being infused with a soul came to life, so the idea of me being immortal becomes more likely. I am alone.

"Human! Show yourself!!!" He shouted. I push the thought aside and walked towards the dragon, "Human... You have sinned against our kind. The emperor orders your execution."

"Emperor? I have never heard of an emperor." I said to him, my sword aching to devour him.

"That's all you are worthy to learn, no point for a corpse to learn about our lord." He said snapping at me.

"Are all dragons so arrogant? So full of themselves to believe they can defeat anything." I said my voice raising out of annoyance.

"You dare insult our kind. You will know our strength and pay for your crimes!" He roared at me.

"Then you can join your kin in purgatory." I said raising my sword and lunged at him.

"Fool!" He shouted breathing fire at me. I ran through the flames and stood beside his head. His right eye glanced at me as I brought my sword towards it. The blade pierced it eye, blood flowing out of it. He screeched in pain pulling his head upward. I held on to my sword and rose with him.

"The only fool is you." I said as I grabbed the top of his head. I could feel his rough scales through my gauntlets, "I'm not holding back, my sword is hungry and I plan to feed it." I pulled my sword out and jammed it into it's neck. The blade easily cut into the scaly flesh and I pulled down creating as much of a wound as I could. I pulled up and stood on it's head, my hand grasping the eye socket for balance. Blood seeping into my armor, I plunge the blade into it's head. His body falls to the ground limp, "If your emperor wants me dead then he should at least send someone stronger."

I stood beside the corpse as my sword began to viciously devour it. This was one dragon, but to assume it will be over with just him is down right idiotic. More will come after him and there is also the village. I told them they can say where I went, but who's to say they would leave them alone? If I want to stop this, I'll have to deal with the source. Though finding this Dragon Emperor won't be easy, guess I'll just wait for the next dragon to attack. They may be arrogant, but if I slay enough they will be more open to speak.

My blade finished it's meal and I was standing in a clear open field with nothing but a puddle of blood as evidence of the fight, "Back to remembering my weapon's lore." I sat down and began to think, "Was it listed in the same book on my class or in the weapons series... Probably class." I reached into my inventory and pulled out the book. I opened it and skimmed through it finding the weapon section.

"Let's see... Dragon Eater, forged by the Primordial Dragon using the soul of a Dragon, who was their first Consort. The more that falls to this weapon the stronger it gets. I see, so that's the deal with... Her." I glanced at my blade and felt it... Hum? Though if it has a soul of my consort I should give her a name. I began to think as I sheathed my sword. I thought of a few names, all embarrassing as they are from shows I watched. Though this is a new world, so it shouldn't be a problem.

"I have a name in mind, but I want to see your response to it." I said to it. Based on the lore of the weapon it might get more sentience. Though how far will the lore take effect, guess this will be an interesting learning experience.

I stood up and continued my journey, this time with a potential companion.


Night fell and I had a fire set up. My sword rested beside me as I had my helmet off. I brushed my clean hand through my greasy hair and felt disgusted, "I wish I could have found a lake or something." I sighed. What I found very interesting is my hair didn't grow, it stayed the same length no matter how much time has passed.

"Though I still sweat and get dirty. The blood of the dragon doesn't help either..." I glanced at my bloodied hand, the one that had dragon blood drenched over it. I leaned back and glanced up at the sky. The stars, they look so beautiful. I can never get enough of this view, it's something I never knew existed, "I wish they could see this." I laid down on the ground so I can comfortably stare at the stars.

I heard a familiar voice, "F/N?" Her soft voice rang.

"Yes?" I responded weakly.

"Are you okay? I can make dinner if-"

"I'm fine Emily... I can... I can still cook." I replied as leaned on the fridge my legs exhausted for just holding my weight up. The kitchen felt like it was spinning, I needed to make dinner for my sister. John and Katherine are out still, I have to take care of her. I opened the fridge and reached for some vegetables but my hand began to shake as my vision blurred. My hand was paler than it should be and I couldn't keep myself standing anymore. I knew I reached my limit and just sat down.

"F/N?" Emily called running to me, "Let me get your medication." She said running to the cabinet. I glanced at my hands as I couldn't stop them from shaking.

"Emily... I'm sorry... I'm supposed to be-" I began to tear up as I hear water being poured in a cup.

"It's fine. Here your pills and water. I'll call John." She said handing me the glass of water and two pills. I tried to raise my hand to take the pills but my muscles gave out as I heard my sister calling our older brother, "You have to come home. He's getting worse." My vision became dark and I heard Emily scream, "F/N!!!"

I woke up in the woods, the clean air filling my lungs, "Why..." I mumbled as my hand covered my eyes, "Why did I have to dream of that day?" I sat up and glanced at my sword. I put my gauntlets on. The blood was still moist and cold, I really need to wash these. The fire was out so I didn't need to worry about it. I put my helmet on, grabbed my weapon, and continued my journey.

I saw smoke in the sky, a lot of smoke, "Damn it, Don't tell me." I mumbled as I began to run towards the smoke. I exit the forest and stood on a hill looking at a village that was burning to the ground. I heard no scream or cries for help, "Maybe..." I mumbled as I quickly ran to the village. When I reached the burning entrance I still heard nothing, not even the cries of a child.

"Hello!?" I called out, only the to have crackling flames respond. I saw charred corpses litter the ground. Some buildings were completely in ruins but others were left standing, "Anyone still alive?!" I called out again, no response.

I noticed a building barely standing as it burned. I kicked the door down was met with a depressing sight. A feminine charred corpse holding a smaller object in her arms. I noticed small hands grasping at her shoulder. I exhaled deeply as I glanced away, my eyes shutting for a moment. I exited the building and returned to the ashen air. As the scent of the unclean air continued to enter my lungs I began to remember my world. I attempted to clench my chest but the metal was all I grasped. The polluted air began to trigger some flashes of my memories. The times I collapsed, my siblings worrying about my health, my life being cut short... Though before I could lose myself I heard a roar in the distance.

"Still here?" I mumbled as I drew my sword, "I hope you're hungry. Time to eat."

More blood covered my armor, there were three this time. I hoped to find another village to properly perform maintenance, but that was ruined by them. This may not be the game anymore, but it still has the same problem. These dragons are no different that Player killers. I was powerless like the humans once, struggling to get anywhere in the game. They want to oppress people, I'll show them what real oppression is.

"I'll show you a real dragon." I said as I continued North.

They are sending more and stronger dragons. Seems the emperor isn't taking me lightly. My body is drenched in dragon blood and singed in numerous places. I haven't fought other creatures, probably the scent of burned dragon blood scares them away. Even trolls ran from me when they saw me. Travelling for a week and all I had to eat was dragon meat. My sword started to leave a nice chunk of meat for me to eat. She refuses to eat it even when I told her it was fine to eat everything. Seems she understands it's virtually impossible for me to hunt as animals avoid me like the plague. Honestly it doesn't taste half bad, a bit tough but pretty filling.

I had reached another village and the people stared at me. A guard approached me and began to question my appearance, "Sir are you alright?" He asked. Seems he's wary, unsure if the blood is my own or someone else's.

"It's dragon blood." I said to him.

"Dragon?" He questioned as he glanced my armor, "You... You need to leave..."

"I just need to-" I began.

"P-please... Just leave." He shook. His arm tightly grasping the hilt of his blade, shaking.

"Yeah... Okay." I sighed and turned to leave. I don't blame them, humans in this lifestyle are superstitious. Dragons are their overlords and someone who fought them could bring catastrophe to them. It's not their fault they are scared, and my identity cannot be confirmed due to the distance between villages.

30 dragons. That's my body count, 30 have fallen to my sword. They don't even talk to me anymore, they just start attacking. 34. I miss them. 35. My friends. 39. My siblings. 45. The feeling of having someone that I can trust, speak to, care for. 50. A companion. Not even the creatures want to get near me. 57. I was turned away by countless villages, nobody wanted to associate with an enemy of the dragons. 65.

My sword is nice but she can't speak. She has no face, no voice, no body. Even hunting dragons became a chore, couldn't even get any information. Just fight, kill, devour. It became second nature, wings flapping then I kill. Though what surprised me was when one dragon landed in front of me. They gave up talking, but this one stared at me.

"P-please... I just want to talk." He said.

"You aren't here to fight?" I asked my sword still aimed at him.

"I... I don't want to... But the emperor ordered me to." He replied. He shook where he stood his head bowed, aimed at the ground.

"Don't want to fulfill his orders?" I asked.

"My friends... Are gone. Ordered to hunt you... Never to return." He mumbled, "I told them not to, but..."

"I didn't want to be a dragon hunter. They attacked me, had they left me alone I wouldn't have hurt them." I said relaxing for a moment.

"It's all his fault. He sent them all to their deaths! If only I tried harder... Like now." He mumbled.

"What is it you want to do?" I asked.

"Show the emperor that he isn't as untouchable as he thinks." He said his eyes filled with rage.

"And what will you do for me in return?" I asked.

"Anything." He replied, "All our knowledge, our secrets... everything."

"If a war between dragons were to arise..." I began.

"I know others who fear you. They dread being sent to hunt you." He said.

"If your friends were to join the emperor?" I asked.

"They all died by his orders! They are all gone because of his hubris!!" He shouted. His pain reaching towards me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Azure. My name is Azure." He said.

"My name is F/N and I will teach your emperor empathy." I said to him as for the first time I felt my weapon's emotion. She was excited.

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