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I wanted to see Nazarick one last time before my body finally failed me. I walked around as I saw Momonga, sitting on a chair in the round table, surprised to see me online.

"F/N?" He gasped. I gave them my first name to address me, these guys were like a second family to me. They deserve to know my real name.

"Hey..." I responded weakly, my hand raising up to wave at him. Even in the game talking was hard.

"I thought you were bed ridden?" He stood up and looked at me.

"I just wanted to see the old place one last time." He knew what I meant and fell silent for a moment.

"I...I see. Come on I know just what to do." The 41 players of Nazarick are the only ones I ever told about my  World Class, making me and Touch Me the only two players in the guild with a world class. Momonga and I made our way to the throne room and it seems some other members arrived. They had every NPC show up as well.

"Hey guys." I mumbled.

"You should be resting." Peroronchīno said.

"Nah I wanted to at least say goodbye. Right Mister Boney Pants Guy?" I turned to Momonga with a weak chuckle sounding extremely pathetic than uplifting.

"Heh, even now you still sneak that in don't you?" He somberly replied.

"You will never escape that name, trust me." I replied as is staggered for a moment.

"Why don't you sit on the throne for a bit." Touch Me said. I look at the Throne of Kings and back at everyone.

"You sure?"

"Why not make it a memorable goodbye?" Bukubukuchagama said.

"Alright." I slowly walked to the throne, my body fell onto the Throne as I saw the seventeen members who were on at the time, "So this is how it feels? Heh I definitely couldn't do this like you have Momonga." I closed my eyes as I felt my strength slowly fading.

"Why don't you hold this?" He held the guild staff towards me.

"But it was made for you. You haven't even used it yourself." He pushed the staff closer to me.

"Just hold it." I grab the weapon and looked at my friends and companions. Why did it have to end like this?

"It's been a hell of a ride, guys." I said as I looked at our Banners and gazed upon mine. The dragon symbol reminded me of another thing I wanted to do, "Hey Momonga..." I held my free hand towards him and a dragon egg appeared, "I made this for my NPC specifically. This World Class is really amazing, this dragon is preset with desired skills and abilities to compliment my NPC. Take good care of it, unless you plan to delete her."

"Never, I would never disrespect your hard work." I smiled at him.

"You truly where... my closest friend." I began to cough as I felt my breathing shorten, "My doc is going to pull me out once I flat line so allow me to be selfish for once."

"Course man." Touch Me responded.

"Kneel!" The NPCs kneeled and to my surprise so did my friends, "Hehe I always wanted to do that. Thanks for humoring me guys."

"Like Bukubukuchagama said we wanted to make it memorable." I smiled at Momonga's response. I looked at the ceiling and think about the great memories of this place: They mistook me for being human but once I proved I wasn't human they allowed me in the guild back when it was Nine's Ooal Gown, according to the devs I was the first to acquire this World Class, and together we conquered this tomb. It saddens me that it ends here. I look at my NPC, the one I was able to fully customize without expending any of the guild's NPC data storage. This class had its own NPC data storage, a storage of 100. The devs said it's due to the fact that I was the first to get it, man I really had a great back story for her and I still didn't master this class. I close my eyes and felt my self drift off to sleep.

"Huh? Am I actually asleep?" I thought to myself as I woke up outside. The sun was setting and the breeze was flowing through. Leaves shifting with the wind and grass as far as the eye can see, "Huh? Why am I outside?" I stood up but felt rather heavy, "Am I wearing armor? Wait is this my character's armor?" I looked around and found a source of water. I made my way to it and glanced down at my reflection on the small pond.

"This is my character's armor, but why am I wearing it?" I removed my helmet and saw my reflection being my face with crimson eyes and White hair, "Okay what is going on here?" I looked around and decided to call the GM but my menu didn't appear, "Okay... Can't log out or call the GM. I can always look around I guess." I chose a random direction and began to walk hoping to find a village or something.


I have been walking for about three hours and no sign of civilization yet, "Man at least I know this isn't a figment of my dying mind, I'm hungry." I look to the left and see a horse in the distance, "Oh? Maybe there are people here." I walked towards the horse and saw a saddle on it. Before I could begin to search for the owner a man's voice rings behind me.

"Hello sir." I look at him through my helmet.

"Hi. Do you by any chance know where to find a nearby village?" I asked him. This definitely isn't the game as he looked to real to be a video game.

"You're in luck there is one nearby. I'll take you there since I just hunted a good amount of creatures for now." He held up four rabbits and five ducks.

"Thank you." I said as I followed him to this nearby village. As we walked I noticed I had my inventory as well when I was in Yggdrasil. We had a bit of small talk, and I was able to ask him about the world. Apparently humans are in the minority and Dragons rule this world. The Dragon Lords, as they are known, are the strongest beings in this world. What an interesting turn of events, in Yggdrasil human players were common and bullied demi-human players, "Ironic." I said to myself as I made it to a small village the hunter was leading me.

"Here we are, it's small but it is home." I looked at him and back at the village. I need information to know where I am. I bid the man farewell and made my way to what seems to be an Inn for information. I walked in and everyone turned to look at me, it was rather uncomfortable to have all gaze at me. I made my way to the bartender who was a female... elf?

"Good evening sir." She smiled at me.

"Hi, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" She sighed at me.

"Sorry sir but I am already married."

"What?! No I wanted to ask you about this place, I'm not from around here. I could use some help in learning about this area." She bowed her head at me.

"Oh I'm dreadfully sorry sir, many men throw themselves at me and I just assumed without thinking." I waved my hand at her. Must be really bad if she assumed I was going to try and hit on her. I will admit she is strikingly beautiful, but I have more important things to do than try to hit on a girl.

"No worries I'm sure it must have been rough for you." She gave me a drink as an apology and allowed me to ask anything. My talk with the Elf woman has taught me a lot more. Apparently humans are on the brink of extinction and are usually slaves around here. The demi-humans and heteromorphic races tend to do as they please with villages, especially when Villages and settlements are to far apart to aid each other effectively. I felt pity for them since I have seen it happen to some of my friends in the guild before we became top players. Now one question remains, what do I do in this new world? Help the humans? Try to side with Dragons? Or do I just avoid everything? I thought to myself as I heard something in the distance, something flying.

"Care for another drink sir?" She asked me but I declined.

"I seem to remember I need to handle something." I exited the Inn and looked at the sky. It appears someone else heard the creature and began to scream in the village.

"DRAGON!!!" I guess I am making my choice now. I stood outside as people began to run into buildings in hopes of avoiding the creature.

"Is it really a smart idea for me to fight a dragon on my own?" I asked myself as I heard it getting closer. As I was finally able to see the dragon my worries dissipated. My world class taking effect immediately.  "Level 33 and takes more damage from holy magic... Do I want to fight a dragon though?" It hovers above me as some people got curious as to what I am doing. The dragon lowers himself and glares at me.

"Human. What are you doing here? Are you going to challenge a dragon?" He growled at me.

"Don't know I'm still deciding myself." He didn't seem to like my answer as his eyes turned into a scowl.

"You impotent human, you dare treat me like you are above me!!" Boy he seemed angry. I remember how my guild used to question me whenever I act this way around dragons, but there is a perfect reason for it, "I will burn you and this entire village to the ground." I can feel everyone's fear and anger towards me.

"Sorry but they have been nice to me... Sorta, so I'm gonna have to prevent that." I said raising my hand towards the black scaled Dragon.

"Know your place human!"

"I'm not a human. Dragon's Will." In that moment the black dragon fell to the ground and was pinned, "Wyrm's Leech." Dragon's Will drains the fighting spirit of any reptilian race and bow before me, it's strength depends on the difference between our levels. Wyrm's Leech drains their strength and adds it to myself including their skills. I was originally a warrior but after acquiring this World Class I became more of a battle mage.

"Man you have some weak skills, but I don't recognize this type of magic. I thank you though, you were a useful test." The dragon couldn't respond but his eyes were filled with fear.

"Who are you?" He mumbled.

That question made me contemplate this entire evening. Am I the only one here? Will others arrive? What do I want to do?

"I am F/N L/N, The Primordial Dragon.  The Apex of all Dragons. Tell me dragon why should I spare you?" Shit I started to role play without meaning to. His eyes narrow.

"Just cause you defeated me easily does not make you the Apex of Dragons. The Dragon Lords are above everyone including you. False Dragon Lord."

I need to be careful, I may be stronger than him but he doesn't represent other dragons and races. I need to think carefully, I was blessed with another life I shouldn't waste it, "You're right and I have no interest in usurping the current rule. I'll let you leave, but don't come back I don't wish to fight right now." I cancelled the spell and he finally stood up.

"I knew you were weak." He tries to pierce me with his claws but I grab it with my hand and held him there. I noticed his level dropped to 20. Seems some of my spells have changed a bit.

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. Seems you will learn your place when compared to me." I pulled out my sword and severed his hand. I have a natural 100% damage increase to reptiles so I didn't need any buffs for him, "Leave before I lose my patience." The dragon glances at me, terrified, and begins to fly away bleeding from his wound. I look at the severed hand and think to myself, "At least I have some food." Though what I found rather peculiar was my sword. Though before I could look into it I head people rushing out of their homes.

The village praised me for saving them from the dragon. To be honest I actually forgot we were in a village let alone spectators. Though some didn't seem all to happy.

"Why did you let it go?!" Some man said to me, "He will surely return with more forces."

"I don't see how that is my problem." I said to him, "Maybe you should learn to defend yourself and protect the village. I happened to be here but what if I wasn't? Will you all just stay in your homes and accept your fates?" Wait... Why did I say it like that?

He got angry at me, "You caused this!"

"No he was coming here anyways. Me being here saved you all tonight, if you truly believe he is coming back you have a few options: Leave, defend the village, or just die." I shrugged. Why am I being such an asshole? Wait... My morality was negative. I kept it close to neutral as possible, but I reached -50 morality before I died.

"You aren't going to help us?" A woman looked at me terrified.

"Personally I would, but sadly I'm too new around here. If you all are willing to pay me I will stay for a bit and ensure no trouble comes to you. I can't guarantee anything though." Some sighed in relief while others who had the same mentality as the man were irritated. Now I remember why I hated humans in the game, most were usually ungrateful as shit. Though it seems not all of them are bad, but my actions need to be reevaluated.

The village was able to get a good amount of money together and pay me for their protection. I said I was willing to stay for a month and I will leave the village. They asked if they payed me more would I be willing to stay longer.

"I would but I don't like the idea of me taking your hard earned money just to stay in a village and nothing happens to warrant continuous practices." Those who thought highly of me looked as though they saw some divine being in me, made me feel rather uncomfortable. Those who didn't like me actually liked this about me as well, albeit in their own unique condescending way.

I sat in the room I bought at the inn I visited. It was small and only had a bed and desk. I was taking the time to look through my inventory. Being someone who enjoyed lore and story in games I collected a lot of items that held any semblance of a narrative to study. I even had spell books that were either useless for my build, or impossible for me to use. I opened one book and to my surprise I was able to read the runes etched into the pages and their lore description was written here in a way to guide people to use the spell, "Oh hey this is useful." I mumbled as I found one of my many notebooks I made to keep track of the lore. Items Vol. 1 was written on the crimson cover. I made sure to sort my many written books so I can easily identify them. Red books were item lore, white was for the history of the game, green was for races, blue for locations, yellow for spells, and black for classes. I remember the largest collection I have is Items spanning a full 30 volumes, "God talk about no life..." I winced at how this game took nearly my entire free time in life. Some of the guild were worried I was a hoarder, and at first glance it does look like that. Though my inventory is well organized so I can easily get any item I wanted to study.

I grabbed one of my custom black books and began to look through for a specific entry, "Primordial Dragon..." I began to reread the entry. Yes I knew my class pretty well but world classes are unique and has many secrets within them. Even with the time I spent learning about it I still probably missed a lot about what my class is capable of. I glanced up at the window and began to pinch the bridge of my nose, "I need to be careful and not be consumed by an old habit..." I put the book back in my inventory and stood up stretching my arms and legs, "I need to get some fresh air."

I greeted the elf girl and her husband, who were willing to let me stay for free but I refused and payed them still for the entire month, "Still do I want to be some mercenary for hire? Man what do I want to do? Humans are suffering but what about demi-humans and heteromorphs? Well dragons seem to be doing fine. Man I wish the guild was here maybe they would help me decide." I remember now why I wouldn't be a good leader. I may be able to lead a small group, but a guild? I seriously didn't envy Momonga.

I patrolled around the village as the sun began to set, the orange hue of the sky altering the environment. Though the people seem to dread the warm color as it signified the night drawing close. Some of the children were playing with each other outside but their parents began to call them home. Fearful of their safety and ensuring they could get their children under their protection as quickly as possible.

I noticed a small boy glancing over at me holding a small wooden toy in his hand, it was rather familiar. He grasped it tightly and ran towards his mother who smiled at me. I waved at them as they walked home.

"My son really likes you." A familiar voice spoke. The first person I met after waking up. He had a sword strapped to his hip as he stood beside me.

"Does he?" I asked.

"Indeed. After you slew the dragon my wife had to spend an hour listening to him saying how cool you were. Bless her patience." He chuckled.

"Children can be a handful." I said remembering my younger sister and myself being quite annoying in our youth.

"I wouldn't trade it for anything though." He replied, "This village has to deal with a lot. Even if we were to migrate we would only move to another dragon overlord."

"Not counting the impossibility of moving an entire village to a new location." I replied.

"Dragons aren't the only problem, but we can deal with the rest... Dragons are the one thing we cannot stand against." His words opened some old wounds. It's like when I was a low level player dealing with PKers. I actually grew some sympathy for these people as this very situation brought the creation of Nine's Own Goal which lead to Ainz Ooal Gown.

"You're all paying me to protect you and I will fulfill the job and no dragon will harm a single person here." I said.

"Thank you. I should finish my patril and head home. My wife won't go to bed until I return home safe." He said as he began to walk away.

"Good night..." I replied waving to him as he returned the wave with his own. I stayed out for about an hour before returning to the Inn. I met one of guards and told him where I am staying, and notified that they free to wake me if something happens at night that they couldn't handle.

I removed my helmet and placed it on the desk as I unequipped my armor. My body was pretty well built, which makes sense as my stats were distributed slightly towards strength and endurance to support swordsmanship.

I grabbed my sword and unsheathed it. I felt a deep connection to it and a warm sensation filled my mind as I ran my fingers across the blade, "Curious..." I mumbled as I sheathed it. I placed it down beside me on the bed, it felt right to have her near me. Wait why am I addressing it as her? Why does it feel natural? I decided to ignore these questions for now as I laid down on the bed. I finally fell asleep and leave these questions for tomorrow.

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