12. Celestiana

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The following quietude stretched on. Elliot wasn't going to forgive her anytime soon. Her heart sank.

"There's no need to apologise," Nikolus spoke, shattering the dreadful silence.

She turned to him and her hazel eyes that had transformed to bright blue, almost grey, locked with his glowing emerald ones.

"I was with your parents when Pyriom called," Nikolus continued.

Prior ache forgotten, Celest's entire focus glued to him. She wanted to ask about their well-being, or if Lyonaurd had harmed them. And whether her family was mad at her. Instead, she bit her tongue as her heart pounded in her chest and waited for him to continue.

"They are safe," he began, and relief swept over her senses. "But, turns out no region under Liberal kingdom is Primous friendly."

Celest tilted her head to one side and stared at him with confusion. Just as she parted her lips to question, Nikolus went on, "Let's keep it that way. I'm certain your mother can explain this matter much better than me."

Her eyebrows knit together. How will my mum do that? We are heading towards the royal palace.

"So now all of a sudden, Liberal lands are unsafe for her?" Elliot spat. "How convenient," he muttered.

"Elliot, please," Celest softly pleaded. She was tired of fighting and arguing.

"I'm constantly telling you they are a bunch of liars, but you never listen to me. All immortals are deceiving, self-absorbed, and cold-blooded." The venom dripping from his remark was ample to kill a dragon in a heartbeat. The knife-like words startled her. They were razor-sharp and cut through her heart, and the poison lacing it prevented the wound from ever healing.

Tears prickled her eyes. The growing lump in her throat made it harder for her to breathe evenly, regardless of her efforts. Celest knew none of them would stay hidden from the High lord.

She felt weak and childish for tearing up because Elliot's words were true. She chose her family and Nikolus over him, while he had risked his life and family for her. Yet, it hurt to hear the person who only expressed his undying love to her for years, regard her nature with such hatred.

"Must I remind you why you're still alive?" Nikolus boomed.

Celest's head snapped to him. His out lash was the last thing she expected to happen. "Please Nik." Her voice scarcely above a whisper, only meant for the Lord's ears.

He held her gaze with an unreadable expression before returning his attention to the vacant highway ahead.

The little magic Nikolus had used before they moved had eased her pain, but it had not wiped out the exhaustion. Celest shut her eyes and leaned her head back into the leather seat.

The image of a past from not long ago flooded her mind and played before her closed eyelids. The Elliot she adored, vibrant and kind, prominent in those memories.

Even though Elliot was sitting right behind her, she was unable to spot any similarities between him and the boy from her memories. As if the man she loved had gone far away, lost in those dreadful royal dungeons. The spirit seeped out of him in three months by the hands of her captive; her betrothed.

The thought tormented her, shattered her heart. Celest never knew a heart could break so many times and yet suffer every ache with precision and depth.

She wondered if she'll ever be immune to these mundane sufferings, before slipping into a slumber.

The car halted, awaking her. She blinked to clear away the fog in her head and took in her surroundings.

The familiar houses, the gigantic mansion across from them, the flowers she had grown up admiring, the street Arthur and she strolled down more than she could count.

Delight jolted her to alertness as it dawned on her. With wide eyes, she twisted to the Lord by her side.

He didn't drive them to the palace. They were in front of her parents' house.

Her home.

A grin curled her lips, her hazel eyes shifted to sea-foam green.

After three months, she was visiting her family, it was the longest she had ever gone without them. All Celest wanted to do was to throw open the door and race to her household, into her family's warm embrace.

Instead, she remained rooted in the car and gazed curiously at Nikolus, aware he could sense her stare but he refused to face her.

After a long moment, he shrugged. "I don't think two or three more hours would kill our prince. I thought you might want to meet them before going back," his tone was passive. No trace of emotions to be deciphered, but as she observed him, she began noting his behaviour. His eyes darted from the sidewalk's curb to the flowers and bushes planted in the front garden of her house. His fingers occasionally drummed on the bottom of the steering wheel.

A corner of Celest's mouth lifted. He's nervous, but why?

She didn't bother to ask, Celest opened the vehicle's door and climbed out. By the time she rounded the silver sports car, the lord and Elliot were out too.

Celest stopped next to Nikolus. His attire was flawless as always, as though he had walked out of the dressing room in this instance. The dark blue of his suit stood in stark contrast to his porcelain skin, the wine-red cravat complimenting the contradictory colours.

She gazed up to his face. His eyebrows were slightly drawn, his bow-shaped mouth a straight line.

She was lucky; she didn't even know how she managed to have a friend like him, but she was beyond grateful for his part in her life.

"Yes, Celest?" He turned to her.

She threw her hands around him, oblivious of Elliot standing on his other side. She tightened her embrace on Nikolus and he hesitated -as usual- before returning the gesture.

The memory of hugging him for the first time flooded her mind. How it had thrown him off guard for the longest second, leaving him clueless about how to react. Or how the blush and awkwardness wouldn't dissipate from him.

"Thank you, Nik. Thank you for everything," she mumbled. Never in her life had she spoken with such sincerity. She could sense the utmost gratitude warming every cell in her body.

With a final gentle squeeze, she let go of the hug and stepped aside.

Elliot was glowering, his mouth was a thin line, all showcasing his disapproval. His nostrils flared as he parted his lips, but at the last moment decided against whatever he had settled on saying and looked away.

She drew in a sharp breath and focused on Nikolus. "What will happen to Elliot?" she questioned with worry. Fear scraped through her veins.

She should have asked this question the minute she changed her mind. But the exhaustion had lessened her dare to deal with what was sure to occur. Dread racked her insides as she waited for Nikolus' response.

"You still care what happens to him?" he bitterly shot back.

She gaped at him before glaring. Confusion blurred her irritation for a split second. Why'd he think I wouldn't?

He rolled his eyes and shoved both his hands into his pockets. "Fine, I won't let Lyonaurd kill him, but nothing more," he stated. A beat of silence passed between them before Nikolus added, "I won't be coming inside, there are matters I need to handle. I'll be here in three hours to pick you up."

Celest narrowed her eyes. Annoyance prickled her as she glared at him. 'There are matters I need to handle' the lie was so obvious in that single sentence it rubbed on her skin like sandpaper.

Even if she wasn't able to tell when someone uttered an untruthful word, she still would have distinguished Nikolus was only making excuses to not meet her family.

"Don't lie to my face," she grumbled and crossed her hands in front of her chest. "You don't have any matter to handle. You're just trying to avoid my parents." She huffed.

"Don't be absurd. Why would I do that?" he feigned shock.

"How should I know? That's what you always do." She pointed her index finger at him.

She was unaware of so many things, while everyone around her was cognisant of, and each reminder was fuel to the flare of her vexation.

Now that she has decided to stay in Night's Blood kingdom, it was about time to unravel everything that has been kept hidden from her.

Lord Nikolus sighed and turned to her to defend himself, but a distant voice made him halt. His and Celest's attention snapped to the source.

Her eyes widened and her heart sped in her chest as she took in her mother's running form, descending the stairs of the mansion.

Former argument forgotten, she dashed to her mum, meeting Althya in the middle. They embraced each other and Celest welcomed the warm familiarity. The flowery scent of her mother soothed her.

She was a little kid once more. All the troubles and worries dissipated. Her mother's slender yet strong arms were reassuring, offering the safety and protection she always felt in her presence.

"My sweet Celest," Althya murmured as she ran her hand through Celest's hair.

As they parted, Celest spotted her father, and soon he engulfed her.

"I missed you kid," he whispered, and she pressed her cheek to his chest, squeezing her eyes shut.

Celest hadn't realised how deeply she longed for her parents until now. Their presence regenerated her lost strength. A fresh surge of determination flowed in her veins, warming her insides. Hope bloomed in her.

Once again, she was reassured she has chosen the right path.

She was Primous Celestiana Aine Anderson. Daughter of the most fearsome witch and warlock alive. Granddaughter of the first Primous, Lady Klyo and great-granddaughter of goddess Vitaria.

A vampire prince could not be her doom. Celest would not allow that.

She will survive Lyonaurd, his schemes, and the royal court.

Thank you for reading this chapter!

So, I have a question, what do you think about the length of this book's chapters? Should it be longer or if it's fine? (In my initial draft, the chapters are longer, and when I post them here I divide them, so should I keep on dividing? Or not?)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, next chapter will be up on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Stay safe, lots of love, happy reading! <33

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