4. Celestiana

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((AN: Things get slightly 'heated' as the chapter goes on, I don't know if that actually needs a warning or not so yeah, be aware =)) ))

The human base city

Celestiana, now curvier and shorter due to shape shifting, pushed a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear. She intertwined her fingers with the once handsome human boy, turned into an average peasant, with sunburnt skin, greasy hair and thin body frame, showing the lack of fine quality food.

It was indeed a small city. In fact, more village than a city.

The roads weren't paved. Her shoes were dusty, the hem of her jeans had changed from navy blue to an ugly shade of yellow. The stench of dust, sweat, and exhaust rubbed the back of Celest's throat similar to sandpaper. But she was holding Elliot's hand, and none of these mattered. On each wall, a poster of Elliot in his natural form hung, with a thousand dollar price for anyone who informed the guards of the location they had seen him. Or knew where they resided. On every main street, a royal guard had been stationed, watching everyone like hawks. Celest ignored them, in hopes of not becoming suspicious. After all, they were vampires with supernatural hearing abilities.

They slowly made their way to the brick house Lord Nikolus had arranged for them.

Elliot opened the door, and they walked into the cramped room. Celestiana's eyes wandered around the area, taking in the queen-sized bed on the room's side with a compact kitchenette across from it. The only source of light, a narrow window.

"He could've given us a better place. This is a dumpster," Elliot complained as he plopped down on the bed, causing it to whine under his weight.

"You shouldn't talk to him like that and nor behind his back. He's the only reason we're here together. And only that should matter, not the size of where we'll be staying for lesser than twenty-four hours," Celest reasoned and treaded to him. She stood between his parted legs and placed her hands on his shoulders.

His hatred irritated her, but she wanted to see things from his perspective and be as understanding as possible. Elliot had been through a lot because of her, this was the least she could do. But it was exhausting and she hadn't found a way to induce him to quit voicing out his distaste regarding Nikolus and the other vampires. 

He craned his neck and met her eyes. "I don't trust him," he repeated himself for the thousandth time. He settled his palms on her waist, pulling her closer to himself.

Her fingers drifted to the tips of his hair and played with it. "I trust him. Shouldn't that be enough? And please enjoy this moment and stop arguing about him." She spoke softly hoping to persuade him to give up his hatred.

He heaved a sigh. She sat on his lap and rested her forehead on his. "Let it just be about us," she whispered.

He didn't answer, but slipped his hand under her shirt. Her breath hitched as his fingertips left a trail of goosebumps on her skin. The butterflies in her stomach going wild. He brushed his knuckles on her ribs and pressed their bodies together with his other arm.

"I love you," he breathed out.

It had become harder to say those three simple words to Elliot. She blamed it on the guilt of having him suffer at the hands of the Crown Prince because of her. And not seeing him for almost three and a half months. Instead, her lips found his. Her surroundings melted as she once again entered the wonderland of content kissing him provided for her. Their lips moved in sync. He explored her bare back, igniting the familiar fire inside of her, warming her. Her fingers locked in his silky hair as she lost control over her magic and they returned to their natural forms.

He nibbled her bottom lip, earning a moan from her. Their innocent kiss turned more heated with each passing second. Celest's mind travelled to the time they made out for the first time. The exciting thrill, the rush of emotions, each beat craving more than the previous. She dug deep within herself to unearth that sensation. It was nowhere to be found. One of his hands found her breast, while the other secured her on his lap. He massaged her over the fabric of her bra. She moaned in his mouth and tugged on his hair, squeezed her eyes shut, and ignored the discomfort. He groaned and attacked the tender skin of her neck. He sucked on her sweet spot, making her whimper his name.

She clutched the collar of his shirt, none of it was right. She wasn't into it, no matter how hard she tried, it was as though she was faking it. Frustration disoriented Celest, what was wrong with her! He kept on sucking and kissing her.

"We need to-" she started but got cut short when he teasingly bit her above her collarbone, causing her to emit a throaty moan. He smirked against her skin.

They both needed the pleasure and the release. In fact, after being intimate, she was certain everything would go back to normal. Though she knew doing anything now was a gamble with their success of fleeing. She has waited long to make her first special. With the incidents that had happened, she decided to celebrate their freedom after leaving the Night's Blood kingdom. With giving her body to Elliot on the first night of their hard-earned emancipation from the cruel prince. She will be his and he will be hers. The promise of that paradise they'll build with each other too precious to risk.

With a sharp inhale, she stated, "We have to stay alert,"

He hummed against her skin, but didn't stop the featherlight kisses.

"We'll have all the time in the world. And much more," Celestiana added with a coy smile.

And finally, he gave in. Elliot sighed and nodded, parting from her. He rested his hands on both sides of her hips.

"If that vampire hasn't set a trap for us," he muttered.

Their little bubble of felicity burst at that.

Celest leaned away, annoyance prickling her senses as she pressed her mouth into a thin line. With disbelief, she stared at him. "I said I trust him. That should be enough for you," she snapped and rose to her feet.

"Why should it be?" he seethed. Holding her glare, he stood. "He could have manipulated you, without you realising it. How can you be so naïve and count on a vampire? Do not ask me to put faith in those vicious monsters after everything I've gone through. They are cunning, whatever they do is for their own advantage, and it's a shame you still haven't learned their ways after spending three months with them. I cannot and will not trust a man who watched while his master beat me to a pulp, and neither should you. I can't believe it, after all, I've suffered, you expect me to do so,"

She pushed her hand through her burgundy hair, the strands of natural silver and gold catching the sun rays. "Elliot, you don't understand," she began, but he interrupted her.

"What do I not understand? I was in the dungeons for three and a half months, miles beneath your feet. Every day I was beaten and stabbed for loving you, and fed vampire blood after each session so your betrothed can repeat the torturing with the first light of the day. Of course, you wouldn't fathom this, after all, they treated you like a bloody royal, with silks and feather beds-"

"Don't you dare," Celestiana cut him short. Her eyes flashed scarlet. The anger pumping in her veins made her ignore how Elliot flinched away. "I'm not saying you didn't have it hard but don't you dare make it sound as though I was having the time of my life. They locked me in those chambers. Lyonaurd every day threatened me with your and my family's lives. You think it's fun, constantly being subjected to harassment? Sorry you had to go through that, but things weren't easy for me up in the palace either. What you're unable to understand, though, is that the only reason you are alive and standing here is because of Nikolus. The least you can do is to be grateful he is helping us," she finished in a much calmer tone.

Elliot scoffed, "Be grateful? Come on Cel, don't be so stupid. His gain from this is to be on your good side. He is ensuring to have a Primous ally indebted to him. Who will save his arse if ever in need. You do realise you won't remain untrained for long. And he's just securing you as a solid shield for him if there's a war or any other life-threatening situation,"

Celest crossed her arms in front of her chest. "He isn't like that," she stated. "You don't even know him. Yet you're resolved to label him your enemy under any circumstances, instead of appreciating everything he's done for you and us. Nik's my only friend, and I trust him, he differs from other vampires. You know nothing."

He sighed and drove his fingers through his hair. "I'm never going to appreciate that sly bat or any of his cronies," he declared.

Celestiana fisted her hands, her nails dug into her palms as she glared at him. They had come so far, with such hardships. Nikolus wouldn't hurt him, she was certain but other Lords? She couldn't be so confident. The last thing they needed was in the final moment the vampire helping them cross the border, to take offence from Elliot's razor-sharp words and inform Lyonaurd of their location. But her lover wouldn't understand that. Too blinded by his hate and rage.

She gave up on arguing, aware they won't ever reach a conclusion, and trudged to the window. Celest pulled out an elastic hairband from her pocket and tied her hair in a high ponytail before shape-shifting back to the girl she was when they entered the city. She sat on the chair and changed Elliot's appearance too.

She glanced outside; the humans were strolling, busy with their everyday work. She wondered how many of them had to sell their blood in order to pay the taxes, or maybe this was one of the bases used as the fresh blood-bank. At least that was what the vampires called the cities that feeding on human blood directly from the person wasn't illegal.

Yet, after knowing all the horrors of being a human in this world, she wished she wasn't supernatural. She would willingly give up her powers to have a simple, trouble-free life.

Elliot's footsteps shuffling to the kitchenette drew her attention to him. She watched him as he opened the small fridge. To her dismay, it was empty. He closed its door and turned to her.

"I should get us something to eat," he spoke, breaking the silence's fist wrapped around them from their fruitless argument.

She nodded and softly replied, "Be careful,"

A strained smile curled his mouth. She could tell he wasn't expecting her to even look at him let alone answer him.

The three and a half months of being locked in dungeons had taken a toll on him. It has made him bitter. But she was sure he would return to his previous self. Time ought to fix it.

Without another word, Elliot stepped out of the house and shut the door behind himself, leaving Celestiana with her thoughts varying from Lyonaurd, to the Lord and her family.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it =)

So what do you think about this chapter? And about Celest and Elliot? I would love to hear your thoughts =) Also, do you think the scene needed a warning?

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Next update: Sunday (as usual)

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