9. Nikolus

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Nikolus sped to the human base city while his thoughts raced.

It was stupid. Foolish. Impractical. But he did not care. In the following minutes of learning Lilithia's schemes, he had been considering his options.

For any sane person, there was one. Stop Celest from leaving these lands. But for him, it wasn't so easy.

A part of him, deeply buried inside, was elated. A valid reason to keep Celest by his side. But its existence mortified him. So he pushed it aside and hoped these unexplainable emotions would disappear before surfacing and causing trouble.

However, he didn't want her to lose her only chance at living normally. He had lived both lives and perceived how important it was to live before being sucked into this mess of a world they've created for themselves. To her misfortune, she had no role in creating it but ought to take part in it.

Celest hadn't chosen to be a Primous. She deserved to enjoy the first few decades, seize whatever it offered, before getting tied to responsibilities for the rest of her immortal life. Instead of being locked in a chamber, treated as a plaything. A doll to showcase to the kingdom. An object to hold their nation from falling apart.

Life was only taking from her. He wanted to prevent that from continuing.

He urged himself to create plans to tackle this complication in the best way possible.

A route he came up with was negotiating with Lilithia to ensure Celest's safety. Ask Althya and Oberon to retake their positions at the court and grant their household immense security. While handling the King and Lyonaurd. He mulled over the choice and its aspects.

His other alternative was to protect Celest by persuading her to not cross the Night's Blood territory and return her to her parents. By the Law of Seven, command Lyonaurd to leave her and call off the engagement. That was a fine plan too, he mused in his mind. But it had a flaw, pushing Lyonaurd that hard, earned the promise of a horrifying reaction.

He exhaled sharply and cast aside the idea.

Lilithia is on the loose. He pondered as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel. The world passed in a blur.

His thoughts resembled a flock of migrating birds that had lost their path and circulated in his head. At moments such as these, Nikolus missed Valeryker dearly. His chest tightened by the memory. Twenty-two years did not fill the gap his death caused. Valeryker's Psyligolapis was protected and locked out of sight. But the stone was not the person.

Valeryker was the only one who understood him or tried to. He would've helped him under any circumstances.

Nikolus wondered about Valeryker's input on this dire strait. What would he do?

He slowed his car as he entered the city. The roads were empty, none of the mortals could afford vehicles of any sort.

Ironic, they were the ones who needed it the most, yet they couldn't purchase it.

After settling the matters with Lilithia, I must tend to humans. He noted to himself.

He pushed a button on the dashboard. The car neared the ground, its tyres rolled out and touched the earth, transforming it into a more common form.

The sound of the tyres crushing the gravel combined with the mortals' mutterings and whispers from afar.

Nikolus halted the vehicle and shut off the ignition. He could barely see them, but the commotion was a sufficient distraction that none of the vampire guards heard him.

He took his time, leaned back into the driver's seat, and closed his eyes to clear his mind.

He was confused. But above that, he was desolate.

Never in his immortal life span had he been lonely to this extent.

A sigh escaped him.

Twenty-two years ago he lost too much. The people who had raised him, supported him, were his family and friends. Gone in one day. But he still had them. Until two years ago, Lyonaurd snatched them from him too.

He had been alone. Utterly and excruciatingly forlorn. For two years.

He dived headfirst into court's matters while pursuing the thirteenth Primous, Celestiana Aine Anderson.

Everything changed after the night of the ball. Lyonaurd indirectly gave him the first thread to reach her. His obsessive search concluded after two years.

He was aware of the consequences of his action, but it didn't stop him. Desperation got the best of him. He dragged her into this mess because of his selfish whim.

Nikolus was the primary reason for her suffering in the past months.

Guilt and pain ate him away. Drawing air to his system was getting harder. He pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes.

Somewhere along the course of days stretching to weeks and months, he no longer cared his plans had turned to ashes. What he required from her, the sole purpose behind his restless pursuit, were long forgotten. Nor could he stay indifferent to her, or the manner Lyonaurd treated her.

No matter how hard he pushed her away, she stubbornly remained and wormed her way to his mind and soul.

He wasn't alone anymore.

Celest ended his utter misery. She alleviated his agony, slowly but surely. The wound hadn't healed in two years, diminished in months at her presence.

But what did he do? Broke the Anderson mansion's enchantment and revealed her location to Lyonaurd.

Even though the damage he caused was enormous, a small voice deep within Nikolus, urged him to hold on to her. The same voice suggested that he act upon his impulses and steer her to forget that mortal boy and make her his. He knew how to do it. To have Celest all to himself, with her consent.

But it was wrong. Nikolus didn't want to win her over with schemes. If Celest was ever going to be with him, it ought to be her choice. Not with manipulation, driving her to decisions that led to him.

Celest loved a mortal. Nikolus made his peace with that long ago.

He inhaled sharply to normalise his heavy breathing as he blankly stared ahead. The insides of his car were pressing in on him, suffocating him.

Nikolus was the black hole in her life, sucking away the light.

Celest was the light in the pitch darkness of his life.

He despised himself for ruining so many lives, including hers. Whoever he neared, the person was invariably wrecked. Regardless of being intentional or unintentional.

Death and destruction were his titles. And he had lived up to them. His stomach churned with loathing.

His eyes followed the lines on his palms. "You have been born with this gift. You cannot escape your fate. It's what you've been destined to be." Klyo's voice echoed in his head. He was fifteen when she said that to him. Grasped his hand to soothe him. Her silver hair glinted under sunlight. The strands of vibrant violet shone as she tried to convince him it wasn't his fault his human friend had dropped dead in front of him mid through an argument.

With multiple blinks, he pulled himself together and shoved Klyo's face and her words to the farthest corner of his mind.

Nikolus was resolved, he had to let Celest go. He couldn't bear to see her cry again when he had it in his power to give her a life of ease and comfort. Celest deserved to be happy, and Nikolus had to make it possible.

Sure, he would be alone once more, but that's alright. It ought to be.

He owed it to her.

A distant shout stood out. It belonged to Melckom yelling, "You imbeciles! What are you waiting for! Shoot them!"

Nikolus' eyes widened and he straightened himself. He had squandered a considerable time.

Not wasting another second, he flung the door open. Without locking the vehicle, he dashed to them, all the while hoping Celest would be fine.

It took him lesser than ten seconds to reach them at vampire speed.

He halted with surprise. Effulgent fire surrounded the guards. The tongues of blaze reached their abdomens.

Pyriom in between appeared he was about to burst into a flame himself too. His dark blue eyes ablaze, specks of crimson visible in them. Nikolus held back his smile. He has landed himself a decade of whining. Pyriom hardly ever moved past his grudges, and Celest gave him a good reason to hate her even more.

He allowed himself a moment to enjoy the look on Melckom's face before approaching them.

He sensed Celest's magic's traces. Fear froze him.

It was too strong, too much.

He worriedly scanned the area. There was no sign of her, nor could he hear her or detect her scent, only the faint lingering remnants. He let loose of his magic to discern the spells she had cast. Three. He noted. And none of them were simple. She couldn't be in a good state, she wasn't used to using her magic.

He covered his worry with a casual demeanour and stood before Melckom.

"I see you've set yourself along with an army on fire," he smugly spoke as he sized up Melckom. His eyes were red, sharpened fangs gleamed like knives against his lower lip. And then Nikolus noticed the Psyligolapis attached to his jacket.

He stared at it while Melckom continued to glower. It was Juve's Psyligolapis. Nobody was allowed to touch it with the exception of the royals.

Lyonaurd! That bastard.

They broke the shape-shifting magic on the human with that.

He swallowed his ire and waved his hand. His powers flowed out in ease and the next moment the fire vanished, all except the one trapping Melckom.

"Free me!" he demanded.

"Pyriom, fetch them," Nikolus ordered without breaking his gaze away from Melckom.

From the corner of his view, he caught Pyriom bowing before speeding off. Celest needed help. He wished he was going to her aid instead, but he had to handle this dim-witted vampire first.

"I said free me," he screeched, his voice similar to a fork drawn on porcelain repeatedly.

"That's not how you're supposed to speak to your High Lord," Nikolus reminded him with an arched eyebrow.

"Stop playing games!" he yelled. "They'll flee. You are doing this on purpose!"

The scent of terror mixed with anger wafted in the air. Nikolus knew there was no vampire alive who didn't fear burning, Melckom was no exception.

One touch, even less than a second, was enough to finish Melckom. He was an uncalled breeze, driving the flame towards him, apart from his end.

Dark purplish veins appeared beneath Melckom's eyes, standing in stark contrast to his pale skin. The picture of the true monstrous predator he was.

"Do you understand what you just said is high treason, death penalty? This is the second time today you're accusing your High Lord of such folly. Continue with this behaviour and you might lose your head today as well." Nikolus shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he levelled Melckom's glare.

"Please, Lord Nik," he forced out through gritted teeth.

Nikolus nodded, contemplating to free him now or let him enjoy the heat a bit longer, to ensure Celest has long left the land.

It might become suspicious, though. He argued.

He took out a hand and flicked his wrist. The blaze evaporated.

With crimson eyes, Melckom lowered at Nikolus. He stepped to him. Their height difference gave an advantage to Nikolus.

Melckom held his ground and growled, "I don't forget anything, ever. Nor will I let you forget, Nikolus."

Oh well, I'm a little unsure about this chapter, a lot of it was inside Nik's head, so tell me what you think about it!

Tell me what you think about Nik. He blames himself for Celest's situation... so yea I wanna know what you guys think.

Also, I'm dropping lots of clues about who Nik actually is, and I can't wait to see who'll put these clues together first and figures it out ^.^

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it <33

Happy holidays! 

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