The Revival of Prince Hugo/The Return of Queen Athena

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The women and the bear mourned the loss of Hugo. Before anybody knew it, a beautiful girl came by on a horse and saw the prince in the coffin.

"What happened?" the girl asked.

"Prince Hugo of Arendelle ate a poison apple, and now he's gone," Lila sobbed.

The girl was saddened by this. She almost found herself loving Hugo. She loved the prince so much that she leaned over to him and kissed him. Before anybody knew it, Hugo opened his eyes. The spell was broken.

"Oh, thank you," Hugo smiled.

The women were overjoyed by this. "Hurrah!" they whooped.

"Who are you, dear?" Hugo asked.

"Princess Sophina of Albuquerque," Sophina introduced herself.

The bear went up to Sophina and Hugo and showed them the green amulet around her neck. She let out a little growl, and Sophina knew what that meant.

"I think she wants us to remove that thing around her neck," Sophina implied.

Sophina took out a dagger and cut the chain of the amulet. That's when the amulet dissolved to dust. The bear started to glow and turn into a human woman. Suddenly, Hugo recognized this woman completely.

"Mom?" Hugo gasped.

The bear was really Hugo's mother, the long-lost Queen Athena. She was never really dead; she was just under a spell.

"My baby!" Athena cried. She hugged her son very tightly.

"Mom, I thought you were dead," Hugo sighed.

"No, I was on my way home from Aunt Kerry's manor house three years ago, and somebody put that amulet on me, and I turned into a bear," Athena revealed.

Hugo was furious. "Oh, I bet Stepfather did that!" he growled. He explained to his mother what his stepfather had been doing.

Athena was furious with every word her son had said. "Oh, I should've known better than to leave Gaston alone with you!" she fumed. "We're going home, my boy!"

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