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(( Marco's POV ))

current state: super worried, on the edge kind of moody


And I've already told you, I'm really moody right now. Even Papa and Mama have been avoiding me for fear I might start screaming.

I sat on the couch, where Star lay unmoving for the past 2 days, wand in her pocket. I've confirmed that she is still breathing.

Honestly, I've tried everything I could think of. Tickling, blasting a horn, shaking her vigorously, pouring water, you name it.

The way she sleeps, it's like she being held under a magic spell. But she looks so peaceful!

Or maybe she is just getting a beauty nap.

(( Haha, I am so laughing right now. ))

"Star, I don't know what has got into you, but can you please wake up!! You should know that I can't carry on without you, stop toying with me already! Star, I'm about to go crazy, I feel so helpless here right now! Ugh Star please wake up, I need you here with me. Star, Star, Star..."

I held her hand, waving it back and forth.

To be honest. I know that I will go crazy at this rate. Star has got to wake up soon, I've been ranting and talking to her like a fool and she still hasn't replied me. I have said everything I can too, even the corny ones, I'm sure Star won't hear anything anyway.

(( Star's POV ))

I heard everything.

Every single word.


I never knew Marco was such a sweet guy. His words really moved me, I can just feel my heart fluttering as he talks.

Marco is just this one sweet guy, the best friend I can ever get. Did I mention how cute he can get wearing that red hoodie? Oh and that mole is just so adorable.

I can just go on talking about Marco the whole day, I guess it's what people do when they have feelings for someone.

Don't get me wrong, but Marco has quite a really special place in my heart, you can't deny.

Wait wait lets get back to the main topic here.


I can hear everything, see everything, basically it's exactly when I am awake but I can't move! Or talk, or respond!!

I can even think, it seems like I'm in a coma, is this how it's like when you are body paralysed?

Oh this is awful.

I let out a sigh of exasperation. Or I felt my body let out a sigh, because technically my physical self is sound asleep but my mental self is wide awake.

I wonder if I will ever wake up again. And as a side note I still don't know the cause of this, which is worse.

Marco was now talking again.

"Star, you know how much you mean to me right?"

I could feel my hand enclosed in his and although my eyes were closed, I could see that Marco's face was directly opposite mine. Withy hand cupped in his, he rested his head on our hands, closing his eyes.

I stood rooted, unmoving (wait technically I'm not moving) and I could feel my cheeks getting hot. Marco's face was just centimetres from mine, if I can, I want to go closer and kiss him...

I tried to control my head to move forward. Heh. Obviously I failed.

I blinked my eyes tiredly.


I'm blinking? Have I been blinking all along?

I reached out my hand to feel my eyes, but I ending up pulling my hand from Marco's grasp.

Huh, I am awake now?

Marco awoke instantly, his face erupting with joy.

"Star!" He exclaimed before tackling me with a cute bear hug.

I hugged back, still feeling really confused. Did I just wake up? But I didn't feel anything?

But then again, how do you feel that you've woken up?

The hug lasted for a while before Marco pulled back, a grin on his face.

"Star! Do you know how long you slept?" He laughed.

"How long?" I asked curiously as I rose up from the sofa, stretching from the long nap.

"2 days!"

My eyes widened in surprise.

"2 days? WOAH! No wonder thou were so happy to see me!" I teased pushing his shoulder.

He nodded, smiling.

"By the way Star, did you hear what I told you?"

"What did you say?" I asked back, feigning ignorance. If Marco were to know that I know, things would sure get awkward.

"Phew, great."

"So what have I missed?"

He eagerly got up from the floor, sitting beside me.

"Oh nothing much, don't worry,"

Mr and Mrs Diaz emerged from the door.

"Star! You are awake! That's great!!" Mrs Diaz exclaimed.

"Yeah we thought you were dead. We even wanted to call the ambulance and stuff, but Marco kinda yelled at us... Luckily you didn't hear anything,"

I snickered as I saw Marco frown at his parents. I heard what Marco yelled and said all right.

"But anyway, we are so glad you are okay! Let's have dinner!!"

I nodded smiling enthusiastically. I didn't feel that all tired.

Marco stood up and so did I. But from the lack of use of my legs for two days, they gave way as I fell back on the sofa.

On instinct, Marco tried to catch me but I ended up pulling him towards me. We thudded on the sofa and Marco landed atop of me.

His face was centimetres away from mine again, and I could see every single detail, including the blush emerging from his cheeks.

"Um..." He was about to get up when I held his shoulders, making him unable to get up. He looked really awkward now, as he avoided all eye contact.

Okay, this might be awkward, but I was focusing on something else.

"Marco, have you been sleeping?" I whispered, placing my hands on his eyebags.

He looked at me for a second, before looking away.

"How was I supposed to sleep when you were asleep? Like you get my meaning, I was really worried about you."

I felt that familiar feeling as when he talked to me during my sleep.

Uncontrollably, I wrapped my arms around him, enveloping him in a hug. His free hands, lying awkwardly beside me, clasped my neck, with his warm hands.

I grinned foolishly.

"Oh and Marco, I'm sorry for landing you in such an awkward position." I said as I tried to get up.

Marco looked really embarrassed and all as he looked at the ground the whole time, rubbing his neck.

When I tried to get up again, he held onto my outstretched hand.

"Just in case you fall again," he shrugged, as he helped me up.


does anyone know the cause stars sleepy state

do comment them below! :D

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