chapter 22: the time when it was Christmas.(part 2)

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She couldn't breathe. She felt as if something was lodged in her throat. Tears were taking her over and she couldn't stop them, she wouldn't have stopped them. She couldn't stop her smile then when they had met, and she couldn't stop herself from falling in love with him now.

She looked at him and all she did was a small prayer in her heart hoping he gets the best he needs in life even though he has everything, for he provided Mia a home she longed for a home she only dreamt of.
she did a small prayer in her heart thanking Allah that finally she found someone to who she could share her nightmares her inner demons and she finally did a small prayer in her small broken, spent and damaged heart that she would hopefully be able to give everything in her will to keep him happy.

Of all what hit her the most that it was his action to what she had said long time ago. He could have given her the envelope at the hospital in front of everyone, but he didn't.
He could have chosen to become the nicest prince in the eyes of the people, but he didn't.
He could have chosen to become the most generous and thoughtful prince, but he didn't.

Breaking her stupor was Hamdan's voice, "that's the longest someone has stared at me, wow I'm flattered. " He said in a mocking tone with his right palm on his chest. "Take a picture, it will last longer."

"Princess you are so should cut that will get a heart attack with all that cholestrol you are packing, being all cheesy." I retort with mocking tone trying to suppress my laughter.

"You are terrible at cheesy suits me unlike you." He laughed. All his life no one has appreciated his gifts or gesture the way she did...what did she do?! Nothing, absolutely nothing. Her face gave it all.

"Listen...I don't know if there is a bigger better word than thank you but..." Hamdan cut her off and spoke "you don't have to...words could never express your thanks, your face gave it all."
Just with that one sentence Aairah could feel the weightlessness occur in her tummy again.

"Hey do you want to come to Al Noor? I'll be giving the gifts there and also will be spending 30 minutes coz I am then going to alhanan home nursing services." She said waiting for his answer before continuing, "no I think it's best you don't, you would have made plans already. Anyways bye." She turned to unlock the SUV.

"I am from 7pm.", Hamdan responded.

They had arrived at the school and they met up with the staffs and were heading to the classrooms.

They greeted the children and Aairah went onto some children's desk to do some coloring and she asked what they like to do.

"I like your scarf, it's pink my favorite color

"Oh thank what are you painting?" She asks her.

"It's a flower with yellow,pink, purple petals..."

"That's very colorful."

"Is that your boyfriend?" She pointed out at Hamdan.

"No oh no no,...", She says immediately "but I sort of wish." sighing "don't tell anyone. Ok."

"Okay...but he is very handsome, so you should tell him." The girl bobbed eagerly on her seat.

Aairah turned to look at him, he was standing next to a boy and he was pulling his cheeks. She quickly takes out her camera and before she clicks the button Hamdan poses with the boy...typical him...Eveready for photos.

Aairah's p.o.v:

Clicking, I give him a thumbs up...I turn back to look at the does he do it?!..I would never fit in his life, like a jigsaw puzzle that doesn't fit.
Why is he so persistent?..I don't know what he sees in me? Maybe I will never know...I rather not, because​ if he says that...then...things will go downhill for the crush I have for him. Just a crush. Just a silly crush.
Yes that's what it is....right?

We had a blast, apart from a slap I received from a little kid. Hamdan said I didn't approach him well maybe that's why. And when did, boom he didn't let Hamdan go. I was ok with kids, but this guy was amazing with them. Despite me having 1 year experience with ill kids at hospital. He reminded me of dad, how all kinds of kids went to him immediately. You may think I may go aww so cute, my ovaries exploded etc etc. No I was jealous like really jealous, not the kind where I might gouge his eyes out but more of a bunny type jealousy you get the flow right? I never expected it to go this way. It was my first time here. Come on a slap.

So when we arrived at the Alnahan centre. Hamdan was escorted towards the recreational​ facility while I went to the kitchen as I helped moving the large rectangular vessels of food to the rec room where everyone​ would have lunch. me and Hamdan served the food for everyone, as the staff gasped when he insisted on serving lunch to all. As he believed everyone were doing a selfless act and wanted everyone to be free and enjoy. That was really kind of him. My heart warmed at this gesture and I had to scold myself mentally to not keep feeding this feeling. After lunch we played some games like chess, dominoes etc.

Hamdan accompanied Mr. hameed a 82 year old paraplegic to a chess game against me and we had a great time as always I lost on purpose, just  to see him go all I WIN I WIN WHO IS THE WINNER OH ITS HAMEED. And we both notice Hameed uncle's eye diverting  to a particular woman among a group of ladies, he started blushing.

"Come on uncle stop blushing like a teenager and talk to her, she likes you , you know and you can't wait you don't have that much time." I stated.
"I know but what do I  say to her? And for your information child I'm just 82 and still young." He defends himself.

Hamdan says, "I'm telling you this girl right here is right. Dont waste time."

"Ok i promise i will, but not today." He answered.

That's when I receive a call and my mood turns a little grim...My therapist. I excuse myself to leave for few minutes when Hamdan gives me a are-you-ok look. I give him a small smile and a nod and leave the hall.

No one's p.o.v:

"You know you should ask her out. She is a great girl." Hameed pointed to Hamdan suddenly.

"Yes she is...I asked her to marry me but she rejected." Hamdan replies.

"Why would she do that?" He asked

"She doesn't want to marry a Prince." Hamdan states.

"Oh, son she is just a little scared. Assure her that you will never leave her side, make her feel she is the one that matters. You both will be fine."
Hameed assure him.
"She has been coming here since 1 year and she has already become life of this place, especially mine. If I ever had a daughter I would have wanted her." He finally said "take care of her otherwise I'll haunt you after I die." And they both started laughing.

Aairah's p.o.v:

We had a great time enjoying with  everyone and Hamdan mentioned the slap and  every one but me had a good laugh to which I joined.

I was dropping Hamdan at this restaurant to meet his brother and it was on my way home, so that was good.

Hamdan hasn't stopped laughing since we left the school, "you should have seen your face, hilarious all in caps."

I remained quiet, clearly my annoyance was entertaining him.
"Oh Kay Miss shortstuff, I want to see the pictures. Where is your camera? May I? " He asked as he found my bag and camera case attached to it.

"Go get it." My voice still with a hint of annoyance.
As he takes the case. He browses through, I get thirsty and hungry on the we get to a nearby petrol station which had a small Mart.i ask him if he wants anything he offers to go but I insist since the people will be awestruck and that would cause us to get late.

He agreed sitting back and going through the photos I had earlier clicked and grab a lime slush and buy a lime juice for myself. So we are back on the road and few minutes away from the centre, I notice Hamdan enjoying the drink and I just decide to press the break paddle suddenly so it causes the vehicle to jerk suddenly. 
As I do so the straw from the container goes all the way to the back of his throat and he let out a loud guttaral gag... And nearly spilled his drink. This made me laugh  and he gave me a dirty look.

"Sorry but couldn't help it and yeah that's what you get when you make fun of me boo." I say and laugh again eventually he joins me when  I hear a click and see Hamdan taking my picture.

"Stop it." I whine.

"Ok ok miss cranky pants." He says with a mock surrender.

"Whatever. I hope you weren't bored?" I ask him.

"No, I had the best time. You seem to be a popular among the elders...not kids for sure." He remarks.

"Bingo, you got that right. I'm glad you had fun." I say " and thank you for the gift."

" You deserve it. Maybe more. You know you really are amazing?" He says  to which I get that weightlessness butterfly fluttering feeling again.

I smile at him, with my eyes still on the road.

"You have no idea how much you are." He says lightly.


Aaaah finally its up....whew...this was long. I would like to thank everyone who you all.




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