Chapter 25: the one with Batrachotoxin

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Freya's p.o.v.

As I made my way towards the open tent of with the tray full of tea upturned tea cups and a tea pot and some bread sticks. As I walk out I see that a girl in black jacket is Walking towards me actually towards the washroom which was next to the kitchen...

She stopped and asked me what was that pungent smell like raw and sour.
I got nervous and I quickly reply, "I just came from the kitchen so it must be that."

She then says, "oh, ok pretty cups so intricately designed...why is this cup turned up while others are down." While touching the rim of that cup.

I start sweating and I say, "I forgot to turn it upside down. I'm getting late ma'am, sorry if I interrupted you."

"Oh no keep going I'm sorry to stop you are doing your job." She said and continued to walk towards the washroom, I hold on to the concealed weapon in case plan a doesn't work, as I quickly hurried towards the tent. I mean who wouldnt do this for 3million dirhams. It wasn't even risky coz one of his security team is hired henchman disguised as a security guard was the one who handed me this powdered poison whatever it was. As I reach the tent one of the security guards asks me to taste the tea and after 5 minutes in nothing happened they let me go serve.

I pour tea into cups and serve it to them, my races faster and faster as I approach the prince...although it's my 3rd kill but the adrenaline rush is indescribable...I finally reach to him and look at his troubled face whilst pouring....such handsome face and such pretty eyes. Too bad they are going to shut soon and remain that way forever.

As I am about to hand him the cup, I see a hand swiftly taking the cup from me...I froze . What the hell, who was --- "

I look up to see the same girl I met near the kitchen and washroom.

"Now what do we have here, miss?" She said politely but her tone was threatening and her eyes darkened...not the violent-i -will-kill-you types....but the sinister kind to which I could feel the hair stand up at the back of my neck.

"Why don't you drink this?" she asked me.

The prince makthoum replied, "she already has tatsed it. It is safe."

She turns towards him whilst holding the cup in one hand and her iron grip around my wrist. "How could you be so naive?" She chuckled..she turned back to me, "why don't you drink from this cup." She smiled and it was hypnotic and terrifying. I could hear the guests gasp as the truth finally Dawns on them...

" I didn't do anything. I...I ...I didn't do anything. I'm just a server." I mutter nervously and sweating profusely.

"Miss, you reek of Batrachotoxin. So guards could hold her. I would like our guests to know something about this particular acquaintance of mine the very notorious Batrachotoxin.

So this particular poison is the first naturally occurring poison from arrow poison guessed it right by the name it was used to be rubbed on arrows for assassination. Two grains of powdered one is enough to kill a grown man in minutes first it attacks your neurosystem putting your entire body in a paralysis state but also attacks the heart muscles so you could feel the poison working it's way through your body...but this ignorant lady laces it plenty on the rim of this cup. This shows that , that you young lady was given this task by someone else...and you are going to tell me who gave it to you and how despite security you could get it to this venue..." She steps closer enough for me to hear as I sweat and shake in fear "you let out the have no idea what I'm capable of." Her voice was so threatening I didn't no what to do, so I just kicked her in panic and ran away. Only to feel something heavy and hot hit my head as I Yelp in pain and fall to the ground my vision blurs as the last thing I see in a couple of black pants and shoes before everything turns black.

No one's p.o.v:

As they try to find the escaped imposter...they all are seated for a while when one of the guards suggests the princes to be escorted to the Zabeel palace and not Nad Al Sheba palace.

"I would rather stay here for a while, Salem."  Hamdan said quietly lost in thoughts.

When Aairah's voice interrupted the silence, "there is a thin line between being courageous and stupidity your highness. I would suggest you to comply to Me.Salem's request." He just got up and left with Salem like someone was controlling his mind. Maitha is shook at this scene and what boils her heart is when she sees Sheikha rushing to Hamdan.

She turns to Aairah and the girls, "guys it was great today, and it was amazing to meet you 3, I hope to meet you all again. But for now I have to leave. Goodnight and happy New year guys." She says politely not wanting to say goodbye.

The trio wish their goodbyes as they head toward their designated Jeep parked next to that of Hamdan's.

Aairah turns to look at the Jeep thinking he might be there only to find the window rolled down and Hamdan just staring solemnly at her.
As she finds it difficult to put the words out what she wanted to say, all she says is, "I guess this is Goodbye your highness, I wish you all the very best in life."
As soon as she was done, Hamdan's Jeep roared to life and drove off into the desert.


I know it's a short chapter, but there is more to this girl some love through votes and you guys....hope you will enjoy this chapter.



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