chapter 35: the one with the after.

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Aairah's p.o.v:

Apparently everyone but me knew about this whole shenanigan Hamdan setup. I tell the guys is very very romantic and sweet but completely utterly crazy. Not the general way, but to do something for his loved ones he would go to any lengths and that's sweet but crazy. I'm rambling i know, but you get the flow.

So his mind changed and was less angry way before I sang the song for him. He told no one sang for him before. And me doing an impromptu singing took him off guard. He called me an opportunist. Yes I laughed at it. He also apologized for behaving like a words not his....he is very subtle with words you know...he is a prince what do you expect. And I told him not to because that made me realize what I should have done and what's important....communication and my biggest flaw.....running away from problems. But he still apologized as no lady should be treated that way, but he didn't have a choice but this to get me out of my shell🐚. We were blabbing and chattering in hushed tone as we were then in middle of the stage where guests had come to congratulate us.

I didn't know how to address any Royal, military or political personnel. So as and when one would approach, Hamdan would bend down to almost my ear level and whisper how and what to address....I couldn't thank him more... But he did mention how to thank...he wanted me to continue what I did in the washroom.....I blushed furiously and mumbled and jumbled with my words and addressed the chief commander and his wife jumbling genders........ aaaargghhhh. I hate him....ok I love him...but I hate him to messing with my head. I rambled an apology and re-addressed them to which they didn't mind at all. And the commander poked....yes physically poked Hamdan to stop troubling and confusing his newly engaged fiance....
Fiance...fiance...has a nice ring to it doesn't it. Wow. The fact that I am someone's future wife is exhilarating and lucky to find love that too a prince is quiet unsettling but in a good way.

"I know what you are thinking.!" He said decidedly.

My silence gave him his answer and he continued, "to good to be true isn't it? Everything is moving fast, what if something goes wrong? What if we don't connect despite what ever feelings we share...what if we don't fit? Everything seems so beautiful but unsettling right?" I turned to look at him, my surprised eyes were met by his knowing ones. How does he do it? Like he had some telekinetic abilities.

"How?" Was the only word that escaped my mouth.

"Your eyes says it all my love." He replied with a smile that warmed me.
And also warmed my cheeks.

"I'm glad you liked the dress." His remark surprised me and my mouth nearly dropped open as I quickly console myself, " send the..."

"Yeah, yes I did." He replied with a smirk.

"Thank you. Its beautiful." I thank him. As we are almost done with greetings.

Hamdan bends over to me again, and says in a hushed tone, "you look so beautiful in that dress...."

I blush at his comment in an answer, "but Its challenging my will to want to take it off right now."

I gasp at his comment when I turn to see him, he just winks and turns to face the crowd.


Before we were to leave for home Hamdan's parents and mine took off to another room where I came to know that they spoke of wedding dates and certain Royal training and skills needed to be developed. So we came to a conclusion that the wedding would be in 2 friggin months!!!! Rather than one month, because Hamdan was going to London for a month regarding the finalisation of setting up the Meydan endurance races. And after that he was involved in Godolphin races. Basically this year he would be jetsetting to almost all of the European continent.

So I won't be seeing him for a month 😱 not when we're engaged and all I wanted to do was spend time with him and kiss him.

Well I guess when he comes back I will make up for the lost time. And grab every opportunity to kiss him. Well he wanted to continue what we did in the washroom so he shall get it.

As soon I decided to make a move to the washroom I received a call....from the buzzkill...hate it... absolutely hate it.

I quickly drive off thinking of the entire day's events from sorrowful to the happiest ending with an annoyed me.

When I returned home later that night at 2. My phone dinged.
I was expecting this as I found a mail regarding my future princess lessons and skills schedule. I sigh as I begin to read the long nearly endless list of activities...


I know a crappy filler chapter. Just wanted to gv u an idea of wat happened....I had been busy shopping and meeting old friends I haven't seen since 4 years and tired all the time. I will get to you hopefully another update within a week....coz I'm packing to go to India for fun. Definitely not bored of writing the story. I know the plot for each chapter but I'm having a very tiny writer's block. I'll be reading other stories getting inspiration. And yeah won't stop updating.... So stick around my lovelies.



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