Chapter 48:the One With The Bombass Wedding (part 2 )

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He closed the doors and stood there for a while. A heavy silence fell upon the two who were left in the room.

Aairah's heart pounding by the minute as she was expecting some backlash from the prince. All she heard from him was, "sit."

His tone demanding. She didn't like it and was to argue but she knew better that she keep her trap shut. And then she waited for some more.

He turned around and she dared not look at him for she was terrified as to what she would find out.

He moved to the chest table where refreshments were kept. Poured a glass of water and went over to Aairah. "drink." was the other word she heard from him. She was desperate to hear more from him and this was killing her. Although he spoke less. The questions were many unspoken behind only those two words. Slowly but steadily she took the glass from him, careful so as to not touch him, fearing she might just get burnt. She diligently drank the water as she was taught during her 'princess lessons'.

"Speak whatever you feel right now." his tone still demanding yet polite.

"Im so sorry... But I can't marry you Hamdan." she replied taking deep breaths her voice beginning to crack.

"look at me when I talk to you... Or have you already forgotten what you were taught?"

Her eyes widened at his suddenly  rudeness. She carefully raised her head and made eye contact with his. The was a big question on his face.

"After all these days, why today? Why now? Why not when I asked you so many times before?"

Aairah didn't have any explanation for that. All she wanted to do now was apologise.

"Im sorry Hamdan but I can't. I don't think I'm fit for this life. Not fit for you or the kind of duties." she let fear takeover once more.

"what makes you think you are allowed to judge yourself that way?" his voice was firm yet polite. His eyes blank. He looked like someone who was In some sort of a formal meeting.

"i was sure of us together but I don't think I can do this anymore." was all she could get out.

There was silence but it felt small because Hamdan's eyes screamed...

"i know I've hurt you, I've disappointed you so much now... I'm sorry.

" Im not hurt, I'm crushed. I'm not disappointed I'm disheartened... "

The silence took over once more.

" do you love me? ", his question scared her.

" yes. ", she replied in a barely audible whisper.

"louder.", his voice more commanding.

"Yes!" her voice louder.

"Then I guess this is the end of us then.", he paused realizing his words himself. He looked into her eyes and knew she loved him truly. But also knew that Aairah didn't just want love. She wanted assurance she wanted trust, she wanted safety and by her idea of safety... Emotional safety. Could he give her that. He would try his best. But would that be enough?

She looked at him and he just looked back at her but his eyes were distant. He was surrounded by people he trusted and many were there to betray him as well. She knew he had trust issues with people and she knew she could give him her loyalty and love. Even if they go their separate ways she just wanted to hug him and truly apologize. But that would be a bad idea it would confuse her decision.

"I will speak to your parents as well as my father. Do not worry about the consequences. I will handle it. And I'm not angry with you... I could never be... You have the right to deny even till the last moment too. I just... " he pauses for words.

" Just what? ", she asked him lightly. Although her insides screamed at him to yell at her and get angry at her. But he was being gentle and kind and this made her tremendously guilty of breaking his heart.

" I just wanted to know... That... Will you be happy with this decision?"

Why was he thinking wether she will be happy or not. It really killed her because he was trying to keep the facade of calm composure, but it was clear to her that he was slowly losing it.

Just as she was about to answer, he stood up and called her parents and his father.

They sat next to her and Hamdan went about convincing both the parties that this was both their decision and it would be the right thing to do. Whereas her parents were convincing her to go forward with the marriage so was Mohammed he even offered to postpone the wedding. Mohammed wasn't as nearly as angry as she expected. But Hamdan clearly rejected the idea.

Eventually when everything was decided. Her parents were nearly teary eyed and began to profusely apologies Hamdan and his father.

Hamdan held her father's hand, "Father...sorry Mr. Syed..", it pained Aairah that everything had come to this and for the first time she hurt her parents and because of her, her parents are apologizing to someone. "listen what Aairah doing isn't wrong. I am supportive of her decision. You do know that in Islam a girl can cancel her wedding even till the last moment. Well why are you worried? If you think that this will embarrass us, then let me tell you we have been in worse situation. " he lied with a small laugh. How can he laugh and try to make them comfortable.
" and even if we force her to get married to me then according to Shariah law that marriage is invalid. You know that. Then don't push yourself into committing this sin. "

He went on to convince them and make them comfortable to the point where they became alright with it but were clearly unhappy.

Everyone rose to leave and Aairah remain seated. Hamdan slowly placed his engagement ring on the teapuoy and was the last one about to leave when he paused at the door. Trying to convince himself that what he did was the right thing. And he discreetly wiped his eyes.

Aairah frozen in her seat went through the whole idea why and how she fell in love with this man. He was kind, he was just enough religious, he was spiritual, he was adventurous, he was patient, he adored her and read her like a book... No one ever even her parents could do that. He understood her need of freedom, he understood her need for success, he understood her aspirations but moreover what made her realize no one could be as good as him as perfect as him for her and he was truly the one was when he spoke to her parents a few minutes ago. He knew the consequences yet he still was willing to risk his reputation just so hers and her family's reputation wouldn't be tarnished.

Holy shit she thought to herself.

As this thought broke her out of her reverie, "I will promise you my  love, my patience, my understanding and my loyalty towards you. I will be supportive in your best and even at your worst."

Hamdan was frozen to the ground realizing what she just said. He turned around only to get shocked and nearly gasped as he found Aairah bent on one knee holding out the ring for him.

" But you need to know something... I just realized that something is wrong with me. I forget what I do and sometimes I'm aware yet my body doesn't agree with me. I don't know what it is but I know something is wrong with me... I know it is. I don't want you to deal with it. But if you are willing then please accept this ring. And forgive me for my stupidity.?"

His heart nearly dropped. This was The reason she did this?! He wanted to yell at her that he knew everything and he would still marry her even if she turned into a lunatic. But he had to protect her.

He slowly sunk to his knees. Ecstatic but so overwhelmed that he let the tear trapped in his eyes fall. Guys cry too. It was OK for him. He didn't care. He knew she didn't too.
Right now he was the happiest. He gave his left hand to her and she gingerly placed the ring into his ring finger.

He looked towards the woman he truly loved, "i would still marry you and be married to you even if you turned like loony Lovegood. Not that she is loony... But you get the flow."

Aairah's smiled wider. "you watched the movies?!" she asked ecstatic.

"Im on my fifth book." he informed her. "let's go and give them the announcement.

As they both stood up ready to leave," Honey don't ever call Luna loony ever again. " she told him.

" i promise my love. " he lips smiled and his heart danced.

Ayeeeee happy ending. A aah my heart. Wait it of course not the end but happy nonetheless. Argh I wanted to hit Aairah and wanted to kiss Hamdan... I still wouldn't mind though... Lol I'm weird and desperate... But whatever... So please lovelies vote and please for God sake Comment please... I like it.



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