Chapter 56: The One With The Disappointment

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Isn't he just too beautiful to ignore.... ^^

"what! How? When?....", Hamdan was loud on the phone. Panic laced his voice and me in confusion forget to cover myself up.

"OK, don't have me. I'm coming.....", he kept saying things like that. Wait...! I'm coming! That got me out of my reverie and I just go grab the sheet and cover myself. I knew I looked like a mess. But I didnt care.

"what's wrong? Is everything okay.?", I ask him as keeps the phone and turns around.

"i... It's Sheikha.... She and her friends got arrested for wandering on a red light area and were thought for as illegal sex workers. They have been detained and since its a Sunday and the embassy is closed. I told her not to call any government officials. I just want to keep it under wraps. "

" is she OK? ", she sensed impending disappointment. But she was worried for her as well.

" She was hysterical... But now she and her friends are okay. I... I... ", his voice filled with guilt.

She didn't want him to go," isn't Rashid in Zimbabwe. That's much closer to get to her right?"

His face was filling up with guilt, "she tried him. But couldn't reach him. So that's why she called... And..." I cut him off.

"you should go.", I say with no emotion in my voice. But face said it all.

"Im so sorry Aairah... I... We are the only ones closer right now."he began and stepped towards me. And I involuntarily stepped back and that's when the arrow hit the target.

"i can't leave you like....", he began

I clutched onto the sheets tighter and looked down. Breathe breathe.

I look up, "you have already decided to leave and you don't have to give me any explanation. I believe you. You see family comes first. I get that. ", and automatically I give him a small smile. I dont know why It happened.

Again arrow on target.

I guess my smile guilt tripped him furthermore. And yes I was glad it happened.

" Im so sorry love... I can't help it. If there was any other way... I would. ", Hamdan said as he came closer.

I took few steps back till my back hit the same pillar where we almost had sex. I didn't want to cry so I just lowered my head. I was so angry.... So very angry. He didn't even try for himself even once to come with a way to help her and not go. I was worried for her too. But right now I wanted to hit her. She isn't wrong she tried Rashid too and the closest next was Hamdan. And her fiance was far off more than 10 hours journey.

"please don't do that Aairah...", pleaded Hamdan.

I took one last deep breath and looked at him direct in the eye. "right now getting Sheikha and her friends out is more important than this...", she paused.

"Honeymoon... Our honeymoon.", he stated this time his voice was firm.

I knew it wasn't his fault, I was angry but I didn't want him to be there and keep feeling guilty for helping Sheikha. So I did what any stupid person in love would do... Be supportive even when it hurt. Be supportive when it was okay to be angry.

Trying not to cry with everything I've got. I know I would have a splitting headache later on.

"Hamdan I'm fine. I know this is important. She must be scared beyond. I... I understand. I understand. I understand. I understand...", I was in a state of repeating something I thought I wasn't doing enough. And there again I was being stupid. Thinking I wasn't doing enough when I felt Hamdan's lips pressed onto mine.

He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine." I could never repay you. I will never forget this. I promise to comeback soon.", he kissed my forehead one last time before he headed out the open room.

I watched him disappear between the coconut palms and the takamaka trees. I pressed the buttons on the remote and pulled all the blinds down. Still fluttering a little in the wind. I crawled into bed and cried my heart out, muffled by the pillows. I don't know how long I cried. I passed out.

A ringing sound wakes me up and I see darkness all around. Wait what?! I looked at my watch. 8pm holy fuck! The constant ringing of the phone annoyed me. I just wanted to throw or break the phone. But what if Hamdan called. I picked up quickly only to be greeted by the receptionist. She asked if I'd like to have dinner served now.
I wasn't in the mood for eating so I canceled the dinner. When she insisted I told that I would make myself something from the kitchen below. She reluctantly kept the phone. And crawled under the sheets. Realizing I was still naked. I got up from the bed and searched for my clothes. I found my bra, underwear and jeans.... Where was my shirt?...oh while we were in the heat he threw it some where. Great!

I went downstairs where the living room dressing room kitchen and gym was. Our luggages were neatly placed at the corner. And I go rummage through the suitcase to find some silk pj's. Yes I will wear it nonetheless for myself. Plus it's summer and I'm on an island for Godsake I can't be wearing a onesie .

I wonder wether he reached. He would have called. Maybe the network is not so great. What the hell. He is a prince he can get anything done and call. Even a simple man or a village idiot could get a proper network arranged. May be he is busy with all the paper work. It's Sunday oh what of he is unable to get sheikha and her friends out? Oh poor them. I hope everything is fine. As I question the situation I want to see possibilities that he will call or make any contact but when I not overlook things. Anger rises in me and I want to do some damage but all my emotions land to one : hurt. And I end up crying. So the night goes and the day comes. I have breakfast and to my surprise I receive a call. I hurriedly go and pick up only to be disappointed. It was Rashid who called me to inform that Hamdan will be in Johannesburg for 3 days. And he will go and take his place after that. He sounded very guilty of his brother's stupidity and choices when it came to Aairah. Else he admired his little brother. He was very apologetic and Aairah didn't like being sympathized. So she asked that she didn't want to speak to him at all.

She decided that she isn't going to mope around her husband. Although physically she did. Her mind was stuck on him. She wore an orange sundress and went to the beach bare foot.

The wet white sand between her toes soothed her feet and troubled mind. She walked till she reached the other end of the island. Where were the other villas she wondered and roamed around the shores of the beach. Silence filled the air except the crashing and retreating of the waves and the noises the seagulls made. This was therapeutic. I look up at the flying gulls and wondered how would the artic terns look like. I mean I read that their wingspan was a little over one meter. Hamdan had mentioned of seeing them on the shores of Netherlands.

Ugh great Hamdan again. Stop thinking of him. Now! What are we going to for the next three days. Hmm there was plenty to see and do.
. It was the 5th day and no sign of Hamdan. I was initially worried sick. Hamdans phone was switched off since the day he left. Rashid again contacted me mentioning that he and were together and His phone broke down and he got caught up with work and Sheikha. Great just great. He handed the phone to him.

"Assalamualaikum love. How... Um... How are you?", his voice brings a sudden energy in my depressed mood. But I wanted him to suffer. You all might be thinking that I'm being unreasonable... Screw everyone. I don't care.

"walaikumassalam. Is there anything you want? I'm fine... Thank you for asking. Oh I've got to go return some books and meet up with Max before we leave for home.", I reply coolly.

"who is max?", he asked with more attention.

Excellent the fish caught the bait.

"just someone I met at the coffee shop. Should I pack your things? The flight is tonight at 10pm right? When are you coming.?"

"I'll be there within 3 hours.", with that he hung up the phone.


I head towards the coffee shop after returning the books. And there was no Max no guy I met at the coffee shop. I just wanted to hurt him and make him feel guilty.

It was around 6pm and the sun was nearly setting and some guy in blue shirt and jeans sat at a table.. It had the perfect view of the sunset. I could not see his face but he had dirty blonde wavy hair that reached his neck. Nice broad shoulder that tapered down to his hips... Okay.. He could be eh looking or really really good looking. My phone buzzer and it's Hamdan. Okay Aairah don't be a wuss. Don't be sweet. Make him work for it. But his eyes... The way he looks at me... Nooooooooo I can't...yes you can! No. Yes.... Okay. Let's do this.  I pick the call.

"Assalamualaikum...Hamdan." I speak.

"Walaikumassalam love. Where are you? I'm here at our villa.", he asked.

Oh God I told him I was with Max. Now where can I find a Max? Oh God.!!
Now what do I do! Oh wait... The blue broad shoulder blonde hair Thor like hottie. I guess I should approach him. Oh God help me. Here we go.

" Why don't you come to the coffee shop. I wanted you to meet Max. He is wonderful. Ok bye then see you here." I end way too quickly.

I approach the guy, "excuse me if you don't mind may I sit here, because I need your help." I say without breathing.

He has an amused smile, "i don't have company. Miss. Please do take a seat."

Wow he is gorgeous... Perfect to get Hamdan all jealous.

"I'm Alan. And miss you are?", he asked still amused.

"im Aairah and you are not Alan. You are Max. We met 3 days back and we both love reading and we love coffee. Okay? ", I instruct him.

He chuckled, "you sound desperate, to make boyfriend jealous?"

"more like husband...", I inform him.

"woahhhhh don't pull me in lady. I'm not doing any husband and wife shit." he said turning around to call the waiter.

"please... You have to. Ok I'll tell you why? Um OK I'm on my honeymoon and since the day we both arrived at morning and he left for Johannesburg at afternoon. 5 days I've been alone in this island and he went to bail out his ex girlfriend who also is a family member. I'm angry and frustrated. So please will you. He is headed here. ", I plead.

He laughs louder this time and it irks me.

" OK I'm sorry that your honeymoon was ruined and your angry. But what's the frustration? Ooh I see sexual frustration isn't it. ", he smirks and this time I almost gasp at his behavior. God I wish I could wipe that smirk off his face. But I needed his help." Mr Alan... That's none of your concern!" I say hotly.

" ahhh sexual frustration it is then. Hmm. " the smirk still pasted on his lips.

"Fine that too.", I accept defeat.

"What do I get.", he asks.


"what... Do you want."

"i was about to ask you some thing earlier but I will settle for a free espresso.", he states.

"deal then."

The waiter comes, "sir what would you like to have?" he notices me and his eyes widen a bit. "oh I'm sorry your highness I didn't know you were here. What can I do for you?"

Alan raises his eyebrows and eyes me. While mine widen. "That's no problem at all. Why don't you get this kind sir an espresso and 2 coffees for me please. Make one really strong and little milk no sugar. The other foamy milky and yes sweet. Thank you... Oh please do add a croissant and a red velvet cake. Yes that would be about it thank you. " he nods bows even a little. Oh God this is embarrassing.

" so a princess huh? Nice. Where from? "

" Dubai... Husband is the crown prince. "i say quickly.

" oh the one recently got married! Oh this is going to be fun...since you seem nice I will help you. But I'm warning you I will flirt. " he informed. " is he the one? ", he points his head behind me.

I turn around to see Hamdan walking towards us. His left hand holding a bunch of lilies. My heart flutters... Nooooooooo don't flutter. Don't you dare flutter and melt.

I turn back to Alan. I smirk at him,
" perfect. "

Hamdan came to our table and kissed my head before taking a seat. Eyeing Alan a little. "hello you must be Max. Nice to meet you, I'm Hamdan. This lovely woman's stupid husband." he smiles and they both shake each other's hands.

"Maximilian Alan Scott. I am this gorgeous woman's new friend." he smirks and sends a wink at my direction. And Hamdan's fake smile falters a little. And Im a little astonished at the attention paid to me. But I realized this was a ploy so I brace myself for more to come.

The conversation began with what each other did for a living. Apparently Max or Alan owns PETRA group of Companies its a software based one and was planning to place some roots in middle east.

Sabrina could totally work with this guy. As she wanted to do some tie up. And so began battle of power. Clearly both seemed to be at each other's wits. Alan kept throwing some flirty compliments my way. Which made Hamdan a little agitated but he showed a calm exterior.

"in fact I was about to ask her on a date but she told me she was married. Brother if I were you I wouldn't leave this beautiful woman alone at this island.", he smiled a victorious smile and I see the cool demeanor crack at the last sentence. I smirked to myself.

"Well that's why I mentioned, lovely woman's stupid husband." he said through his teeth and a fake smile which was failing.

Both the men laughed. And thanks to Alan he made it seem like we both had a lot of bonding time.

Soon the waiter came with order. I handed the coffee to Hamdan with the croissant.

" thanks love, I didn't have much on air.", Hamdan thanked me with a genuine smile.

Alan kicked my foot lightly under the table and wiggled his eyebrows at the red velvet cake. Fuck you.... I Only said a free espresso. Ugh fine.

"and espresso with red velvet cake for you Al... Max." i quickly cover up praying Hamdan didn't t notice that.

"How did you know I loved red velvet. are an angel. I was sort of desperate to eat some sweet. I went 6 months without sugar. I'm only eating because you are offering.", and he hungrily ate the cake. 

"wow, that's impressive.... 6 months without sugar. This woman can't go 6 minutes without sugar.", Hamdan pointed at me.

I smile at the comment but my eyes on Alan.

We all end up having a good conversation. Even Hamdan too pretended well to like him. Just then Hamdan receives a call which he is hesitant to pick up and looks at me. I roll my eyes at him and look away. As he walks away but not to far. Alan grabs his napkin and spits out the cake.

"i bloody hate red velvet.", he kept spitting.

My face contorted in horror and disgust as to how can he just spit out red velvet. Red friggin velvet cake.

"Spare me your opinion. You owe me more. Coffee another one.",he points his index finger at the empty espresso cup.

"Fine.", I reply with a blank expression.

"by the way.... He isn't so bad. When he apologizes fight a little and forgive him... He has a lot of self control. Don't test it princess."

I sigh and look around at Hamdan his expression grim. He catches her eye and gives a small smile. To which she turns her attention to Alan.

"i know he is the sweetest, kindest, thoughtful and most considerate man I've ever come across. But I'm tired of forgiving by the first sorry that comes my way. And what do you think... It was supposed to be our honeymoon. And now we are going back. It got over before it started. I love every bit of him and he does the same... Maybe even more. But alas... We won't get our time once we go back home. ", I give him a small smile.

"i can't empathize with you but, things will turn around for better. Maybe the best things will happen in little moments. Stay hopeful and enjoy the ride. That's all I can say.", he answers.

"you sound so much like Avery. You should meet my friends. Crazy bitches.", I chuckle at the thoughts of the girls.

"Im sure they are as lovely as you are."

"they are better."

"just laugh loud like belly laugh... Now!", he suddenly began laughing.

What! What is he doing? He eyes me and urges me to do it. And I laugh like my life depended on it. Well sort of.

Hamdan comes back to the seat and apologizes. I am barely holding onto the thread of not to snort in laughter at that fucking apology. He bloody needs to give me an apology speech .

"Aairah we need to leave... Now."
We arrive at our villa. None planning to utter a word to each other.

I go to the living room to put the finishing touches to the packing. And Hamdan's hand pulls mine away from the luggage.

"what!!", I ask anger rising.

"sorry for everything.", he replies with an inscrutable expression on his face

"wow... Excellent. Now let me call the bell boy.", I reach for the phone. And he catches my hand and turns me around.

"look... Please let me speak. Just 30 seconds and if it's not enough we will go back home."

My silence gives him the permission to continue.

"Im sorry there was no one else but me to go. I'm sorry that I left you alone like that. Told 3 days but stayed 5. Didn't even call you. My phone broke but didn't even buy a phone till I was to leave. That was downright stupid. I'm sorry that this happened on our honeymoon and I spoilt it.... I. "

I cut him off." 1st things first... I didn't mind you going to help sheikha out. I would have done that too. And I'm proud and respectful of your actions. But what hurt me was you didn't even think for a second about me. You didn't even consider me to come with you either. It hurt me. When you left me like that. I tried to console myself. But all I did was cry all night and day. And I feel stupid right now because now I feel like crying. You didn't even speak to me and made Rashid call me. I bloody don't need him. I wanted you To call. I didn't want you to speak hours and hours with me. Just a simple salaam how are you would have been more than enough. You know I would have understood your situation. ", by now angry tears fell. I could see the guilt sitting on his head. Silently taking the flying daggers to his chest.

"You never made me your first priority... Apparently she still holds that please get the hell lost.", I chuckle to myself at the disbelief of my own words.

That's when something snaps in him. Woahhhhh. " don't... You... Dare... Say that." he stressed on each word as he closed the distance between us.

"yes shit happened, she has been with me since as long as I can remember. But that doesn't me you are not my priority. Please don't ever say that. Yes me and Sheikha had a past and we have an attachment. We were in love but that is it. We 'WERE'. I panicked okay... But what you and I have is something I never experienced. You are my present and my future. It sounds cheesy but it's true. I love you and no one not even you can change that. I feel terrible and disappointed in myself because of what happened. You don't deserve it. " , he was so close that our noses touched. I didn't back up. I was still angry. But the hammering in my chest was not caused by anger. It was Hamdan in close proximity. Maybe he could hear it. He rested his palm against the left of my chest. A small sad smile spread onto his lips.

"i love you Aairah...", with that his lips crashed onto mine surprising my as my mouth part a little in shock. He takes the opportunity to slid his tongue into my mouth. His arms snake around my waist and jerks me closer. This was hungry. Not the sweet mellow hunger. But a primal desperate one.

He breaks the kiss as he ghosts upon my lips, "how dare that man wink at you and flirt with you while I was there. He can't make you feel this when I touch you like this" , he trails his fingers across my arm and I remain frozen to the ground. "or touches you like this.", he begins to trail kisses down my neck and my collar bone and finds my sweet spot and sucks a little and bites on it. And every time like last time my body betrays me as a hungry pleasureful moan escapes my lips.

"see... No can do what I can do to you.", his voice thick and husky. He softly bites my earlobe and that sends a shiver down my spine. My brain cells begin to function and I push him away from me.

Once again anger surges through my vein. The kind that is hurt. The kind that is cursing oneself to be foolish enough to fall into this trap although it really wasn't.

"Hamdan stop!!!", I roared. "this and sex isn't going to help. At all. For God's sake just leave me alone! I hate being here with you right now!", I yell my voice cracking. As I walk down and sit by the pool with my legs in the water.

The last sentence struck a massive blow on Hamdan.

Although I succeded. But it didn't feel like a victory. My heart didn't let me feel that. Slowly little by little tear drops found their way out down to my cheeks.

And somewhere behind me. Someone else shed tears.

Ayeeeeeee that was a 4k word count... Woahhhhh.... After such a long time. How was the chapter. Sheikha's call. The whole situation. The new guy. The apology (was it written well.)  Hamdan.. Please tell me your views about him and lastly Aairah... Finally she doesn't forgive so easily. Okay okay okay all those of you waiting for sex.... It's coming but which chapter can't tell. It's very close. The anticipation is high as fuck guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hope it didn't bore you all.

Adios bitchezzz



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