CHAPTER 62: The One With The Prince Heartless.

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Eid was fast approaching and so was Hamdan's birthday. Although he didn't celebrate his birthday with pomp and show. His siblings would often gift him things and for the sake of his nieces and nephews, there would be a mini cake cutting where the kids would cut his cake.

Aairah had been working on since they got engaged, on a painting large enough to fit his office wall where his desk faces. So every time he faces ahead. There would be a smile on his face. it was the painting of his first pony he had begun to ride when he was 4 years old. He especially loved anything handmade. so she had decided to paint the entire thing with her fingers. it was a good distraction for her during this difficult time. Hamdan's words and accusation made it worse yet she still continued with the project. somewhere in the corner of her heart, he would forgive her for her lies. Despite plenty of her calls to communicate with him, they were rejected. she prayed during the 5 prayers that he hears her out, to the point where she would cry herself to sleep.

cancer made her more sensitive to emotions and they were all over the place. Feeling of stress and anxiety took over so much that she didn't feel like eating or there would be constant vomiting. She would feel shaky, weak and dizzy and she missed Hamdan.
How should I make him listen to was all that she could think of.
It had been 3 days since Hamdan arrived and he kept himself busy either in his office or visiting the stables. He would stop by their spot and just ride away regretting the decisions he made in the past. 'why Aairah?' he would often question himself. When it was late at night and he would be in his office Aairah would come with 2 mugs of either her specialty or just coffee. . He would rebuff her or wouldn't even let her into his room. He would sleep in the guest bedroom.

Even despite her deteriorating health she managed things pretty well for him and not even once let him think that she was this ill... Makeup doesn't just cover imperfections, she managed to cover her pain as well. Nobody suspected a thing as her beautiful hair fell. Her hijab not only protects her from eyes that view women with or without one in disdain. It protected her from hurting her loved ones with the news of her health. She fought hard to put up a strong front for her people. But inside she was losing the battle of her health and her heart. Day and night she prayed for her unborn babies and her first and only love to be hers again. She was often found by Cecilia crying on her prayer mat. And Cecilia felt like she was losing her child. Both women felt helpless. Both women were scared.

He had not only became a bitter person he became blind with anger and revenge, hell bent on making Aairah's life miserable that he didn't notice how hard she tried to hide her illness from him. That would eventually break him if he knew. So bitter, that Aairah wondered wether he had a heart. The permit for her parents to visit regularly was canceled. Calls reduced to a shocking point of once a month. He reduced the number of staff. Except for Cecilia... He kept her for the kitchen department and forbid her to converse with Aairah. She was banned from going outside the perimeter of the house, though she was often found in the garden, planting some saplings. He took over her work and forbid her from interfering in any of the matters. Eid came and went and that was the last time she saw her family and friends.

There were fights where Aairah would yell and beg him to hear her out. She would say that she never saw Rashid as anything more than a friend. She truly loved Hamdan and the twins were theirs. But never did he once waver to even listen to her... How Sheikha twisted his mind was commendable. He had become a puppet. Soon he began to find faults in how Aairah looked. Makeup wasnt good enough, the dressing wasn't right. He kept pointing out her weight. And because of her illness and Hamdan, she hit an all-time low and entered a stage of depression.

It had been some weeks since her treatment with chemotherapy she secretly went to stopped. She had completely forgotten about Ajay's jacket. Hamdan said that he would only allow her to speak to him about everything only if she abides by his rules. That's when Cecilia secretly got the necessities for her at home treatment arranged. Cecilia hated how Hamdan treated Aairah and would try to convince him to talk to her. One day she lost her temper and yelled at Hamdan for the first time in his 30 years. And that's when he said the unthinkable... 'Ms. Cecilia, I hope you know your post and position in this house. I would like you to stay there.' the poor old lady cried herself and Aairah tried to console her and asked her to leave the household after the insult. But the kind woman stayed for Aairah's health sake.

She had begun to show and that gave her a new hope. Hamdan couldn't stand this and began to completely ignore her. And it went so far that he actually forgot her existence.

Slowly severe Fatigue crept in. She would be in bed almost half the day. One day Tired of looking haggard she went for a shower and every time she would cry a soft heart-wrenching cry. Showing her defeat. And as luck would have it a big chunk of hair was found in her hands. That was the onset of hair loss. Her beautiful long hair she treasured. The hair of her eyebrows began to fall as well. She realized that it was going to be far more difficult than she thought. she would easily bruise and bleed. Medication filled the cabinets. She soon began to suffer from Anemia,
Nausea and vomiting. Her Appetite changed and she tried hard to eat healthy for herself and her children, but soon Constipation and Diarrhea took place. Her Mouth, tongue, and throat had problems such as sores and she would be in so much pain with swallowing food or water and soon her own spit. Pain engulfed her in such a way that seeing her stand was a surprise. Nerve and muscle problems were added to her pain. And her best feature... Her skin became dry skin and pale. Bladder and kidney related problems took place. Being pregnant and going through chemo affected her brains that she couldn't concentrate. She had become what they call, a scatterbrains.

Her moods were never the same and kept going too and fro. One such incident was when Hamdan was getting ready for bed.

"Hamdan please listen to me. I have something...", she spoke earnestly.

"Aairah, there is nothing to talk about." he answered without giving her a glance. And took his shirt off throwing it over his shoulder and walked towards the door.

Her temper began to boil up. She had enough of his behavior. She grabbed his arm nearly dug her perfectly trimmed nails into his arm and yanked him around.

"what do you think of yourself huh? You would just treat me the way you think befits me? No... No you can't!" That man just smirks and folds his hands.

This angers her even more and she wanted to pick his ego. "you know why?! because you don't know the truth. Get that?! Get that in your thick head?! Oh wait! That's how you rule and are going to rule right? Haha. Some way of dealing with people. Where you wouldn't even care to listen to someone's plea or explanation. You can't even spare 1 minute to your own wife! Some future ruler you are going to to be!"

His eyes narrowed and furrowed his eyebrows. His lips pressed together and jaw clenched.

"Exactly... YOU are my wife. And that's why I'm going through hell.", he whispered.

Bang! Aim close to bullseye.

Her voice softened and sighed, "Hamdan... Please just give me a chance to explain... Since you have been manipulated by her."

"Her?", he asked threateningly. As he closed in on her, her back towards the door.

His defensive demeanor towards Sheikha , hurt and angered her. He would always choose Sheikha over her.

"Yes, sheikha that person who always found a way to get between us. She is a manipulative bit.... Aaahh!"

He grabbed both her arms pushed her towards the door. He was shaking in anger. His face contorted in rage. And his grip on her arms tightened enough to make her yelp. But she couldn't take her eyes off him." How dare you.... How fucking dare you say a word about her!! She is far better person than you are than you ever could be....", his eye fell on her hands on her slightly swollen belly as her reaction "i regret that I didn't fight harder for her... I regret every single second spent with you. I regret everything! If you weren't in this condition... You have no idea what I could have done... Hell even I don't know!! .... Oh... I know what you were trying to say... You have leukemia... Right!? "

Her expression now too pained at his tone, knowing what his next words were," i got my team to do a check... Liar!", he whispered the last word." Dare you say or do anything against her and stay out of my way or else... I hope your family won't be upset..." he pushed her hard aside as she struggled to land on her feet and he left the room banging the door shut hard enough to break. Though his threat was an empty one, they made their mark on her. But the only thing that shattered that night was Aairah's injured heart by his confession. She never was or would be first in anyway in his life. She would never be good enough for him.

He had done exactly what her weaknesses were. Being alone and never being good enough. He indeed isolated her not only from the world but from her own mind as well.

And that night the caring and kind man she once knew changed into the Heartless Prince.

A aaahhhh short chapter than before.... But so painful.... Hamdan such a.... Argh so many colorful words! Let me know how this chapter was don't be a silent reader.... Oh by the way this book will be ending most probably by January end. Yesssssssss everything has to end... Maybe 3 or 4 chapters more... 😭😭😭😭. There won't be an epilogue. So you guys fill this chapter with comments....AND remember 'YOU ARE SMART. YOU ARE KIND YOU ARE IMPORTANT.' Byeeeeeeeee bitches.



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