Lost Friend Becomes Vampire 1/6

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     As the night draped its cloak over the city, casting long shadows across the empty streets, Y/n found herself nervously awaiting Jin's arrival. The air was heavy with anticipation, a palpable tension that mirrored the unspoken emotions between them.

     "Do you want to do the project with me?" Y/n's voice broke through the quiet of her apartment, the words laden with a hope that Jin would see beyond their friendship.

     Jin's response came swiftly, a comforting assurance wrapped in concern. "Sure, I'm coming to your place. I don't want you to wander all alone in the streets at night. It's too dangerous for a girl."

     Relief washed over Y/n at his words, grateful for his protective nature yet yearning for something more, something she dared not voice aloud. "Ok, then. I'll see you later," she replied, masking the flutter of her heart with casual agreement.

     Jin, her steadfast companion, held a special place in her heart, a place she longed to explore further. She knew, with an unwavering certainty, that their bond ran deeper than friendship, a connection tinged with unspoken desires.

     As the minutes stretched into an hour, Y/n's anxiety grew, gnawing at the edges of her composure. Jin was never late, his punctuality a testament to his reliability. Yet tonight, his absence loomed large, casting doubt upon the certainty of their plans.

     Fingers fidgeting restlessly, Y/n paced the confines of her living room, each passing second an agonizing reminder of Jin's silence. "Something isn't right," she muttered to herself, a knot of worry tightening in her chest.

     With trembling hands, she reached for her phone, fingers dancing across the screen as she dialed Jin's number. The ringing echoed hollowly in the stillness of the room, each unanswered call a chasm of uncertainty.

     "Why doesn't he pick up?" Y/n's thoughts spiraled, a whirlwind of anxiety and fear threatening to engulf her. Something was amiss, a shadow lurking just beyond the edges of her understanding. And as the silence stretched on, she could feel the tendrils of darkness closing in, a prelude to the storm that loomed on the horizon.

     With each passing day, Y/n's worry for Jin deepened, a relentless tide of uncertainty that threatened to drown her in despair. Despite Jin's warning not to wander the streets alone at night, she found herself compelled by an inexplicable force, a desperate need to unravel the mystery of his disappearance.

     Clad in her coat, she braved the darkness of the city streets, her footsteps echoing in the empty alleys as she made her way to his house. But what greeted her was a haunting silence, the darkness of his home mirroring the void that had consumed her heart.

     Weeks turned into months, the passage of time marked by the relentless ache of loss. The police searched tirelessly, chasing leads that led only to dead ends. Yet, for Y/n, the search was far from over, her hope flickering like a distant flame in the vast expanse of uncertainty.

     Her tears flowed freely, a silent lament for the friend she feared she had lost forever. And as the anniversary of his disappearance loomed on the horizon, Y/n found herself standing at the precipice of a new chapter, her graduation from school marking the beginning of a journey fraught with both promise and peril.

     As a real estate agent, Y/n found solace in the routine of her work, the mundane tasks of selling houses offering a fleeting distraction from the weight of her grief. And tonight, as she stood before the imposing facade of a decrepit mansion, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped her heart.

     With her phone serving as a feeble beacon in the darkness, Y/n ventured forth into the unknown, her footsteps echoing in the cavernous emptiness of the abandoned estate. The air was heavy with the scent of decay, a tangible reminder of the passage of time.

     "Did the owner forget his key?" Y/n mused aloud, her voice swallowed by the oppressive silence that surrounded her. But her question remained unanswered, the darkness offering no solace, no respite from the gnawing sense of foreboding that clawed at the edges of her consciousness.

     With trembling hands, she reached for the light switch, the sudden burst of illumination casting long shadows across the desolate halls of the mansion. And there, in the doorway, stood a figure shrouded in darkness, his features obscured by the dim light.

     "Hi, are you the owner of this house?" Y/n's voice wavered, a fragile thread of uncertainty that hung in the air between them.

     The man's response was a mere whisper, a sinister promise that sent shivers down Y/n's spine. "Yes, I am. Welcome."

     As he motioned for her to proceed, Y/n felt a wave of unease wash over her, a primal instinct warning her of the danger that lurked in the shadows. But before she could retreat, before she could flee from the darkness that threatened to consume her, it was too late.

     With eyes ablaze with hunger, the man revealed his true nature, his vampiric essence pulsing with a feral desire that left Y/n paralyzed with fear. And as he advanced upon her, his intentions clear, Y/n could only watch in horror as her worst nightmares became a chilling reality before her very eyes.

     Y/n's heart raced in her chest as the man's predatory gaze bore into her, his words dripping with a sinister hunger that sent shivers down her spine. "W-What are you!" she stammered, her voice trembling as she backed away, the wall of the room halting her retreat.

     The man's advance was relentless, his presence overwhelming as he closed in on her, a primal instinct driving him forward. With nowhere left to escape, Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she met his gaze, a mixture of fear and defiance flashing in her eyes.

     But then, as if a switch had been flipped, a strange calm washed over her, her body surrendering to his will as he ensnared her in his grasp. Her resistance crumbled beneath the weight of his influence, leaving her powerless to resist as he toyed with her like a puppet on strings.

     A smirk played upon the man's lips as he drew closer, his fingers tracing the delicate curve of her neck, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. She could feel his breath hot against her skin, his hunger palpable in the air.

     Meanwhile, in the depths of his slumber, Jin stirred restlessly, his senses tingling with a familiar scent that tugged at his consciousness. With a jolt, he realized that it was Y/n, her presence a beacon cutting through the darkness of his dreams.

     "Y/n? Is she here?" Jin's voice cut through the silence, urgency lacing his words as he rose from his bed, compelled by an unseen force to seek her out.

     As he approached, a scene unfolded before him that chilled him to the core. His creator, the one who had shaped him into what he was, stood poised to feed upon Y/n, her life hanging in the balance.

    "Master! Stop!" Jin's voice echoed in the room, his plea filled with desperation as he rushed forward to intervene, his heart pounding in his chest.

    Startled, the man turned towards Jin, a flicker of surprise crossing his features, momentarily breaking the hold he had over Y/n. With a cry, she pushed him away, her eyes wide with disbelief as they locked onto Jin's familiar form.

     "Jin? Is that you?" Her voice trembled with emotion, confusion clouding her gaze as she reached out to him, her touch soft against his cheek.

     But Jin couldn't meet her gaze, his own eyes betraying the truth he sought to hide. He feared what she would see, what she would think of him now that he had become something beyond her understanding.

     As her hand forced him to look at her, Jin braced himself for her reaction, steeling himself for rejection. But to his astonishment, she smiled through her tears, her acceptance a balm to his wounded soul.

    Before he could respond, his master intervened once more, pulling Y/n away with a possessive grip. "Why should I stop? She's mine," he declared, his voice laced with arrogance.

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