Lost Friend Becomes Vampire 5/6

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     Amidst the tension, Jk's voice cut through the silence like a beacon, a welcome distraction from the looming shadows. "Come on, aren't you hungry?" he interjected, his words a lifeline in the midst of uncertainty.

     With a final exchange of farewells, Y/n and Jin followed Jk, their footsteps echoing in the hushed corridors as they ventured deeper into the heart of darkness.

     They found themselves in a private room, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation as Jk addressed them once more. "You can sit here. What blood type would you like?" he inquired, his demeanor unsettlingly casual.

     Jin's response was hesitant, a reflection of the surreal circumstances they found themselves in. "Euhm, doesn't matter," he murmured, his gaze flickering to Y/n for affirmation.

     Y/n nodded in agreement, her silence a testament to the disbelief that gripped them both. The man departed, leaving them alone with their thoughts and the crimson liquid that awaited them.

     As they sipped their drinks, a facade of normalcy crumbling with each passing moment, the tranquility was shattered by the sound of chaos erupting beyond the confines of their room.

     Noises echoed through the corridors, a cacophony of destruction and despair that sent a shiver down Jin's spine. Without hesitation, he rose to investigate, Y/n's hand clasped tightly in his own as they braced themselves for the unknown.

      The sudden intrusion shattered the stillness of the room, a jarring interruption to the tension that hung heavy in the air. Y/n's heart leaped to her throat as a stranger's head appeared, a sinister silhouette against the dim light.

     Before she could react, Jin's swift action broke the silence, a resounding thud echoing through the room as the intruder crumpled to the ground. Y/n's breath caught in her throat as Jin's hand grasped hers, an anchor amidst the chaos that unfolded.

     "Come on! Don't let go of my hand!" Jin's urgency propelled them forward, a flurry of movement as they dashed towards the exit, the promise of safety tantalizingly close.

     But fate, cruel and unforgiving, had other plans.

     Y/n's world tilted on its axis as she was wrenched from Jin's grasp, torn away by unseen hands that dragged her towards the darkness that lurked beyond. "Jin! Help!" Her voice was a desperate plea, a prayer lost in the tumult of the night.

     And then, in a flash of steel and shadows, danger loomed ever closer, a glint of malice reflected in the eyes of her assailant. Y/n's heart hammered against her ribs as the blade descended, a silent scream tearing through her soul.

     But Jin, her guardian angel in the chaos, refused to let her fall. With a force born of desperation, he threw himself between her and the looming threat, their bodies colliding in a tangle of limbs and fear.

     "Y/n! Run!" Jin's voice pierced the darkness, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. But Y/n's feet remained rooted to the ground, her resolve crumbling in the face of uncertainty.

     "I'm not leaving you here!" Her words echoed with a fierce determination, a vow sworn in the face of impending danger.

      But Jin, his eyes pleading with an unspoken plea, knew the truth that she dared not admit. "Y/n, please!" His voice was a whisper, a final plea for her safety, even as his own fate hung in the balance.

     Tears blurred Y/n's vision as she watched him disappear into the darkness, a lone figure standing defiant amidst the encroaching shadows.

     "Meet me at your first feeding time!" Jin's words echoed in her mind, a promise whispered on the edge of despair.

     With a nod, Y/n turned and fled, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridors as she raced towards the safety of the night.

     But as she collapsed amidst the bushes outside the hospital, her heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty, a hand grasped her shoulder, and she turned, her breath catching in her throat.

     "Jin!" Her voice was a prayer, a plea for salvation amidst the darkness.

      But it wasn't Jin who stood before her, his face shrouded in the shadows of the night.

     "You!" she exclaimed, the word catching in her throat as stress and fear threatened to overwhelm her.

     With a shuddering breath, Y/n's vision blurred and faded, her world spinning into darkness as she succumbed to the weight of her anxiety, her body slumping limply against the unseen forces that held her captive.

     When she finally stirred, the room remained cloaked in shadows, the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the open curtains serving as the only beacon of hope in the oppressive darkness. Disoriented and disheveled, Y/n's heart raced as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.

     "Jin!" she cried out, the name a desperate plea on her lips as she frantically scanned the room for any sign of familiarity.

     Her eyes widened in realization as she sat up abruptly, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place as the events of the night flooded back with startling clarity. Jin, her dear friend, the anchor in her tumultuous world, had been her intended destination before darkness had descended upon her.

     With newfound determination coursing through her veins, Y/n pushed herself out of bed, her limbs trembling with urgency as she set out in search of an escape from this labyrinth of shadows.

      It was then that she stumbled upon them, two figures seated upon the couch, their hushed voices a stark contrast to the silence that had enveloped her. Relief flooded her senses as she recognized Jin's familiar face, his eyes filled with concern as they met hers.

     "Y/n, finally awake?" Jin's voice cut through the stillness like a lifeline, pulling her from the depths of her despair with its reassuring cadence.

     Without hesitation, Y/n rushed towards him, enveloping him in a tight embrace, the weight of her gratitude and fear pressing against his chest as she held him close.

     But her moment of solace was short-lived, shattered by the presence of another figure, a man whose gaze held a darkness that sent shivers down her spine. Yoongi, Jin's master, his maker, sat poised upon the couch, flanked by two women whose presence sent a chill down Y/n's spine.

    "T-Thank you," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper as she struggled to find her footing in this unfamiliar terrain.

     Yoongi's gaze bore into her with an intensity that made her skin crawl, his words a reminder of the perilous game they now found themselves entangled in.

     "I didn't do it for you but for Jin. He begged me not to kill you," Yoongi's voice was as cold as ice, his words a stark reminder of the fragile balance that now hung in the air.

     Jin's words cut through the tension like a knife, his gratitude tinged with a sense of urgency as he recounted the events that had led them to this moment.

     "Yoongi saved me back there. Thanks to him I'm still alive. I told about you and he agreed to help you too," Jin's voice wavered with emotion, a testament to the bond that bound them together in this perilous dance of shadows and secrets.

     The air hung heavy with tension as Yoongi's avoidance weighed upon Y/n like a leaden shroud. She watched him, her gratitude tinged with confusion, as he rose from his seat with a deliberate nonchalance, addressing Jin as if she were little more than a phantom in the room.

     "You can stay for as long as you need. And her too," Yoongi's words were laced with a thinly veiled disdain, his gaze flickering briefly towards her with a contempt that sent a shiver down her spine.

     "If you are hungry, call for my servants," he added, his tone dripping with disdain before he turned on his heel and vanished into the shadows, leaving Y/n to wrestle with the unsettling chill that lingered in his wake.

      Jin's voice broke through the silence, a lifeline amidst the suffocating atmosphere. "Are you hungry?" he inquired softly, his concern a beacon of warmth in the encroaching darkness.

     Y/n shook her head, the gnawing hunger in her belly forgotten amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling within her. "No, not really," she murmured, her gaze drifting towards the window where the first tendrils of dawn began to paint the sky in hues of pink and gold.

     "Then we should go to bed. The sun will almost go up," Jin suggested, his words a gentle reminder of the passage of time.

     With a nod, Y/n acquiesced, allowing Jin to lead her to the bed where they sought refuge from the world outside. But as the heavy curtains were drawn shut and Jin succumbed to the embrace of sleep, Y/n found herself restless, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts that refused to be stilled.

     With a silent sigh, she slipped from the warmth of the bed, her bare feet padding softly against the cool marble floor as she ventured into the dimly lit hallway. Pausing before a closed door, she listened intently, her curiosity piqued by the sound of labored breathing emanating from within.

     "I shouldn't be so nosy, right?" she muttered to herself, her voice echoing in the silent corridor. But despite her words, her hand reached out, fingers trembling as they brushed against the cool metal of the door handle.

     With a hesitant push, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit chamber shrouded in shadows. A curtain wall obscured her view, teasing glimpses of what lay beyond. And as she took a hesitant step forward, the floorboards creaking beneath her weight, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was treading on forbidden ground, playing a dangerous game with forces beyond her comprehension.

     A sudden voice shattered the silence, sending a shiver down Y/n's spine as she spun around to face its source. Yoongi stood before her, an ominous figure cloaked in darkness, his presence both unnerving and commanding.

     "No, you shouldn't!" His words cut through the air like a blade, slicing through the tension that hung between them.

     Before she could react, Y/n felt herself being propelled backward, stumbling into the confines of the room as Yoongi pressed her against the wall with an iron grip, his hand clamping over her mouth to stifle any protest.

      "Why are you still out of bed? Are you looking for me?" His voice dripped with a dangerous edge, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent a shiver down Y/n's spine.

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