How Our Eliminations Work

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We do some of our eliminations a little differently.

Part of the elimination is based on the Selection, while the other part of it is based on the party game Mafia. In the Selection roleplays, several girls are just chosen to be eliminated and the princes and everyone else pretends to be sorry about it.

In Mafia, what happens is the players who are secretly the 'Mafia' chose the person they want to get out while everyone else's head is down. If that person isn't saved by the doctor, who choses a random person without knowing who the mafia is or who they chose, they will die. When everyone puts their head up, if that person 'died' the moderator would explain who died and how they died. They would then be out of the game.

How this works is, especially later in the roleplay, there will be situations that are life or death. Though there will be a list of people to be eliminated next, like in any selection roleplay, their choices they make in the situation determine if they will die then or be eliminated or killed later. If they die, we will release a chapter saying how they died. We will choose who does, since it is a variation of an elimination. Naturally, those who don't move die first, so it's important to be active. If you become inactive for weeks, you will be eliminated.

Please note that only once or twice will there be a death elimination. Only those who agree to allow their character to be in the death elimination will be able to have their characters in that. It is only to add realism to the situation it's in and will likely only happen to inactive characters, not active ones. Don't be afraid to say that if your character must go they will only in a normal elimination.

There is a poll after the forms with a question asking if you agree to have your character as one able to be put in the death elimination or not. Do not feel pressured to say anything. Either way, we completely understand. (I myself would probably say no and cry, to be totally honest. )

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