Maid/Guard/Rebel Form

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(Maids, Guards, and Rebels are just as important as the selected and Royals to keep the story interesting! So please, please don't over look them!)

Just as the princes are not the same as normal, neither are the maids or guards.

Some of the maids have been paid to test the patience of the selected girls, either by 'accidentally' spilling something, or making them walk into an embarrassing situation, or acting like they can't understand the selected girl at all when she speaks, or brings cold food, or gives them water with a dead fly in one of the ice cubes, or even small acts of mischief, like taking something small and putting it somewhere else in the room, or taking something small and putting it in someone else's room.

Some of the male guards have been given the assignment to try to test the loyalty of the selected. If they aren't loyal during the selection, why would they be in the future? So, these guards will be especially nice and maybe even flirt a little, but not too openly, since then it would be obvious something was up. These guards will usually pick one or two of the selected to be extra nice to and such so the girls don't think that it's just his personality or that he's a player. They will not usually pursue an actual relationship with them, since that could get them both killed, but they will report their findings to the head guard, who tells Vivian.

Of course, Vivian set that whole thing up and hasn't told anyone else about it. Who else would plan something like this? She knew that no one else would approve, so she just didn't tell them. The maids and guards won't know they're working for Vivian. They only really know that the head maid or guard, respectively, told them to do so.

Rebels. Need they be explained? They are the people who want to overthrow the country and not people you want to mess with. They periodically attack, making everyone run to safety. They are the ones who inadvertently made the powers, so they could figure out how to modify them beyond what they were. They gave themselves stronger abilities than those of other people, and are a force to be reckoned with. The reason they are mentioned is because lately there has been a problem... There are the slightly mischievous guards and maids, but the worse ones are definitely the guards and maids who are Rebels infiltrating the palace. They will do nothing but gather information, or do tasks important to an invasion or to their cause, but they do not help the Rebels attack. The maids go and hide like everyone else and the guards pretend to fight them to hide their secret. It is almost impossible to find out who they are.






Who they work for:

If they help Vivian (Yes or no):

Alignment (Rebel or Illea):

Powers (Ones given in the province section only. If you want, I will copy and paste it here.):




Weakness (at least three required):



Fears (at least three required):





Skeletons in the Closet: (This can be private messaged to this account to keep others from seeing, but it is a dark secret the person has. It doesn't have to be extreme, but it needs to be something they'd want to keep hidden at all costs.)

Password one:

Password two:

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