Crown One

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"Tae?" His co-agent calls him from behind his cubicle. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin are blockmates, meaning they share the same division in the agency. They also graduated in the same year from the academy, so maybe Kim Taehyung had already considered Park Jimin his best friend in this line of chosen profession. "Yeah?" The one being called responds, not looking away from his computer.

No, not because he's doing something important, but because he's about to die in Overwatch and Mercy is nowhere to be found. "Fuck, I need healing. Where the hell is support?" From his periphery, Jimin (using his swivel chair) glides over to Taehyung. "Ew, such a nerd as always, Tae. Anyway, listen," Jimin stops and glares because Taehyung doesn't even take his eyes off of the stupid screen for a split second to look at his best friend talking. "I really think you should change your hair color into something more... subtle, y'know? Since we're..."

Someone abruptly cuts Jimin off, "Agent Kim, your presence is requested in the head office." It is one of Director Kim's assistants. Now, being one of the best students in his batch, Kim Taehyung has often been called in the office for field work. Nothing too dangerous for an A1 agent like Kim Taehyung.

Jimin gasps in horror, "Oh, shit. Director Kim is going to shave your balls for playing Overwatch!" Jimin is Taehyung's second-in-command in his unit and he had the highest honors in hand-to-hand combat so it is an advantage for Taehyung to have him in the team. "Shut up, Chim, you're too loud." Before he walks away, he hears Jimin mock his words so he gives him a middle finger, unbeknownst to the senior agent beside him.

Once he enters the head office, he notices the commotion of Director Kim Seokjin's assistants and sub-directors from different divisions of the agency.

"Taehyung, have a seat. This just came in from Busan." Seokjin hands him a tablet with the information of the threat. Taehyung eyes widened because never in his two years in the agency have he encountered, "Code Black."

Code Black, the highest level of emergency the agency will ever receive.

"The Crown Prince of Busan's coronation to be king roughly five minutes ago has been infiltrated by his own uncle who was the late King's younger brother, the Duke of Busan, second in line for the throne of Busan up until the current prince was born. His motive was to take over Busan for himself since he thinks the Prince is too young to assume the role of his late father."

Taehyung eyes the live aerial view of the Palace of Busan from the director's screen and it was tragic. Their troops, the kingdom's police, the palace security versus the men of the Duke of Busan. and the young agent realizes that this was all for power, to reign. The greed of man is infinite as the universe.

"We have already deployed our five best troops to retrieve the royal family but they are experiencing gunfire and are unavailable, every single one of their members." This is the first time Taehyung had seen Seokjin so stressed because, usually, the Director would be calm and collected in handing him his squad's missions; be it code blue or code red, but never code black. "The Prince and the royal family is still inside the castle grounds, I can't contact the unit leaders and I'm beginning to fear that they might not reach the Prince in time."

"It's up to you now, Kim. Rescue the Prince and bring him back here safely." Taehyung nods and speeds out of the office. He keeps in mind the five best troops of the agency are under fire. Namjoon's squad is one of the five and they are under fire. Namjoon's squad are the best in the business, so how perilous is this retrieval mission?

"Jimin, get Mingyu on the line for me. We're gonna need the chopper." Jimin's eyes widen and dials their teammate's number following Taehyung suit to the locker and ammunitions room. "Code?"

"Black." Jimin could only hang his jaw open.


"Oppa, I'm scared." The young princess sobs into his older brother's finery, supposedly his clothing for his coronation night this evening, not knowing a catastrophe was about to strike. The Prince holds his sister as silent as he can. There, they hide inside the King's quarters; he felt the need to be here, to make him feel safe as well. His emotions are all bottled up inside of him, but mostly he's just terrified. Terrified for the life of his sister because he can't lose her, he can't lose her like he lost them. "Oppa is here, Eunjung, I'm scared as well, but we'll make it together, okay?" He reassures his younger sister with a smile. He's almost at his breaking point, he was on the verge of tears as well. Seeing his sister afraid reminded him of himself that fateful night. I will avenge them.

The enormous doors of the room were broken down and they found us. "Seize them!" One of the men shouted. Five on the princess and five on himself. "Jungkook oppa!" His sister yells in agony and Jungkook's insides triggered a rush of adrenaline. I will save her. He pushed the men surrounding him, freeing himself from their grip so that he can run to her, so he can save his sister unlike he hadn't saved his parents. I will not be scared anymore.

He searches for them, but they successfully abducted her. "Eunjung!" He yells, garnering the attention of the men in pursuit of him. He loses them in the corridors of the massive castle; he knows these walls better than anyone. Where is she? His heart is beating fast, too fast, that he feels like it would jump out of his system. "Eunjung!" Jungkook calls again but he is only met with echoes. He has to be quiet for those people not to find him.

Jungkook finally breaks down because this was happening again. Tears stream down the Prince's face as he sinks to the ground. He failed his parents again. He lost his sister. He's not worthy to run a kingdom. Wasn't it only yesterday that his family were complete? They were happy and everything changed when he came. He was family and he ruined everything for Jungkook.

Now, Jungkook has nothing.

"Your Highness!" Someone calls him from the back. "Thank goodness I found you." He is masked and he is wearing everything black. Jungkook readied to defend himself, this could be another one of his enemies but the man held a tight hold on his wrist and started dragging him. Jungkook feels weak under his touch because he's tired and he thinks he can't go on any more. "W–Who are you?! Let go of me!"

The masked man stops, "Please, you have to trust me. I can get you to safety." Trust. Jungkook doesn't know the value of that word anymore. But this, the way he said the word, Jungkook can feel the sincerity but anyone can say that and they don't have to sound genuine anymore. "I don't know you!" Jungkook struggles against his grasp.

The masked man then lets go of Jungkook's wrist and uncovers his face and his white hair. It might not be the proper time but why white? It's unconventional. "Your parents asked our organization to protect you beforehand." Jungkook freezes, his parents know these people? He steps back, ready to run away, "I don't understand." He was about to turn, to find his sister but he hears the man plead. "I will explain everything once we get to safety. Please, your highness, come with me."

The Prince stops and he looked at the stranger's face. "Come with me." He says one more time. Jungkook nods and he remembers his task at hand, "My–My sister, I need to save her. He's got her!" The man doesn't listen and instead runs the opposite direction leading outside the castle. "Stop!"

They stop and the man turns to him, his demeanor serious and lack of incertitude. "She will be in more danger if you go to her. They know that you'll try to rescue her. They've got everything planned. The best option for you is to trust me and come with me." The white-haired man's eyes were soft and insistent, Jungkook almost melts at the gaze. "Please."

He sighs deeply. He had no one at the moment, no one but this man. He can't possibly give his trust away so easily but there is something about him that Jungkook's heart tells him to go with him. "I trust you."

"Mingyu, bring her over. We're out." Just then, a helicopter appears right in front of the balcony, the air it brings sends shivers down Jungkook's entire being. "Taehyung, I can't get her any closer. You have to jump." Taehyung's earpiece blares. The door of the helicopter opens and there were more people Jungkook isn't familiar of. But he trusts him; he trusts Taehyung. "Your Highness, we're gonna have to jump." Taehyung pushes him towards the edge of the balcony railings. "Jump?! I thought you weren't serious!" Jungkook shouts. "I'm afraid we are." Taehyung bites his lower lip and motions for Jungkook to jump first.

It would've been okay if the jump was not on the fifth floor of the castle. "Taehyung, six o'clock!"

"Fuck, really?" Jungkook cringes at the language. As a royal, he's not supposed to curse, even on the inside; it'll ruin his dignified persona. "Jump, now!" Taehyung says and fires gunshots at the incoming opponents. Bullet by bullet he aims for the leg, intentions not to kill but to maim. Likewise, he can't let a single bullet get past him and hit Jungkook, his duty is to the prince even it costs him is life.

It is loud and deafening, the gunshots. So Jungkook takes a deep breath and leaps towards the entrance of the flying vehicle. "Sorry for the rough night, Your Highness." Another stranger greets him, but Jungkook could sense he was less manipulative than Taehyung since he was showcasing a soft smile. "Buckle up, Taehyung's about to finish." Jungkook sits himself near the window and fastens his seatbelt, the man hands him a pair of headphones and just in time, Taehyung arrives asking him, "You good?" Jungkook nods, overwhelmed because Taehyung would take a bullet for him.

The chopper zooms up and circles the vicinity of the palace once before it makes its path away from the palace, away from Busan. Jungkook's heart is breaking as he gets farther and farther from his kingdom. He remembers what Taehyung told him earlier, that his sister will be safe as long as he is. Jungkook turns to Taehyung whose breathing seem to normalize after the gun battle.

"Hit anywhere, Tae?" The soft guy asks.


"Yeah?" Taehyung shifts right for Jimin to see the wound on his left arm, it was bleeding badly in Jungkook's eyes but Jimin seems unfazed. "Wicked bullet wound, man." Taehyung could only roll his eyes as Jimin starts applying first aid.

This is Aerie-1, status report Hawk-9? Over.

Retrieved and Secured. Heading for home.

Copy that. Good job.

Thanks, I was about to die.

But you didn't.

Touché, Director Kim. Over and out.


They were dropped off on some deserted island, Taehyung, Jimin, and his Highness. They walked for a bit until they reached a metal barricade, an entrance. Jungkook follows behind Taehyung like a lost puppy. The agent smiles, and he'd be lying if he didn't find the prince the slightest bit attractive.

When they reached the deepest floor, Taehyung asks for Jungkook's permission to leave to get his wound (which turned out to be three wounds) treated in the infirmary. Jungkook feels alone in this huge and spacious white room. It would've been better if Taehyung was there, too, to keep him company. To make him feel safe.

Two knocks on the door and some men in formal suits walk in, led by a rather attractive man with broad shoulders and a feminine-ish face. (J/N: I'm overselling my husband ok) "Prince Jeon Jungkook of Busan-gwangyeogsi, I am Director Kim of the Prince Protection Program, an organization to protect the princes funded by the royal families themselves. You are here because Busan is under siege but we guarantee that you will be safe here in our organization."

Everything, every detail of every happening, Jungkook doesn't understand. It's all been happening too fast and it's taking a toll on him. He wants to break down, but he can't; he has to be strong for his sister. "If it is not too much to ask, Director Kim, I request to be taken back to my palace immediately. My sister is still there, nobody is there to defend our land." Even with the ineffable surge of need present in Jungkook's voice, the director denies this. "I'm afraid we can do anything but that, Your Highness." Jungkook expected that answer, but he was not going to give up without a fight. They needed to understand that Eunjung needs Jungkook, likewise–

"They've ceased fire, sir. They know Prince Jeon Jungkook left the palace."

"What?" Jungkook is taken aback. Director Kim grabs something like a remote control and turns on a huge projecting screen, Jungkook turns his attention to it. The palace is now silent, albeit not peaceful, there were no gun fires, no men of his uncle roaming the palace grounds, PPP's troops are falling back to their carriers. Director Kim directs his assistant, "Command our troops to retreat back to Aerie immediately. Everyone is to be on standby until we devise a plan to reclaim Busan." The assistant nods and leaves once more. Then, he turns to Jungkook with a burning gaze. "They only wanted you dead, Prince Jungkook. If you haven't left the palace, more civilians and worse, your sister could've died. As of now, your uncle is holding your sister and everyone working and living in the palace hostage and if we move now without proper disposition..."

"I– I have to get to her..." Jungkook interrupts him. "You don't know what kind of criminal my uncle is. He was the one who killed my parents. My father trusted him and he killed them. I can't... I can't let him take what's left of my family."

Seokjin lets out a heavy sigh and instructs one of his assistants to plug in a USB drive to the screen. "I was not supposed to let you see this until later, but I think there would be no more suitable time than now."

The screen displays black, Jungkook awaits. Then, he sees them, his parents are right in front of him and he freezes almost immediately. "Our Jungkookie," his father starts. "if you are receiving this message, this means that your mother and I are probably..." He sees his mother squeeze his father's arm as they look at each other worriedly. Jungkook knows what they were trying to say and tears fall.

"We knew that he would unleash chaos in our kingdom, we just weren't sure when he would strike." Jungkook holds in a breath. They knew but they didn't stop him. "If we were to die, we died protecting you and Eunjung. And your sister, keep her safe, you're all she has now. Let go of the kingdom if that would mean the two of you can live on peacefully."

The kingdom which had been their family's for generations. The kingdom that his parents worked with devotion and full commitment to raise and protect. The kingdom his parents dedicated their sacrifice to. He'd just going to give it all away like some piece of land? Never.

Then his mother speaks, her eyes are full of love like he have known to love. She speaks in her gentlest and most calm voice, the voice that would sing Jungkook lullabies, the voice that he needed the most right now. She isn't here anymore. "These people will help you reclaim your throne in Busan. Trust them, Jungkook, they will know what to do." He trusts them, now fully as his own parents trusted them. He catches a glimpse of his mother tearing up, though still smiling and elegant as ever. I miss them so much. Jungkook is almost crying, "And our Jungkookie... we love you."

The video ends, Jungkook forces his tears to stop. "How did they– know..." He doesn't know what to say from there. It just stops. If they have known all along, why did they let him murder them? "They died for you and your sister, don't let their death be in vain." Seokjin mutters calmly, hoping it wouldn't mean too much for the already-drained prince. Seokjin pities him in simpler terms: he lost his parents, his kingdom, and soon his sister if they don't figure out a way to stop his uncle.

As a prince, Jungkook must know when and where to stand his ground. He looks up to Seokjin, eyes ablaze with dignity and dedication to reclaim what is rightfully his and restore glory to the kingdom of Busan. "Alright. I will entrust the security of my kingdom, especially my sister, to you."


After all the disorder from earlier, the organization is back in peace. It is late, two hours past midnight when Director Kim calls for Kim Taehyung once again. He goes directly after he checks up on Prince Jungkook, already sound asleep in his temporary quarters. "Yes, Director Kim?" Taehyung greets once inside.

And without second thoughts, Seokjin instructs the agent, "I will assign you to be relocated with Prince Jeon Jungkook until further notice."

So I will be babysitting a prince as of today? Just fucking great.


wow this was boring to write
this is what the wore earlier
or at least in my mind

chim, 22

tae, 22

kook, 20

my husband, 24

special thanks to svt mingyu for participating in this shit and i haven't properly introduced namjoon, just mentioned, so i didn't include him in the character list just yet.

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