Crown Three

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Jungkook spends three hours tossing and turning some more on his bed. Taehyung's words were floating inside his mind like a mantra. Of course, I don't. Yes, of course, he doesn't. Who would want Jungkook in their life anyway? He's always been the black sheep, weird among others. Even he thinks he doesn't fit in his own family. Eunjung's always been better at him doing royal stuff; and she's 17. To Jungkook, he's just... Jungkook. A crown prince, yes, but he never believed in himself in the first place.

Knocks on the door were heard, Jungkook snaps out of his self-loathing realm and mutters a soft, "Yes?" enough for that someone behind the door to hear. Taehyung comes in, all ready to go out somewhere with his casual clothes and thick jacket. Jungkook abruptly sits up and fixes himself, eyes trying to avoid Taehyung's. The burn of Taehyung's word were still present, but he'd set them aside for now. The agent sits down beside him on the bed and none of them speak for a while.

"I'm sorry," "I apologize." They both speak at the same time.

Taehyung blinks at Jungkook, he blinks back. Silence, again. They favour on opening and closing their lips, wanting to speak but their brains aren't cooperating with their mouths at the moment until their gazes drift away from each other making the situation a little less easy for both of them to breathe.

"Let's..." Taehyung coughs earning Jungkook's attention again. "Let's forget about everything earlier. I shouldn't have said that. It was... impulsive. I don't know what I was saying. Maybe I was just too tired and I've got a lot of things going on in my mind at the moment. I suck at apologies, really. But you should know that I'm really, truly sorry and–" Taehyung realizes he's been pointlessly talking about unnecessary things completely unrelated of the topic at hand when he hears Jungkook snicker, "And– yeah, let's forget." Taehyung always rambles when he's nervous, Jungkook must've noticed.

When the blush disappears from Taehyung's cheeks and the embarrassment is slowly wearing off, he stands up and faces Jungkook, "Come on, let's got out for breakfast." A shiver of excitement runs down Jungkook's spine as he nods with a smile.

Taehyung smiles back for the first time.


Jungkook doesn't know whether to be thankful or not that Hoseok's not coming with them. Earlier, they said their goodbyes at the apartment with Jungkook asking Taehyung were Hoseok was going. Apparently, Director Kim had called him over earlier than his supposed return to the agency.

Should he be happy that Hoseok's not here so he won't feel like a third wheel? Or should he be nervous, because he isn't here and he doesn't know exactly how to interact with Taehyung. Guy's bipolar as heck. Unreadable, unpredictable. Now, Jungkook always wants to try to stay on Taehyung's good side, he's scary when he's angry.

"Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant, Jungkook?" Jungkook shakes his head. He's never got a chance to go out and explore Busan on his own, but he's heard about places like fast food chains and barbecue eateries and even street vending. Come to think of it, he's never explored his own kingdom, a kingdom that will soon be his mind him, and he's never gotten to learn how a commoner's life works.

Taehyung talks about where to find the best food places here in Seoul. Gangnam, apparently, is where they're driving to.

They enter a café adorned with pretty pastel colors and ornamental flowers that makes the Prince feel comfortable upon entering the establishment. It's cute, as they say. Two old ladies, Taehyung and he are the only customers since it's still early on a cold Saturday to be out and about on the streets.

When they settle down on a table in the middle of the café, Taehyung asks, "Jungkook, what would you like?" Jungkook blinks, "I do not know," he says as he skims through the small menu, "can you give some suggestions?"

"They make really tasty Gaeran Toast, I guess." Jungkook only nods, after all, he's not really familiar with the place and Taehyung seems to know his way around so he trusts him. Taehyung calls for the waiter and order their breakfast while Jungkook trails his vision to the streets of Gangnam, Seoul. And this is definitely more fun than seeing commoner's places only when they parade down the streets of Busan on some festivities. It makes him feel more welcomed.

Taehyung eyes the Prince sitting across of him. Earlier, he admits that it was rash of him to say that he didn't want Jungkook around. He didn't think of Jungkook's current situation: being away from his homeland, having lost his parents and his kingdom in a month's time, and Taehyung hasn't been notified about any rescue missions for the princess either. It's a lot to take in, even for Taehyung who's not directly attached to the situation; imagine how Jungkook is feeling.

"Jungkook," The said male turns his attention to Taehyung, "I'm sorry, really." Taehyung words were gentle, Jungkook feels his heart is stuck in his throat. What was Taehyung sorry for? Didn't they resolve this issue earlier? Though, what Taehyung said definitely put an imprint on his mind. But the way Taehyung apologizes so gently, the mark slowly begins to dissipate. He smiles, "No, Taehyung, it is I who should apologize. You're doing this to protect me. I should trust you more than I do."

They both close the conversation with small smiles. It's still hard to talk to each other because both don't know how to interact with the other. Taehyung hopes this awkwardness will wither within time and actually start to make friends with the Prince, to make him feel more at home.

Their breakfast is served. Two servings of Gaeran Toast and a bunch of banchans as well. Taehyung orders a cup of iced black coffee, remembering Hoseok's words "Dark, bitter, and cold like your soul." In which he smiles to himself.

"Um, Taehyung?" Jungkook calls.


"Can I please request for a knife?"

"What for?"

"It is hard to cut the sandwich in pieces."

Taehyung blinks, oh right, he forgets. He stands up and asks the nice lady on the counter for a bread knife and hands it to Jungkook who mutters his thanks. Taehyung eyes Jungkook as he delicately slices the toasted bread in half and impales the piece with a fork and then eats it, gracefully if Taehyung might add. Usually, people eat sandwiches without the use of utensils and just eat it directly with their mouths; but Jungkook is just something else.

"Is something the matter, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks when he sees Taehyung not eating his breakfast. Oh shit, Taehyung's been caught staring! "Um," Taehyung tries to come up with an excuse, but instead picks up his own toast and chews quietly to avoid conversation. He wasn't staring at Jungkook! Believe him! Okay, he was, but doesn't want to admit that.

"You know," Taehyung pats his lips with a napkin, "normal people don't usually eat sandwiches with knives and forks."

"They do not?" Jungkook sounds bewildered, Taehyung holds in his chuckles. "Yes, we do not. We usually just pick it up with a piece of napkin, or none at all, and eat it directly."

"I have never eaten a sandwich like that."

"Well, I guess you can try right now."

Taehyung demonstrates with Jungkook intently watching. Then he takes hold of his own sandwich and reluctantly eats it like Taehyung did. If his mother could see him right now, he would be dead meat. He was taught to always use his eating utensils every time, regardless of what food he's eating. It was part of his etiquette as a prince. And being a prince doesn't only mean crowns and horseback riding and sword-fencing; sometimes, it's about poise and politesse as well.

"Like this?" Jungkook asks. Taehyung smiles because: "Yes, like that." Jungkook's learning to fit in. Maybe having him around won't be so bad after all.


"Taehyung, do we have kitchen supplies back at your apartment?" Jungkook asks once they were strapped onto Taehyung's car, ready to go home. Taehyung shakes his head, "No. Hoseok and I always go out to eat, or we just call for deliveries." Taehyung recalls they were almost close setting the stove on fire because Hoseok forgot to it off while making haejangguk, a simple soup recipe turned out to be such a disaster. Taehyung doesn't even know what kind of ingredient Hoseok put in there that turned it into a black goo. "Fast food aren't healthy." Reprimands Jungkook.

Ah, Taehyung remembers, in the file he received containing basic information about Jungkook (from his shirt size, shoe size, likes and dislikes, allergies, preferences, etc.), he read that Jungkook is living a healthy lifestyle. Jungkook's built and ripped, muscles and everything. Taehyung doesn't even question anymore if the Prince had abs or not, the answer is quite obvious.

"Do you know how to cook?" Jungkook nods with a smile, "I know how to cook. My mother taught me basic steps and from then on, I self-taught myself." He seems very proud of himself, an achievement that he has come to acknowledge, maybe, Taehyung thinks. Might be a good change for once. It's been a while since Taehyung tasted homemade cooking, the last time was when he and Seokjin had a little get-together last Christmas, which was a while already.

"I'll ask hyung to restock my place with groceries, then."


"Director Kim."

"Why do you call him informally?"

"You probably don't know that we're brothers," Jungkook wasn't supposed to know that. "Most of the other agents don't know, as well." And there's a perfectly good reason for it, too. But Taehyung should save it for another time. Jungkook doesn't seem to press on the topic as well, good thing.

"He trusts you." Jungkook blurts out of the blue.


"Director Kim, he trusts you. He gave me to you. He must see something in you that made you the perfect candidate for this assignment." It's a little overwhelming hearing that. Sometimes, he and Seokjin wouldn't see eye to eye. Maybe because, first of all, the huge difference in their personalities. Second, well, it's kind of a complicated thing in their family. "You are a good person, Taehyung." Jungkook's voice is laced with sincerity making Taehyung grin (a bit) to himself. "Glad to hear that."

Now, Taehyung is the one anxious. He's knows to interact with people reservedly before. Living with a new one is certainly a task. It's exhausting. If it wasn't for Hoseok, he'd probably be living alone in that somewhat big apartment of his. If it wasn't for Hoseok their somewhat relationship wouldn't last. Taehyung's not even sure what kind of relationship is that. He's never been one to explore beyond his boundaries.

Should he make a good third impression on Jungkook, then? He's thinking about taking Jungkook out to discover more of what he's been missing in a life of a commoner.

No, not a date. Definitely not a date.


30 minutes later in the cinema, Taehyung' been keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings rather than the movie. Jungkook seems to be having fun. The theater isn't packed today but there are quite a few people here. Taehyung notices the two girls behind them keep on sneaking glances while giggling at Jungkook and he glares at them, sinking back into his seat and keeps a firm grip on Jungkook's wrist. Jungkook flinches, but he doesn't question Taehyung.

"Oh, they must be dating." One of the girls say.

Maybe or maybe not it was intentional, but both of them heard it loud and clear. Jungkook's eyes widen at the observation. But before he could muster up courage to look at Taehyung, the older slips his hand away from his, taking the warmth with him. The rational part of Jungkook's mind calms down, but the other part is yearning for something warm now that Taehyung had taken his big, heated hand off of his. And because of this, he shivers. This doesn't go unnoticed by Taehyung.

"Cold?" Jungkook looks at him with doe eyes rounded to its extent. Taehyung takes off his scarf and wraps it on Jungkook's hands while the prince mumbles a soft 'Thanks.' It may be the ambience of the entire movie theater, cold and numbing, or the little act of kindness Taehyung had shown just recently that makes his cheeks go pink. He hopes it was the first one.

The movie ends happily much to Jungkook's liking, he stands up and stretches his sore muscles from sitting down too long and Taehyung mimics his actions. Unknowingly, the scarf falls off of Jungkook's grip so he leans down to grab it, Taehyung bends to do the same. Their heads hit in the middle with a semi-hard sound resonating. The male look at each other, caressing the growing bumps on their heads, and then they laugh like they were the only people left in the room.

"Let's get you home, Jungkook." Taehyung says when he hands Jungkook thee fallen scarf.

Home. Jungkook thinks that maybe he'll get used to this kind of thing after all.


Change of plans, Eunjung is 17. Jeon Somi will be perfect for the part.

Sorry for being a turtle :(

Korean Romanization in the chapter:
Gaeran toast – egg toast
Banchan – side dishes
Haejjanguk – hangover soup

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