Still hurting

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Chloe's POV:
I was crying a lot when i closed the door. What she said was hurt me. She said that she had liked Jesse and wanted to ignore my love for her. It was hurt me more than the fact that he liked Jesse. I fell down my bed. Tears didn't stop. I cried a lot and did't know when i fell as sleep....

I went to school. Somebody stared at me. "that girl drunk and hit Jesse last Saturday" i heard people whispering around me. Well, now i am famous. Surpriseeeee???
I walked in my class. Everybody still talking about me. Okay. Ignored them. I sat down and brought my books out. i found that Beca came and sat next to me. She looked at me with guilty face. I turned my head away to avoid her. I didn't want to talk to her now. I needed time to calm down. She touch my hand slightly. I pulled it away. I didn't even look at her. I turned around to beg Jane, who was sitting behind me, i asked her if i could have her sit today. Beca stared at me and yelled. She was angry.

-"Chloe, stop. What the hell are you doing?"

Everybody in class stared at us. I smirked, didn't say anything and left the class. I could feel tears in my eyes. I wiped tears and walked quickly. I just didn't want to stay here at that moment. I couldn't focus on anything if i sat near Beca. I walked quickly and crashed into someone. I looked up and apologized to him. I just realized that was Tom Jordan. I wiped tears in my eyes and smiled to him:

-"Hey, sorry, are you okay. I was going too fast."

-"Okay friend. Why did you cry?"-He asked me

I smiled and shook my head, signed that nothing happened.

-"Don't hide me. I thought we are friends, huh? You said that, remember??"

-"Do you want to go somewhere, not school today?"

I didn't know why i asked him. I just needed someone to share my feelings now. If i had kept this story, i would sick.

-"Sure. I don't want to study today"- He winked. This handsome guy was so kind to me.

I smiled. Then he hold my hand and ran: "Hurry, before teachers found us"

I smiled and ran with him.

We were in the the soccer's ground behind our school.
I told Tom all the story. How i fell in love with Beca, how i came out, how i punched Jesse....bla bla...
And...I just recognized that Tom was Jesse's friends.

-"Wait, don't talk to Jesse, please. I forgot you are his best friend. Oh my god. I'm such a crazy"-I slapped my forehead.

-"That's okay haha. Don't worry. Trust me"-He grinned

-"Should i?"-I smirked

-"Yea you should"

He looked at my eyes. His green eyes were so beautiful. I felt confuse, i turned away to avoid his beautiful eyes. I just thought he was gonna kiss me.

-"Stop looking at me, Tom"

He smiled.

-"Sorry, haha, i just...thought...uhm you are so beautiful"

-"Thanks..and I'm lesbian"

-"my love may change your sexuality. Just maybe. Do you want to try?"

I glanced at him and put up the middle finger to him. I grinned. So did he.

-"You know, Tom. Please don't try. I just wanna have a good friendship with you. Friendship is better than love. You don't think it?"

-", you're the first and the only one deny my love. I'm a hot guy. Told you. Don't regret haha"

I laughed and punched his arm slightly

-" love Beca? And now she's dating with Jesse. What will you do? Live in pain?"

-"of course no. I and Beca are still friends. I don't know. I just need time to think about it. I don't want to talk with her now. It's...idk..just weird. So hard for me at this time"

-"You have me here, Chloe"-He smiled. His smile was so beautiful.

When we walked out the soccer field, we heard someone call us. I and Tom, turned around and prayed that was not our teacher or parents.
God! I rolled my eyes. This was even worse than teachers saw me here. I didn't want to see Beca and Jesse now.
They were walking to us. He hold her hand.

Shit. Stop Chloe. They are couple now. You can't behave like this. Don't be jealous. Beca do not deserve it.

-"Hey Chloe, Tom! What are you guys doing here?"-Jesse asked us

Tom grinned:

-"We were bonding"


-"Just kidding haha. We just don't want to go to school today. So haha"

-"Me and Beca too. Are you dating? You and you?" -Jesse pointed at me and Tom.

I stared at Beca. And Beca too. Everything was nervous. I looked at her but i didn't say anything to her. Then I glanced at Jesse and answered his question while Tom was just smiling:

-"No, we aren't. I'm lesbian"

-"Wait, what? I thought you were bisexual...? Beca didn't tell me about this."

-"Welcome to the truth"-I smirked.

-"That's okay. Haha. Wait, don't tell me punched me because of Beca...? Hey hey, don't.."

I heard the question, then i stared at Beca. Beca looked confuse. I smirked. I just wanted to tell him that:"YES! I'm in love with your girl friend, dude!". But i .couldn't. I didn't want to hurt that tiny girl. As least Beca had feelings for Jesse. As least she liked Jesse. As least we were friends. And i could not do this. I could not see the girl who i loved feel sad. I just looked at her and replied to Jesse:

-"Nope. Don't worry. I won't steal your girlfriend. Sorry for last night, i drunk and hit wrong person"-I said coldly.

I could recognize how surprise she was. Her beautiful eyes were wide opened. While we was stared at each other, Jesse
-"Haha, just kidding. Wait, why don't we go to bar? It will be fun."

Tom looked at me gently:


-"No"-i denied. I just wanted to go home immediately.

-"Come on, baby. Go rock the world and forget everything"

-"Yes. Go go Chloe. Beca comes too! It will be fun"-Jess hold my hand and begged me, then he looked at Beca: "Beca, huh, tell her go with us"

Beca looked at me, she was confused.
Tom hold my hand and screamed:

-"GO GO GIRLS. We'll rock the world"

-"C'on. Tom" - i smirked and followed him

We ran before them.
Beca and Jesse was walking behind.

Broke inside.

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