Summer love (p.1)

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I was lying on bed with my laptop to find a long trip for this summer. I need to go somwhere to forget what happend a few days ago, Anyway, the semester of school would be over in 2 weeks. Well well, it would be great. I wondered where i should go. Hawaii?? Yes! Hawaii-Heaven of summer. I booked ticket to Hawaii and so excited for the trip. Hawaiiiiii! I'm comingggg!
I was rolling in my bed, feeling "A thousand Years" by Christina Perri. my phone suddenly rang. It was Beca.

-"Hello, Beca? What's up?"

-" you want to go somewhere for this summer vacation?"

-"Oh..Yes. I had just book ticket to go Hawaii..."

-"That's great. I want to go with you"

-"Oh really? We?"-I was very very happy when Beca said that. Awww, vacation with person who you love most. Why not?

-"Yea..but Jesse and Tom...want to go too"-She said slowly. I heard clearly. Oh c'on. My dream was over.


-"Can they go together with us, Chlo?"

Haiz, i didn't know what to say. Yes or no? summer...

-"Sure. Why not?"

I didn't know why i decided it. I just....Haiz. Forget it. Because of Beca. Okay?

-"Really? I will announce to Jesse"-She looked very happy.

-"Yes. Go talk to your prince"-I smiled.

-"Prince..oh.. Sure. Bye. See ya later"


Damnnnnnn!! I should have said no. Ugh. Will it be a bad summer?

Ignore it.


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