Chapter 6: Charmaine

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"Oh look, darling. There's Queen Marcessa with her son Reginald. I hear he's very sweet. Shame about the ears... Oh, and the King and Queen of Morternam behind her; such a tragic story that one - there eldest daughter was kidnapped when she was four. She would be about your age now. There son has much nicer ears, but ten years might be too big an age gap... Behind them are the King and Queen of Utonia and their daughter-"

"I already know Erica, mum. I go to school with her!" Charmaine snapped, cutting across her mother's endless monologue.

"Is she nice?" The queen asked hopefully.

"I guess. She's obsessed with singers though. And she spends more time at the beach than in lessons."

"'Lovely hair," the queen replied, curling a ring covered finger through her own raven locks.

Charmaine wafted her fan in front of her face to conceal a yawn. When she'd suggested a party, listening to her mother drone on and on about royal gossip wasn't what she'd had in mind.

"Oh look, darling! It's the Lebroskis. The father, Lord Lebroski, married your friend's mother when Lord Noxia died two years ago. You remember Elliot, don't you, darling? You were quite attached to him at one point."

Charmaine dropped the fan into her lap, eagerly following her mother's direction.

A man had just entered, flanked by two teens in gaudy, ostentatious outfits. Charmaine recognised neither of them. She slumped back in her chair, her interest waning. The man who had just entered was tall and slim, with a disagreeable frown spread across his face. Charmaine couldn't imagine Lady Eleanor being very happy with him. His children looked no more amiable, with pinched faces and greedy eyes. There was no one else with them.

"I haven't thought about Elliot in years!" She lied, forcing a laugh. "What ever happened to him?" She glanced around the room once more, sighing.

"You've always been an appalling liar, Charmaine."

At school, Charmaine was famed for her ability to lie her way out of any situation. It was just another reason why she hated coming home; her mother knew her tells too well.

Luckily, her mother's love of gossip overrode her desire to frustrate her daughter, so, after a moment's pause, she leaned towards her and whispered, "No one knows; he's vanished from society, none of his friends have seen him since his mother's death. There were... rumours..."

"Go on."

"Well, someone told me that he had run away with a guild of shoe makers. But I also heard that he was working as a chimney sweep in a house in the Purple Vale. Although Lady Aurentel heard he had become reclusive and was living in a pumpkin patch at the bottom of his garden."

None of those sounded remotely likely to Charmaine, but the mystery was intriguing. If Elliot didn't attend the ball, perhaps it would be worth befriending one of those awful looking twins in order to find out what had happened to him.

"Oh look, Darling. There's Count Rostova..."

Charmaine tried to sound like she was listening to her mother's gossip. But she felt so far removed from this room of stuffy adult courtiers. When she looked at them, she saw only their children and the politics of school, rather than the throne room. When her mum pointed out Count Rostova, Charmaine could only see his twins - rowdy first years who were always breaking into the kitchen to steal sweets. Charmaine had been sure to befriend them in their first term and awoke to frequent sugary packages in exchange for keeping Cook's suspicions at bay. And beyond the Count. Well, beyond the Count was-

"Who is that?" she asked her mother, unable to hide her interest as a handsome stranger stepped into the room. He looked from side to side nervously, as if he expected to be kicked out at any moment.

"Do you know, I have no idea," her mother replied, appraising the young man with a smile. "I'll send a steward to enquire."

"No, it's okay," Charmaine said, jumping to her feet. She'd had enough of sitting and watching. "I will go and find out myself."

"Be kind, Charmaine," her mother said, sternly, a knowing smile spread across her painted lips.

"Mother!" She exclaimed, a hand across her heart. "Am I ever anything but?" She winked then jumped from the dais, weaving through the crowd of startled guests in the direction of the stranger.

She came to a halt before him, schooling her features into the amiable smile her elocution teacher had spent the best part of seven years nurturing into existence.

"Charmaine!" her name came out like a sigh, startlingly in its intimacy. Charmaine started, the voice triggering something deep within her memory and she studied the newcomer again.

"Forgive me if we have met before, I do not seem to recall-"

"No," he cut across her, his cheeks glowing. "It is me who must apologise, I have yet to have the pleasure of your acquaintance. My greeting was exceedingly forward and disrespectful. I have no idea what came over me."

"Well, it was certainly unique amongst the sea of bows and 'majesties' I've received so far this evening. Have you travelled far?"

"Not very far, Princess."

"Oh please, call me Charmaine. We may as well continue to dispense with formalities." His previous answer was too carefully given and maddeningly vague. Perhaps she could charm more information out of him. "And what should I call you?"

"Anything you like, Princess. It is your prerogative."

Charmaine frowned.

"What do your friends call you?"

"That's a secret only they know," he said with a wink.

"Well, what do your enemies call you then?" Charmaine said, feeling her temper begin to flare. Who did he think he was? Speaking to her like that? She regretted the words a moment later when his face crumpled in on itself; this was a boy who heard the acid tongue of those who hated him all too often.

"Cinder," he said, softly. "They call me Cinder."

{Sorry for the huge delay! I've neglected this story while I've been busy editing, but I already have the next chapter half written, so hopefully it won't be too long a wait. Who do you think the first year twins might be? And did Erica sound familiar at all? What about the King and Queen with the missing daughter? Please comment with your guesses!}

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