17. 3 days later

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Lucy's POV

I woke up to find myself in my apartment , laying in my comfy and warm bed . An arm around my waist pulling me to a big hard and warm pillow.......wait.......since when did pillows have arm ?!

This feels kind of familiar !
I turned and opened my eyes to be met with non other then Natsu dragneel

" ehhhh ??!! I knew it ! " I took a deep breath before I screamed " WAKE UP !!!!! "

" huh ? " he got up barely awake " why do you have to be so loud in the morning Luce ? "

" aye " that damn tom cat is here too , I closed my eyes and sighted , I should've known , they're always together......and in my apartment.....

" it doesn't matter , why are you in my bed ??!! " I opened my eyes to find him sleeping with happy " I SAID WAKE UPPPPP !!!!!! " this time he groaned and got up lazily walking to the window , happy hot on his trail

" I don't understand why you have to be so loud in the morning " he grumbled scratching the back of his neck , but I heard him , he turned to me and smiled " you know your bed is so comfy . anyway , see you at the guild Luce "

" aye " before I could reply they were out of the window on there way to the guild

" I can't believe these guys ! Now my room is filled with his sent " after a minute I realized what I said , and began blushing . I went to the bathroom , took a bath and brushed my teeth . After that I dressed and put my hair in his usual side long ponytail . I took my wimp 'fleuve d'étoile' and my silver and bronze keys , then made my way to the guild .

" Oi be carful miss Lucy ! Don't fall ! " the first said

" thanks but don't worry about me ! Have a nice day ! "

" you too !" The second replied

Ten minutes later

" good morning everyone !! " I screamed opening the guild's door

" good morning " after everyone replied ,I made my way to the bar to get a strawberry milkshake

" Oi Luce ! Over here ! " I turned to see Natsu , grey , erza , Wendy , Carla and happy sitting on a table

" here you go Lucy " Mira handed me my milkshake

" thanks Mira " I took my milkshake and went to the table were my team was eating breakfast

" good morning Lucy " Wendy greeted

" good morning Wendy , good morning everyone " everyone replied and continued eating

" hey Lucy , how was it at your house ? " someone asked and sat across from me

"Ohh lisanna ! Hey how are you ? It's been good , what about you ? "

" I just came back from a mission with my brother "

" cool ! So how was it catching up with everyone ? "

" it was awesome ! we were able to have fun and bring back the old days . Thanks to you Lucy "

" aww it was nothing , maybe we'll all go on a job someday , what do you say ? "

" sure , I'd love to " after that we chatted for a while and finished breakfast , at some point , happy offered Carla a fish but she declined . Poor kitty

" hey guys , I wanna go on a job to pay my rent . Anyone wants to come with me ? "

" I'll go " Wendy volunteered

" if Wendy is going i am going too " Carla said

" team Natsu is back in business " Natsu said " we ain't gonna let you go on a job alone ! "

" I agree , we're a team , we all go together " erza said eating another piece of strawberry cake , I swear she ate a whole cake for breakfast

" yeah flame brain's right for once "

" what did you say ice freak ? "

" are you deaf ash breath ? "

" I'm a dragon slayer , and I have super hearing you stupid Popsicle "

" oh yeah ? I don't think your little burned brain would comprehend anything " and here they go again , by now grey was shirtless

" grey ! Put a shirt on ! " erza yelled irritated

" juvia don't mind that her beloved grey is shirtless . Juvia would rather have grey stay like that all day " juvia appeared out of nowhere cheering for her 'beloved grey' as she says . Despite that they continued fighting ignoring everyone

" Wendy go pick a nice and well rewarded job please "

" sure Lucy " she went with Carla to pick a job while erza tried to stop the two idiot.....let's say......'peacefully'

" grey ! Natsu ! Stop this nonsense at once ! " but the two just ignored her and continued fighting , and by now half of the guild was involved

" Natsu ! Grey ! You idiots ! Did your powers start affecting your brains ? " ohhhh nice one erza , I laughed at this one . Wendy came back with a job request

" here you go Lucy "

" thanks Wendy " I took the job and read it

To fairy tail

Help ! We are being attacked by some Giants , they're about 50 of them or even more , and they're huge . Bigger and taller than a building . They are really strong and can shoot some kind of laser magic from there mouth . We are trying to hide as best as we can , but it is becoming difficult . Please accept this request fast and come and save us . You will be rewarded with 1 800 000 j .

Mayor of Markarth city , harkon smith

Sound easy enough , and I'll get 450 000 j , Jackpot !! I looked up to see two beat up idiots being dragged by the devil himself . My guess they didn't listen to her and she beat them up , as always . I sighted . The whole guild was fighting now . Tables , bottles and people flying everywhere

" Mira ! We're going to take this job " I said making my way to the white haired bartender , Wendy and her white exceed following me

" I'm sorry , but this is very close to an S-class job . You can't take it , please go and chose another one "

" ohh come on Mira , we need the money , besides we're all going , team Natsu I mean , and we have an S-class wizard with us " I tried to persuade her

" sure you have erza and your all strong , but........."

" please Mira " I pleaded

" okay , fine , good luck " she stamp it with a worried smile on her pretty face and I went to tell the others , but on my way there I heard a rather interesting statement made by Mira

" since when was Lucy not freaking out at these kind of jobs ? " Mira asked herself out loud . Wendy looked at her confused " she must really need the money for her rent , since she wasn't here this whole month " then she shrugged and returned to her work . Hmmm I should be more carful or my secret will be out before I could even say my name . God I just came back about 3 or 4 days ago !

" erza we got the job ! Let's go ! " she looked at me and dragged the two idiots with her and we all went together to the train station

" that's a first erza isn't getting anything with her " grey commented . Half way through , they woke up and started walking like normal people

" your wrong grey . I have everything i need in this little thing " she got out a small cube from her pocket

" huh ? What's that ? " Natsu asked eying the weird black cube with red markings

" that's a holder cube . It's like a blank space inside and you put in it whatever you want . It's new . You can put a piano or whatever , something big or small . It comes in different colors too like blue , green , red , white....." She explained , I looked at it in awe , I should get on of those

" wow ! and how does it work ? " Wendy asked , her eyes sparkling with curiosity and fascination , I smiled at that

" you see the red markings ? " we nodded at her as she pointed her finger and started moving it " if you look close enough , you can see that the red lines are moving to one place "

" oh yeah " Wendy exclaimed

" they all lead to one button witch you press " she pressed the bottom and a white screen appeared from the cube kinda like a hologram , she touch it and moved her finger " here , see ? Those are the items inside , and here " she pointed at the left upper corner " you can see how much it can hold , so all you have to do is click on the item you want and it will get out of the cube "

" so how do you get the items inside ? " grey asked suddenly interested

" you do the same thing and press this button here " she pointed to 'insert' beside the number of how much the cube can hold

" hmmm....interesting " was grey's statement

" wow ! I want one " I said

" me too " Wendy said exited

" Wendy ! Look a magic shop ! Let's see if he have some , come on " I said as I started running

" w-wait for me ! " she screamed as she followed , I made sure to not run too fast . We got in and I started talking

" good morning sir , do you by any chance have one of those new holder cubes ? "

" oh , yes miss , I just got them today " a man in his 30's , maybe , replied with a warm smile

" how much ? "

" 5000 j " awesome I have 10 000j , I could still buy my ticket and stay in a hotel plus lunch and dinner

" I'll take one "

" me too please " Wendy said

" what color would you like ? "

" pink please "

" blue please "

" here you go " we gave him the money , took our cubes and went back to the others . Apon arriving at the train station , a certain someone began to do some nasty voices .

" poor Natsu " Wendy said

" why not cast troia on him ? " I asked

" he became immune to it , it doesn't work anymore "

" I wander why you don't get motion sickness "

" I wish I knew too , so I could help the others " she said and looked ahead . I wish I could tell you the truth Wendy . Not just you but the others too . But I can't risk putting you in danger . Someday , you will discover and you'll know everything . But not anytime soon

" who chose this job !? " the devil - I mean erza yelled angrily

" I-I d-did " Wendy said nervously

" it's dangerous ! Although I think we can do it , it's still close to an S-class job , how did Mira stamp that ?! "

" I-i just though t-that those people needed help , t-that's all " she said

" it's alright Wendy , we'll save them don't worry . Right erza ? " I said looking determined , erza was took by surprise but then she smiled

" right lets do this ! " just then grey returned with our tickets , we boarded the train and Natsu laid on my lap while I looked out the window and occasionally played with his hair . After a while he was fast asleep . The ride was quite and everyone fell asleep except for me , I was still awake , I had a bad feeling about this , like something is going to happen . Something bad .

" hey guys ? Can you hear me ? "

" princess ! It has been so long ! " so the key actually worked , I've been storing magic in it for these past few days

" It's been about 3 days Celeste ! " I sweat dropped

" but 3 days are too much without you your highness "

" oh come on Celeste you can live 3 days without me "

" no , I can't , it's too long" she replied

" oh yeah , I forgot about the time difference . Anyway how are you doing ? And how's your mate and family ? "

" we're good here , but we all miss you "

" I miss you too , how's mom ? Is she okay ? Did anything happened ? " I asked

" ummmm , no . She's fine , she misses you a lot that's all . I-is there something wrong ? " she sounded concerned

" oh uhh , n-no , why do you ask ? " I asked nervously

" princess ! Come on , what's on your mind ? "

" nothing "

" fine , hold on....." It was silent for a minute , I checked my teammates to find them still sleeping , I sighted in relief no need for them to find out , not yet at least

" Lucy dear , is there something bothering you ? " that voice.....

" no mom , I'm alright , i just miss you , that's all "

" Lucy , honey , you do know I can tell if your lying or not , right ? " I sighted ,

" I know , I-it's just..... " I closed my eyes and sighted , then looked out the window again "....nothing you have to worry about , I just have a bad feeling that's all "

" where are you right now ? "

" I'm on a train , on a mission with my teammates , it's late at night so they're currently asleep " I replied

" well best of luck . All I can say is be carful and trust your instincts Lucy . I know you'll make the right decisions . Well , come on try and get some sleep now . We'll talk later . If anything happens don't hesitate to contact me , understand ? "

" yes my queen " she chuckled

" sweat dreams my princess " after that she ended the conversation, how did I know ? The dragon symbol on the key stopped glowing golden . I sighted in content and leaned on the window , slowly closing my eyes and traveling to dream land


I woke up to someone calling my name , it was Wendy and Carla

" come on Lucy , everyone is out , waiting for you " I opened my eyes and slowly turned to look at her

" coming " I whispered . I got up , stretched , yawned and went out of the train , lazily dragging my legs toward the mayor's house . Then I was fully awake when I saw the city's state , it was in ruins , a single very big house , half standing . It should be the mayor's house . I looked at everyone and they were all checking the city

" t-the city is......" Wendy couldn't continue her sentence , the poor little girl , she's so fragile

" demolished " grey finished for her , we all nodded

" come on guys , the sooner we get to the mayor's house , the sooner we could help "

" Lucy's right , let's get moving team ! " erza screamed running in the direction of the still standing house , well most of it

" I'm all fired up ! "

We arrived there , and when we entered the house there was a lot people who started cheering and whistling

" finally ! "

" whooohoooo ! "

" they came to save us ! "

" we'll finally live a normal life again ! "

" we'll finally have our live's back !!! "

" no more fears ! "

" no more tears ! "

" excuse us , but the citizen are so happy , as you can see......I am the mayor of this city , harkon smith "

" nice to meet you , we are from the fairy tail guild " erza said

" welcome ! Welcome ! And thank you for accepting our request " he said happily

" uhhh well , Mr. Mayor , anything you can tell us about those giants ? Other than what's listed in the request paper , of course " I said to a little man not taller then master makarov

" they live up the mountain of high rock , just take that path , and please be carful , brave fairy tail mages " he said

" we will do our best , and hopefully come back with good news " erza said . And we made our way down the path that leads to the deadly mountains of the giants , high rock....



" w-what w-was that ? " I asked

" maybe it's a giant ?- " Wendy asked , just then about 10 SUPER HUGE giants came into view "-or 10....."

" fire dragon.....ROAR !!! " Natsu instantly jumped into action and brought down 2 giants that were close to each other . Let's just say the other giants weren't so happy to see that

" nice one flame brain ! Ice make......lance ! " grey too managed to make a giant fall . Erza requiped and started attacking

" come on Wendy ! "

" right ! " Wendy rushed to help the others , she first gave everyone some extra strength with her supportive magic and then proceeded to attack with her sky dragon roar .

" open gate of the archer.....Sagittarius !!! " Sagittarius' symbol glowed golden on my right arm , and he appeared

" I'm ready to serve you my lady ! " he quickly took his arrows and started shooting them at the enemy . We were nearly done with them , when more appeared . We continued fighting , I summoned Scorpio, his symbol appeared on my arm too . The 2 spirits managed to bring down a few giants . Sagittarius with his arrows and Scorpio with his sand . As for me I used my wimp to stop some giants from moving for as long as I could . They started shooting some kind of laser from there mouth , witch made it more difficult, but we ain't gonna give up that easily ! About an hour has passed , and we have defeated 50 giants , but we were exhausted , my 2 spirits returned home

" you guys think.....that....that was.....the last one ? " Natsu asked out of breath , a few injuries here and there

" let's just....hope so " erza too was out of breath and the same as Natsu , same with grey and Wendy , I was the only one without a scratch since I was fighting at distance , we sat on the grass for a while just waiting , we deserve a break .

" what are we gonna do with all these giants ? " I asked

" no idea , that decision is up to the mayor " erza answered . Just then a loud unpleasant sound was herd , we stood up and waited . We all failed to detect the giant's hand that was above our heads trying to crush us . It was too late , we couldn't escape ! Everyone closed there eyes . I spread my arms and castes a celestial shield with what remains of my magic . We ain't gonna die today buddy ! Not on MY watch !
The giant continued to press on the barrier , but I pushed more , gritting my teeth hard and closed one eye in concentration so I could keep watching the others . Apon not being hit , they opened there eyes and found themselves fine , they looked at me and noticed the shield

" where did you learn that !? " Natsu asked

" not now Natsu ! " I snapped angrily , the giant kept pushing and adding pressure , the barrier was about to crack , I gritted my teeth harder , if that was even possible , and closed my eyes tightly

" no.....you.....don't !!! " I screamed and released some celestial energy making the giant , that was gonna crush us to pieces , fly away along with my shield . I patted heavily and fell to my knees exhausted

" Lucy !!! " Natsu screamed concerned

" I'll take care of her ! You deal with them ! " Wendy said and rushed to me , with Carla close behind . 20 more giants emerged out of nowhere

" I don't think we'll make it ! " grey screamed " I think it's best if we go back to the village to rest and come back tomorrow "

" NO ! We can't ! they'll follow us there and destroy what is remaining , we can't risk it ! " I said as I regained my breath thanks to Wendy's healing powers

" Lucy's right ! We have to fight them now . Come on ! We're fairy tail ! We can do it ! " erza screamed and rushed to battle once again

" I'm all fired up now ! Happy ! Fly me up ! " Natsu said

" aye sirrrrr !!! " happy went to him and they flew above us . They started diving at full speed and at some point happy let go of Natsu who was now a fire ball . He landed hard on one of the giant's face making him fall , hard , and from there he jumped to another one

" fire dragon.....iron fist ! " the second giant was down in an instant ! Impressive , as expected of the salamander , Natsu dragneel

" 2 down , 18 to go " he said as he landed next to grey and erza

" okay....no more hiding " I whispered , it was time I release my new celestial magic . I summoned back Sagittarius and Scorpio

" what do you mean lu- " Wendy , who heard me , asked but was interrupted

" star dress : Sagittarius form ! " Wendy looked at me shocked

" wha- "

" I learned a few tricks while I was gone " I said winking at her , then I turned to my spirits , as she went to help the others " come on Sagittarius , let's start shooting ! You as well Scorpio , help the others "

" you got that Lucy . We Are !!!! Sand Buster !!!! "

" yes my lady " as he took arrows and started to shoot , I started to attack . I took 3 arrows and locked my sight on my enemy . Then when I was ready to shoot

" star shot ! " the arrows multiplied and shot very fast , creating a golden deadly light around them and making 2 giants go down . The others looked at me and had shocked faces " I'll explain later ! "

" you better ! " Natsu replied , and we were back to attacking the enemy . There wasn't much left so with our powers combined , they had no chance , and were down in no time

" we did it ! Finally ! " grey shouted and fell to the ground on his back trying to catch his breath , same for all of us , especially me . The shield took more magic then I expected , and that limiter wasn't helping

" mind explaining Lucy ? " erza said after a while of silence . Oh damn , what am I gonna say ? At least they aren't looking at me in the eye

" w-well , when I visited my house , I found a book that teaches celestial magic . A-and uhhh , while I was at speto's house I trained for a few days with the help of Loki and Capricorn "

" oh , so you have gotten stronger while we were waiting for you ! Not fair Luce ! " Natsu whined , I laughed nervously , when all of a sudden I sensed something bad approaching . We all sat up and Wendy started healing everyone , Carla telling her to relax for a bit , but Wendy declined . While all I did was watch the forest , there's something not right....... All of a sudden I stood up and activated my shield around everyone

" Lucy wha- "erza stopped herself when something collided with the shield , they all stood up and looked at the direction where I'm looking

" well , well , well....if it isn't fairy tail...... "


Here you go guys , it has been fixed . Let's just hope this little incident doesn't happen again...... >:(

So , who do you think is this persons ? Someone we know ? Someone new ? Someone out of the ordinary that you can't possibly imagine ???!!! Ok forget the last one I'm just exaggerating . But anyway , thank you guys so so sooooo much !!!

I can't believe it ! 11.9 K ! Thank you for all your votes and comments , and for your attention to this story . I never thought it'll get this much , I mean there's a lot of stories like that , not to mention awesome writers , so what's so special about mine ?

Again thanks a lot !!!


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