8. unbelievable !

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Lucy's POV.

" couldn't you have pulled her more gently ? "

" well , I'm sorry , ok ? I didn't mean it "

" you're supposed to be an expert in this stuff "

" i already apologised "

" well , what if she broke a bone or something ? "

" sorry to tell you , no one's perfect ! Besides we have a healer or did you forget old man ? "

" you put her in danger ! We want the p- "

" ENOUGH YOU TWO !! i think she's waking up "

Well yeah true i woke up a little while ago , it looks like they were arguing - whoever they are - because they were yelling....a lot . I'm afraid to open my eyes to see some discusting witch or something , so i played smart and stayed still , maybe than i could hear something important . But unfortunately the lady - i presume , because of her small tender voice- busted me . So i braced myself and slowly opened my eyes .

First i waited for my vision to adjust . A light blinded me , i groaned and covered my eyes with my hands , and then i procced to remove them slowly .

I look at all the people surrounding me , they were kind of strange but familiar at the same time....and no they weren't the witches i thought i would see....They were smiling and didn't have those eyes that held evil and hatred , they had eyes filled with concern , love and admiration , they looked friendly enough . But appearences can desseve . The thing is they look familiar, yet i can't remember . They started to chuckle, i must've been staring at them for a while now . That's so embarrassing , i think I'm turning red .

" don't be embarrassed " a red head man said

" w-who are you people ? " i asked confused . They seems good so why not try talking

" oh man how are we supposed to explain this ? " an ice bleu hair guy asked looking at me and scratching the back of his neck , they moved a little away and I sat up in the bed

" by giving her this potion " this time it was a pretty lady with long white hair who spoke

" w-what ?! " oh hell no , I'm not drinking anything. They can't make me , what if it's posion or something. They seem nice but that doesn't mean that I can trust them .

" look here lucy-" a blonde spoke but i interupted her

" h-how do you know my name ?! What is the meaning of all this ? what is going on ? " i couldn't help myself but ask those questions outloud

" look " the white haired lady spoke again " we know you , and you know us . You just don't remember us . This potion will help you remember . So either you take this potion or learn your past the hard way . You chose "

" and how am i suppose to ? What if it's posion ? "

" it isn't , i know that deep down you trust us , because I assure you , that no one of us would hurt you princess " the white haired lady said and bowed at the end

What ?! Was she talking to me ?! Me ?! A princess ?!

" y-you must be mistaken . There's no way I could be a princess " I said looking at everyone as they bowed to me . This is insane

" with all due respect princess , you look just like the queen , queen Layla " a dark haired man said , my mom's name was Layla , must be a coincidence , but he said I looked just like her....but I'm not the only one who look like my mom a lot

" p-please rise , there's no need to bow to me , I'm just like you a human being " this is crazy , I can't believe what is happening right now . Maybe I'm just going to wake up in a while ?

" actually, princess , we're dragons . With the help of a potion we were able to take a human form . But we can still go back to our real form " a dark blue haired lady said

" Oh my god ! this is too much . I must be dreaming ! " I'm so confused yet it feels like it's for real

" I told you princess , you can take this potion and remember , or you can learn the hard way . You know us , you didn't learn our magic because you were young but you know a little , and you know everything about this world -the dragon world- and the human world . You just need something to push your memory to remember , since queen Layla made sure you forgot , to protect you , because she had to get us all back here for our safety . She faked her death and we came here hiding from the black wizard zeref and acknologia, we weren't strong enough to fight them . You are the only one that can fight them and defeat them and we will help . Please understand that she never wanted to let you go nor her husband jude , but as a queen of all dragons , gods and other creatures she had duties to attend to . Us living and safe , is all thanks to her we won't forget , never . She's waiting for you impatiently in the palace . " the white haired lady explained

" wait y-y-you mean mom is still a-alive ? " please say yes , please say yes

" of course princess , like I said she's waiting for you in the palace " this statement made me smile , mom is still alive . I admit I'm a little sad that I didn't know about what was really going on , but I'm not going to fuss about it , if I could see her at least one more time , I'm happy .

" c-can I....umm.....can I see her , than m-maybe I'll take the potion later ? " I asked hopefully they will let me

" if that is what you which princess , that what it shall be " the red head said

" of course princess , the potion can wait till before you go to sleep . Besides when you take the potion you will feel sleepy and your memory will come to you as a dream . " the white haired lady said

I got out of bed and looked around . It was nice here , the walls were a very dark blue they looked black , on them were paintings of stars and planets , there were shelves and on them were books and maps . The bed had sheets the same as the wall and beside it was a small table , on it was a small lamp . I've been here for a while and I just noticed my surrounding , it was beautiful

" wow " it escaped my mouth as I looked around , I found all my spirit's constellation . Loki a.k.a Leo the lion , Aries , Taurus , Capricorn , Sagittarius , Gemini , Scorpio , cancer , Virgo and Aquarius , I miss her a lot , I found Libra and Pisces too . About them they're with me , I-i found out that Yukino was killed on a mission , so sabertooth gave me the keys , for a price of course but it was so worth it , I'm really sad that she died , she was a nice friend even though I didn't know her for too long

" this is my house , I hope you like it princess " the blonde said approaching me , I just noticed that the other were out of the house . I like the blonde a lot for some reason , maybe I was with her a lot when I was a kid ?

" yes I like it very much...uhh..." I trailed of as I didn't know her name

" it's ok princess don't worry , you'll remember all of us after you take the potion grandeeny made ." Ohhhh.....so the white haired lady was grandeeny , Wendy's foster parent , now that I think of it the red head might be igneel .

" I'm Celeste and I'm the celestial dragon as my name says . When you were a kid , I was like a nanny to you . You were fascinated by the stars and I taught you celestial magic , queen Layla approved because it was easy and you were very young she wasn't planing on teaching you anything at your age back then , but you were so exited to learn so she approved . But then we had to leave and she had to erase your memory , not completely but enough for you to forget about us . I-I missed you so much , I can't believe I wasn't there to watch you grow up , b-but I watched you from here a-and...." At the end she was crying I felt bad so I put my finger on her mouth to shush her , and then I hugged her tightly . There was this peaceful feeling I felt inside , she was so warm , I like it , I wanted to keep hugging her forever . She sobbed onto my shirt

" I-I'm so sorry " she cried between sobs

" shhhh , it's alright . Don't cry ok ? Let's go to that palace meet my mom than I'll take the potion so I can remember each one you tomorrow , especially those awesome memories I had with you . So what do you say ? " I asked looking at her in the eye , she smiled and nodded and we exited her house , taking our way to the palace , to meet my mom.....


Happy new year everyone as I promised a fast update . Hope all your wishes come true in 2016 . Another update will come fast , stay tuned and comment what you thinks . This story is getting exiting right ? Thanks a lot . Bye


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