Chapter 9

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(If you guys ever wonder about how the mask is here it look like 👇🏻)

( Ignore the puppy ear on her head😂😂
I just show about the mask look like)

- present story -
He shot on the air making all peoples run out from the club

You push Mr.Cha till he fall from the couch then he run away from there
You look at the man that standing beside you

"Well..look who came today"
You said in sarcastic tone

He smirk proudly at you
"So you're the princess mafia, the girl that all of mafia group want right?"

"I will take that as praises, Mr.Wang.."

Jungkook POV
I just look at the two person that still looking at each other with death sight
"So that girl is princess mafia?"
"I can just catch her now but that jerks just making my job harder"

"I thought you were death?"
You try to make him angry

"I will not dead until I get my princess back"
He continue his words

"I own you princess, remember?"

You just chuckle

"Keep this fucking shit on your head, I will never be owned by nobody"
You said smirking

Slowly all Mr.Wang people enter club with completely a gun and weapons

"You still coward right,don't you?"
His blood boiling  when he heard your words

You bravely throw your gun away and all you weapons
"I rather fight alone than being called coward like you, a useless man..."

"Huh,you want to fight barehand?"
He ask while placing his gun on table

He came closer to you and want to punch your stomach but unfortunately...
You're much faster than anyone

You guys were fighting and you don't know where's your fucking unnie!?

You kick his legs and catch him by holding his neck making just like hostage
You take your knife from under your skirt and placing it on his neck

"I..t.thought you say barehand"
Mr. Wang stuttering

You smirk and whisper at his ears
"Only a dumbass like you will believe it"

"You messing with a wrong people,honey"
berfore he could answer..

You cut his neck mercilessly

A blood were came out from his neck and spill a little on your hand
You look at his peoples one by one
"Anyone want to join him?"

They all start to run away when they saw your death eyes looking at them just like you want to eat them all

You take out your phone and call your unnie


L ~ HeLlo!!

H ~ where you guys?

L ~ I dOnt KnoW

H ~ are you drunk?

L ~ WhAt? NOnO I'm nOt!!!

H ~ you were totally drunk...just go to the car now

L ~ OkiE!

You ended up the call and sigh
"Aish this girl really... I came here cause a mission but they came here  for fun"

You slap your forehead

Jungkook POV
I saw whole things that just happened
"Wow that girl really cruel..interesting
Wait jungkook no! You can't praise any girl instead of your hara"

Jungkook just heading back home with a smirk
He has already see how much powerful that girl is and he already think of all plans

~ A Week Later ~
Hara just work normally as a doctor by a day
but when it's came on night she just change into a heartless devil

- 11.30pm -
You were on your way to your 'works' places
It was a private building that be owned by you
That was the place you plan everything and find every private information

Suddenly there's a car following you behind
"Aish...what does this people want?"
You trying to speeding up

But STILL the car was following you
You wear you mask and suddenly turn your car to sharp corner

You blocking the car behind you making him stop the car right infront you

Step out the car and surprise to see who's the driver is
It was Jeon Jungkook

He look at you then berfore you could walk to him you feel dizzy and just pass out

Jungkook POV
When she pass out I carried her in bridal style and placing her on the passenger seat
I don't know why but she feels familiar with
I was about to take off her mask then I got a call from hyungs

SG ~ jungkook, you got her?

JK ~ yeahh

SG ~ good, see you at home 

JK ~ ok hyungs bye

Jungkook ended up the call and just directly going back to their mansion

Hara POV
I wake up with a bit headache
"What just happen?"
I try hold my head and I just realize that I has been tied up on a fucking chair
I look around the room and saw a man figure infront of me

"Look like the princess is awake"
Jungkook said

One by one the members enter the room
till there's seven man standing on the room looking at you

Hara POV
"Why are they looking at me like that?"
"Thank god I still got my mask on"

"So can we finally see the girl who was called princess mafia real face?"
Namjoon looking at jungkook

"Yeah maybe we should open her mask,I'm really curious how will she looks"
Jhope interrupts

Hara POV

They open your mask slowly
everyone start to to admiring your face but there's only one person that really surprise to see you

None other than jeon jungkook

He speechless
The girl that he love so much until he was so blind that he can't even see that you're the princess mafia

Princess mafia that frighten all of the other mafia cause of her heartless and cruelness
was his...girlfriend


The truth just revealed you guys!!

What did you guys think jungkook will do?
Will he still gonna give her to his father or he just gonna let her go?

This one not really good and I've try my best to make exciting but guess I really bad on it😂😂❤️

Emm guys?
Can I ask for a favor? I really want to achieve my goals and I need your help
My goals is :
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50 votes

So yeah can you guys can do it?
I won't forced you and only if you want to!😉❤️

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