Chapter 15 - Heartbreaker

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(A/N PLEASE READ. Adrien will NOT become Chat Blanc, because right now he is Adrien. Hawkmoth has no knowledge of him being Chat Noir, so he will be a different kind of Akuma. {Chat and Adrien are two different people to Hawkmoth} And no, the Akuma will not be going into his ring because it's not something that has to do with his sadness. {Hawkmoth didn't see Plagg talking to Adrien either, okay?} Thank you!)

Plagg P.O.V.

I watched in horror as the Akuma fluttered into the light pink rose I had handed Adrien a second ago. The skin around his eyes turned a deep maroon and Hawkmoth's symbol appeared. Adrien's eyes went from sadness and despair, to anger and pure hate. My stomach tossing and turning as I panicked, trying to snap him out of it.

"Adrien! Adrien, please! Don't listen to him! He's trying to trick you!" I yelled, tears beginning to pour out of my eyes.

This had only happened once before, about three centuries ago, during the American Revolution. A man who had been in possession of the Miraculous of Destruction, was fighting along his partner, a previous Ladybug, against British power when an Akuma, the first in decades, flew into his ring. 

The previous Ladybug, Lady Luck, cried out for him, but it was too late. He had already been consumed by the hatred and menacing feeling the Akuma had brought to him. Lady Luck tried as best she could, but he pulled his Cataclysm, and... both of them didn't make it...

After shaking my head, I brought myself back to the present, soon enough to see him become consumed by the dark magic. Tears continued to flow as I tried to bring Adrien back, but it didn't work. 

This...This can't happen again... I can't loose another Chat Noir, not again... I thought to myself as Adrien was replaced by someone new, someone hateful and full of revenge. 

His skin was a pale purple, his eyes a darker green, and the suit that was once black was now replaced with a light shade of pink, identical to the rose. A mask covered his eyes and brows, matching the color of his new suit. Adrien's right fist clenched tightly around the previously pink flower, that had now turned black.

"Adrien... This isn't you," I muttered and wiped the ever flowing tears off my cheeks. His menacing eyes turned to me and he smirked. I flinched back, terrified.

"No, Plagg. You're right, it's not. From now on I shall be known as Heartbreaker! That's because I'm no longer the boy who gets rejected by the girls he has feelings for, because now, they'll fall for me! Whether they like it or not!" He cackled. My eyes became bigger than saucers as his feet lifted off the ground. "Time to find my little princess."

"Adrien, no! Stop! Please..." I screamed, loosing all the hope I had for him. How was Ladybug supposed to fight him off? They're a team! If anything, they couldn't do this without each other!

 "It's too late, Plagg. I've finally realized what it meant to be given such powers by Hawkmoth. There's nothing I can't do, now!" He yelled, and he flew over to the glass doors leading inside the palace. I floated down to the top of the bench, speechless. 

What now?

P.O.V. Change

Marinette P.O.V.

"Actually, I don't really know how to speak Mandarin!" I answered Kim, giggling. He had asked me to say something in my native language. Everyone had been asking me silly questions, and my nervousness had quickly faded away, leaving nothing but excitement.

"Hey, Mari? I actually have something to ask you, too," Ethan said from next to me. I turned up to him questioningly, giving him a small smile. His face turned red, making me a bit confused, and he knelt down on one knee. (A/N No he isn't asking for her hand in marriage calm down)

"What is it, Ethan?" I asked and he looked at my classmates, then at me. Ethan suddenly took my left hand in his, making me flinch a little.

"I-I was w-wondering if y-you would like t-to go out so-" He began, but was quickly cut off by the sound of a loud crash coming from the hallway outside the dining room. Everyone's heads, including mine, jerked to where the sound came from. Then, the loud cackling of a familiar male voice drifted to us. Oh no. Why did that sound so much like Adrien?

A tall boy in a light pink suit flew into the dining room slowly, his hair, eyes, and smile all too close to Adrien's. Wait, could that mean... Had Adrien been Akumatized?! But why? I thought to myself as I stared intensely at his face.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here, if it isn't Princess Marinette!" He yelled from above us, placing his hands on his hips. "Care to tell everyone just how in love you are with that...that animal right there?!"

The boy who looked like Adrien pointed a black rose at Ethan, who was still in front of me on his knees. He stood up and moved himself in front of me, attempting to shield me, I suppose.

"I'm not in love with him, whoever you are! We-We're just friends!" I yelled in return. The boy with the rose peered down at Ethan and me menacingly, his mouth turning down in a scowl.

"My name is Heartbreaker! And if you don't love him, then you shall love me!" Heartbreaker screamed, then pointed the rose at me. My eyes widened and I moved Ethan out of the way as I ducked. A bright pink flash of light shot out of the rose, hitting the ground Ethan and I had been standing by.

I new that I had to get out of here and transform, but it seemed that Heartbreaker felt something for me, so maybe I could calm him down as Marinette. Bravely, I stepped outside of the crowed of the now horrified students toward Heartbreaker.

"Listen, um, Heartbreaker, " I spoke softly, "What happened? Is there something that I did to you?" He frowned, glaring right through me.

"What do you think? Are you really that oblivious, Marinette?! Did you not see how you rejected me?" He replied, making me furrow my eyebrows. Rejected? I didn't reject anyone. Last I remember, it was Adrien and Ethan fighting over me... Oh my gosh. Adrien! I thought, and my eyes somehow widened even more.

"Adrien?! Is that you?!" I said, mostly to myself. A gasp came from my class, to which Heartbreaker clenched his teeth. 

"My name is not Adrien! I already told you, it's Heartbreaker!" He screamed, seeming to fight back tears. My heart broke, (A/N haha the irony: 'Heartbreaker') as I saw how hurt he was behind the mask.

"This isn't you, Adrien! You can fight it you, know?! Don't listen to Hawkmoth, he's only in this for himself!"

Adrien's frown turned to frustration. It was obvious he was trying to fight Hawkmoth from the inside, but I knew there had to be more. I had to somehow convince Adrien I hadn't rejected him, then transform.

"Listen, I know you're hurt. I get that, but you shouldn't hurt other people because of it! I know you, Adrien, you're caring and kind. You're always selfless, no matter what, so please, fight it!" I yelled again. His eyes had closed and he was tightly gripping the black flower, making me hopeful.

Suddenly, a purple, glowing butterfly symbol appeared around Adrien's eyes. My mouth opened wide as I gasped. All hope that I had disappeared as his eyes reopened, only full of more hate and anger than ever.

"That's where you're wrong, Mari... I should hurt others! They should know how I feel! You don't get it!" He yelled, his voice only revealing pain. That's when I finally realized I needed to transform instead of talk to him as Marinette, so I yelled for everyone to leave and find a safe place to hide. Then, after everyone was gone, I ran out, too, hearing Adrien yell my name in anger.

(A/N That was crazy wasn't it? This was actually an emotional rollercoaster for me to write omg. Anyway there will be very exciting stuff next chapter, so please tune in! Buh-Bye!)


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