Chapter 17 - Lucky

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Marinette P.O.V.

"Its broken," I whispered as I clutched the fragments of my red and black spotted yo-yo with my fists. Tears fell, one by one, and my body shaked. 

The one thing that I had to fix all the damage Hawkmoth and his Akumas brought was broken. I had thought it was unbreakable, after all, Tikki said it was. 


I hesitantly looked up to find the owner of the vaguely familiar voice of what sounded like an older man. He looked very familiar in his red hawaiian t-shirt, khaki trousers, and sandals. The man stood by the doorway, his hands resting on his wooden cane.

"Yes?" I asked meekly, wiping a tear from my cheek. He cleared his throat and walked over to wear I was kneeling down.

"Hand every single piece of your yo-yo to me immediately."

I did what I was told as I tried desperately tried to remember where I'd seen this man from. He held out his wrinkled hand, and I placed the shards of my weapon in it. He closed his eyes, then enclosed his fist around what was left of my yo-yo. I flinched and almost tried to take it back in fear of what he was doing, but I stayed on the ground, watching him.

After about five seconds, he opened his hand, revealing my yo-yo. It looked brand new! There were no cracks and it was back in it's shape, just like it was before it broke! My jaw dropped as I picked up my yo-yo and held it close to my chest, almost like I was hugging it.

"How? Who? What?" I sputtered and looked at him, my eyes narrowing in confusion. He cleared his throat once more and opened his eyes. 

Now that I think about it, he kind of looks like that man I saved from being run over on the first day of school... I thought, then it hit me. That was him! 

"No questions, Ladybug," He said calmly, and looked toward Adrien, who was standing motionlessly in the middle of the room, staring at me. "You must first fix what has been broken, then we shall talk."

I debated it, but I stood up anyway.

"Lucky Charm!" My yo-yo shot in the air as I screamed. There really was no point in getting a Lucky Charm, I just needed it so all of the damage could disappear. 

Out of thin air, a pair of lawn scissors appeared, then came falling down to me. I caught it by one of the handles, then looked around me. Everything was gray except for the scissors and the black rose Adrien was holding. I walked over to him and snipped the flower in half. Suddenly, a purple and white butterfly flew out of the stem and into the air.

I quickly purified it, then threw the scissors above me, small Ladybugs flying throughout the room, fixing all of the broken and tossed furniture. Then, they flew around Adrien, the dark magic revealing the real him. I couldn't help myself as I threw my arms around him, catching him off guard.

"Ladybug? W-What's going on? What happened?" He asked as he slowly returned the hug. I giggled and what were once tears of sadness poured as tears of joy.

"You were Akumatised, but don't worry, everything's okay," I said, partly lying. I mean, while Adrien wasn't himself, he told me he was Chat Noir, and that's not something to be ignored. Even if he was lying and it was just Hawkmoth talking, I still couldn't shake the memories of Chat that were slowly being replaced by Adrien.

Come on, I kissed him! If Adrien truly was Chat Noir, then that would mean I kissed Adrien, the love of my life!

Wait, I love Adrien, not Chat, but they're the same person, but it's two different sides of him, or maybe Chat is who he truly is on the inside, maybe I wouldn't like him if that's how he acted! Thoughts scrambled throughout my brain, making me dizzy. Right now I think I should just figure out if he knows he told me.

"Where is everyone?" He asked and I realized I was still embracing him. Quickly, I released, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. The room was still empty, so I decided to walk out to the hallway to see if everyone was still here.

"Ladybug!" I heard Alya yell, and students began popping out from behind scattered objects around the hall. She came running to me with her phone in hand, holding up to face me. I smiled shyly and waved at her, then saw Maman and Papa walk up to me, surrounded by what I assumed was Secret Service.

"Have you seen our daughter? Her name is Marinette," Maman asked hopefully, and a feeling of guilt set in quickly.

They're probably worried sick! I thought and felt my eyes widen.

"Oh, she's probably off hiding somewhere! I'll go find her," I said and ran down the hall as quick as possible, away from all who knew me as Marinette. A door conveniently located around the corner was the one I ended up running into.

Beep! Beep! My earrings chimed.

I closed my eyes as bright light surrounded me, and I could feel the pleather being replaced with the soft fabric of my pink dress. Once my heels were back on my feet, I reopened my eyes to find Tikki falling from thin air. My hands immediately shot up and I caught her.

"Hey, Marinette," she said, sounding exhausted. I smiled softly and pulled her to my cheek for a small hug.

"You're lucky I snuck a cookie when no one was looking," I whispered and giggled, pulling a cookie that I snuck from the dining room before Heartbreaker appeared out from the hidden pocket in my dress. Her face lit up and she zoomed over to it. Tikki took bites happily as she floated to my pocket to hide.

I opened the door and into the hallway of the palace, dim light from the moon shining through the windows. Shaking my raven hair as if I'd been hurt and ruffling my dress, I ran around the corner. I pretended to be out of breath and stumbled over to my classmates and parents. They looked at me and ran over immediately, some shouting my name in worry while others yelped.

I looked at them, acting as if I'd been knocked down by Heartbreaker or something like that, and gave them an 'it's okay, but please help me' look. Thankfully, they all bought it, and everyone but Adrien was there for me, including Ethan.

Where was he? I thought as Adrien filled my mind. Is he too afraid to face me? Or maybe I was too afraid to face him. After all, there's a major chance he was Chat Noir, and I still couldn't imagine it as true.

(A/N Yeah I know. Not a lot of exciting stuff happened that chapter, but trust me. You'll need your popcorn for the next one, cuz it gon be good. Anyway, the beep beep part just reminded me of 'beep beep richie' from the movie It. 

Also, I went to Fashion Week and my mom and I, she's a supporter of my dream about becoming a fashion designer, met a man named Nicky Diamonds. At first, I didn't know he was the owner of the brand 'Diamond Supply & Co.' He and his co-worker/friend came up to me and my mom, who were standing by the free cake bar before the show, and flirted with us. At first they thought I was my mom's sister. (she looks young, like she's in her twenties, and I'm taller than her) Then, near the end of the last runway show, both of them had too much alcohol and were being loud at the back of the room, so they had to be kicked out. O' Blanc, a famous designer, was being shown while they were escorted out, and I looked back at them. They were laughing and having fun, though.

So anyway, that storytime is over, hope you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful Halloween, my little kittens! Stay safe!)


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