Chapter 6 - Where Have You Been?

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Marinette P.O.V.

I opened the glass door to the rose garden eagerly, my anxiousness growing as I got closer to talking to my parents. 

My eyes were hit with the bright light of the sun as I stepped outside. I held my hand up to shade my eyesight. Soon enough, my vision returned and I saw Maman and Papa strolling around a beautiful garden with so many different roses.

"Maman! Papa!" I yelled. They turned around and smiled. Papa and Maman held each other's hands as they walked toward me. I walked over to my parents and hugged them both. 

"What brings you out here, honey," Maman asked and released me from her embrace. I could feel my face change from happy to upset in a split second.

"Why did you extend our stay to two more weeks? Well, don't get me wrong, I love it here. China does feel like home, but my friends would be visiting the palace and meeting us if we stay!" I said and crossed my arms. They both looked at each other and sighed. "Wait, did you do know about them coming? Is that why we extended our trip?"

Papa put his hand on top of mine and smiled softly, "Dear, we previously heard from your principle that your class is coming on an informational trip to China and we told him you would meet them here - as regular old Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but you'll need to remember that when your classmates come to the palace, they will find out who you truly are. If you choose to tell someone before hand please let us know."

I sighed and nodded my head, "Alright, I think I'll just tell Alya, 'cause I know I can trust her."  They both smiled and hugged me again.

"Hello, Empress Sabine, Emperor Tom, and Princess Marinette. If I may, I have news," A man who seemed to be at the age of 28-32 years old asked from behind us. We turned around as Maman said yes. "We received word that Princess Marinette's Parisian class has landed in China. They are meeting at their hotel on the outskirts of Beijing, near where we are now. It is my knowledge that Princess Marinette was to meet her classmates at the hotel. We have booked her the Presidential Suite, which is conveniently located near the other students' rooms. Please let us know when Marinette is ready to leave, because we have her limousine parked outside the palace gates."

I gasped, "The Presidential Suite? That's awesome! Oh! Can Alya stay in the suite with me? Then it would be like a sleepover every night!" Maman and Papa nodded their heads and I squealed. I hugged them one more time and ran through my palace to the courtyard. There I saw a limo with a spray paint galaxy on it's side.

My stomach started churning and I felt so nervous to see my class. I was nervous to tell Alya about my identity, and whether or not she would believe me. Anyway, Ethan was standing next to the back door and he opened it. A light blush was across my cheeks as I bowed to him and entered the limo. Then, we drove off.


Adrien P.O.V.

After grabbing our suitcases, Nino and I met with our class out by the gate of the airport. Everyone waved at us as we exited the two automatic doors and went to Mrs. Bustier. She began to take role and Alya stepped next to us.

"I'm going to do some major detective work when we meet with Marinette today. She's been completely awol ever since yesterday, and I'm going to find out why," She whispered to Nino and me. I nodded in agreement. 

After roll call, Mrs. Bustier said happily, "Alright, class! Time to go to your hotel! Oh, and courtesy of the royal family of China, we've been granted our own private area of the pool and lounges in the hotel!"

Our class stared at her for a second, then cheered. The royal family? Why would the royal family pay attention to us? I mean, high school classes come here all the time, I assume, so why is ours so special?

"Whoa dude! Did she just say the royal family?! These folks seem lit! Can't wait to meet 'em!" Nino said and nudged me in the side.

"I know! I still can't believe we'll be meeting the Emperor and Empress! Maybe even the Princess! I heard there was an assassin after her and the Empress, so they fled to another country. If that's true then she'd be our age, maybe even the same grade!" Alya added. I guess I never learned about the Princess. I wonder if we'll meet her.

"Me, too, dude," Nino said, answering my thoughts. I looked at him in embarrassment.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked, and Nino looked at me and then Alya. They both immediately burst into laughter and I crossed my arms in an attempt to pout. This, sadly, made them laugh even more. 

"Alright everyone! Please enter the shuttle in single file, three people per row please! No shoving or pushing!" Mrs. Bustier called as a shuttle pulled in front of us. She talked to the driver and we all hopped in. Of course, Chloe ran up to me, arms out and desperate.

"Adrikins! Let's sit together! We'll have so much fun!" She cried, clinging to my right arm. I pried her off of me, then pulled Alya and Nino to my sides. 

"Sorry, Chloe, but I, uh, I am sitting with these two," I said and gave them both a pleading look. Nino and Alya nodded their heads and we hurried to a row of seats near the front.


We all got out of the shuttle in a hurry to see our hotel, the anxiousness and excitement evident in the air. The ride was only about 30 minutes and I just sat there looking out the window while Alya and Nino chatted about what they wanted to do while we were here. Mrs. Bustier soon rounded us up and we walked about a block to our hotel:

Our jaws dropped as we saw how incredibly amazing our hotel was. We walked up to the front doors and Mrs. Bustier went to the counter and talked to the employee behind it. We explored the foyer of the hotel and saw a café and a room filled with couches and several televisions around the room.

"Hey everyone! Welcome to China!" A very familiar voice came from where the elevator was. I and some other people turned around to see Marinette, dressed in summer outfit, different from her usual clothes.

Her hair was down and she looked gorgeous. Wait, Adrien stop it. Don't forget your feelings for Bugaboo, okay? She's your true love.

"MARINETTE!" Several shouts from different students were heard, and she was quickly embraced by most of them. 

"Where have you been, girl?"

"How are you already here?"

"How did you get here?"

"Did you know we'll meet the royal family?" 

"Adrien was worried about you!"

"You need to tell us everything!"

"Why did you disappear?"

Marinette simply replied with a, "I will explain in a little bit, but Alya, I have something to tell you. Come here." She then grabbed Alya's wrist an pulled her off privately to a corner. 

(A/N This was probably one of my longest chapters yet! Anyway, this is the last one for 10/7, then I'm going to bed. I hope you liked this chapter! See you all tomorrow! Love you! Bye, Kittens!)


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