Chapter 9 - Home Sweet Home

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Adrien P.O.V.

I look at Nino as he squinted at Mari and Alya questioningly, trying hard to stifle my laugh. He had his arms crossed and his neck was sticking out like a curious giraffe. No doubt he was suspicious of Marinette staying in the Presidential Suite with Alya, I mean, not to be rude, but I didn't think her parents would've spent this much money on a hotel room for an already expensive trip to China. You could tell she was embarassed by how red her face was, or maybe she had a fever? 

"What ever do you mean, Nino?" Alya responded, plastering an obvious attempt at an innocent smile on her face. She seemed to be doing so slyly, because the corners of her mouth were turning up into a smirk. Nino looked at her with a 'you know just exactly what I'm talking about' expression, making her throw her head back laughing. His face went red as he saw her smile, and I couldn't help but release a small 'aww' from my lips.

"It's okay, Nino. I guess Maman thought it would be fun," Marinette said, lifting her mouth into an innocent smile, suspiciously resembling Alya's. She then turned to me, and her face went pink. 

"Well, I guess that means we're neighbors, huh, Mari?" I asked genuinely while Alya and Nino had their playful argument. Marinette's face darkened as I uttered the name 'Mari,' but I brushed it off and held out my hand as if we'd never met before. She looked at it, then me, her mysterious blue eyes full of an emotion I couldn't name, and then shook it. I closed my eyes as I smiled, trying to be as friendly as I could. After all, Marinette had always been weird to me, which made me think she didn't like me, or was possibly scared of me? I didn't know, so I chose this moment as a way to befriend her more.

"I don't have to tell you everything," Alya whispered loudly next to me and Marinette, putting her index finger on Nino's chest. Nino immediately turned a darker shade than before and put both hands on his hips, leaning foward a bit.

"Can't you at least tell me what's going on?" He asked Alya, and they continued to flirt while Mari and I watched them both. That is, until Mrs. Bustier popped into the suite, a clipboard in her hand, and asked us how we were. We all stopped and gave her an enthusiatic 'good.'

"Wonderful, now, the royal family has requested our class's presence for dinner at 7 p.m. So, I'd like you all to get yourselves ready, after all, it's currently 5:30, and it takes 15 minutes to get to the palace. Now hurry! We'll all be meeting down in the lobby at the cafeteria," Our teacher said breathlessly. Then, she turned to Marinette, who was now standing by Alya, and gave her a quick nod. Mari gave her a quick nod in response, and to that Mrs. Bustier was out of the room.

I looked at Marinette, who was looking at Alya. They gave each other a look that I couldn't describe, and ran behind us. Nino and I looked around at them in confusion, then they shoved us out the door. Mari and Alya had come outside with us, locked the door, and quickly sped down the hallway to the elevator, leaving Nino and I panting and confused.

"What was that all about, dude?" Nino asked, and I turned to him, still panting from all of the previous excitement. 

"I have no idea, but they're getting more and more suspicious each time we see them," I replied, turning my head to where they had sprinted off to. Nino and I dropped the topic, as we're still standing outside the girls' door, so we decided to head into our suite and prepare to meet the royal family of China.

P.O.V. Change

Marinette P.O.V.

Alya and I sprinted out of the elevator, through the hotel lobby, and into the limo that had been parked along the curb of the parking lot. We squealed and laughed as we ran, probably because of our hearts pounding and the excitement following our every move. Alya was going to see my palace! Oh, this is exciting - and nerve racking, but either way I couldn't shake the feeling of exhiliration we felt.

The inside of the limo was lit up with different colored lights, turning it into a party bus:

After we sat down and turned up the music, we giggled and laughed about the silliest things, we laughed, we poured ourselves the complementary apple cider, and we talked about the palace, and all the rooms, and maybe even Ethan.


The limo door opened to reveal the warm sunset over a mountain in the distance, the colors changing from red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. They cast an enchanting glow upon my palace, creating a serene welcome to both Alya and me.

"Welcome Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her best friend, Lady Alya Cesaire," The chauffeur that had driven us from the hotel to the palace greeted as he stood next to the door of our limousine. Alya and I stepped out and shielded our eyes from the glare of what was left of the sun reflecting against the metalic aspects of my new-found home.

"Lady Alya Cesaire, I like it," Alya said, a ghost of smirk etching her features. I giggled and elbowed her side lightly. 

"Oh, Alya," I groaned jokingly, a smile across my face reaching ear to ear. "Anyway, welcome to the palace, or what I now call it, home sweet home."

She looked at me, then the palace, then me, then the palace, then me again. I laughed in response to her jaw, which was practically touching the floor she was gaping so wide. 

"This. Is. Your. House?!" She squealed and shook my shoulders with a loose grip. I nodded, to which she dropped me and took a few steps toward the palace slowly. "O.M.G. This is huge! Marinette, you have to show me around! Especially starting with Ethan." Alya whispered the last part into my ear. 

I blushed and looked down at the ground. Alya's laughing was audible from in front of me. Look, I have, and always will love Adrien, but what's wrong with having a tiny crush on one more person, right? Right?

(A/N Wow, finally updated, am I right? lol anyway, I should be updating soon, but my life has just been so wild. Although I did find out that I will be going to Paris for TEN DAYS as a birthday present from my mom! A BIRTHDAY PRESENT! We're leaving for all of Thanksgiving break and three days after it, which means no school! YES, BABY. LET'S GO! 

Plus, I want to be a fashion designer as I get older and after I finish fashion college at the F.I.D.M. in San Fransisco I'm moving to Paris. EEEEHHHHH I'm so excited I just can't even. 

Anyway, have a wonderful third week of October, and I will see you in my next update! Bye, kittens! Love ya!)


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