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Hey guys! I don't have anything to say,  but,  how did you like that last chapter? 

"Auntie Nettie,  who Is Nick?  " Mar'i asked innocently.

Mar'i was Marinette's almost-niece. 

"Nick is a bad guy.  He wants to take my princess crown,  but we won't let him! " the princess replied.

"No we won't! " Mar'i triumphantly exclaimed,  jumping in the air.

"Angel!  Are you OK!? " her boyfriend,  Damian ran over.

OK OK,  so, barely anyone voted today luka, some were for Adrien,  and majority was Damian,  but,  im not crushing adrienette,  so here is background info

Adrien hated liars.  He told Marinette to take the high road,  without really knows no what was going on.  He figured it out,  and stood up for Mari.  Lila persistently tried to dare Adrien,  even going to extreme measures.  She would only stop if he got a girlfriend. Marinette was taken,  but it was really complicated and hard to explain, so,  they talked to Damian and came up with a plan. They were already super besties,  and physical contact really wasn't a big deal,  but Marinette had to act.  She was apparently a clumsy girl who was the shyest human ever. This wasn't the case obviously.  They fake dated.  Then broke up,  after Lila lied about dating someone famous, so she couldn't easily get Adrien.  They are now platonic super besties,  make since? 

She nodded and finished talking to the police before heading back to the castle. Mar'i ran over to play princesses outside with Anna.  Everyone checked up on her,  and she knows needed to explain why she was kidnapped in front of the entire class.  Yippee!  (Note the sarcasm)

I mean,  what was she supposed to say?  "HEY!  yeah,  I was kidnapped,  it's a regular occurrence due to being a famous model,  singer,  fashion designer,  and basically a not so pink Barbie that's also a super tough princess and your actually attending my coronation and I'm besties with every celebrity Lila ever lied about!  Continue!  "

That,  would not go over well.

So,  instead she said " They kidnapped me,  because they thought I was the princess.  Apparently we look similar. "

Lila nodded " You do.. But,  not that much.  It seems like you were trying to get attention. What do you guys think? " Lila asked the class.

Most of them agreed,  excluding Alya,  Chloe,  Nino,  Alix,  and Kim.

"Why would she asked to get knocked out!?  That won't even get her the good kind if attention!  " Alya screeched.

No one paid attention,  and they all went off to bed. Meanwhile,  Chloe,  Adrien, and Damian as well as Nino went to Marinette's room.

Mari's outfit :

Chloe's outfit:

Adrien's outfit:

Damian's outfit:

Nino was wearing the same outfit as Damian,  but it was green .

Both Marinette and Damian turned into blushing messes.

"Um,  Mar-bear,  who is Nick really? " Chloe nervously questioned.

" he's not to important.. But,  take a seat" the blunette began,  sighing.

"Nick is a man whom was banned from this country years ago due to attempt if murder on my mother,  the queen. "

Chloe gasped,  but waited for her friend to continue.

"He vowed he'd be back,  but honestly,  he's kinda stupid. " Nino continued.

Damian chuckled softly and Adrien made a point.

"but he made it back, didn't he? "

Laughing slightly,  Mari's replied "Yeah,  but that's about it.  It was the easiest kidnapping to escape.  Ever. "

The 5 laughed together

Eventually, they fell asleep.  Only 2 more days until the coronation.

And,  only 4 more chappies!  Well... 4-6 anyway. Sorry this was so short,  but I felt the need to cover Nick some more. Sorry if your name is Nick or Lila!  No offense anyone! 💎💟💜

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