Chapter 2: Packing/Telling Alya

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As soon as Miss said that everyone started screaming. Alya turned to me, with an exited look in her eyes.

"I. CAN'T. BELIEVE. THATWEAREGOINGTOYOURHOME!!!!!!" Alya squealed. I just sat there frozen, THEIR COMING TO MY CORONATION!?!?!?!?!?

"-ette, MARINETTE!" Alya shouted in my ear.

I shook out of it and said "Huh?" Alya, Adrian and Nino where looking at me weird.

"Dudette are u ok? You started acting weird when the teacher announced that we were going to China." Nine stated and Adrian nodded along.

I gave them a big sweet smile and whispered to Alya "I'll tell u after school."

She gave them a big sweet smile and whispered to me"I'll tell u after school".

I was sceptical, but I nodded anyways.


I turn to M. " Soooo what did u want to tell me?"

" ummmm Soooo........." She trailed off.

"What is it? Are u in trouble?" I was suddenly very worried.

" NO no its nothing like that its......... Just don't be mad ok?" She says.

I was confused. "1st. Why would I be mad? 2nd. You don't have to tell me if u don't want to."

She sighed. " No i want tell u. Im........ Im......... ImThePrincessOfChina"

I sighed. " No i want tell u. Im........ Im......... ImThePrincessOfChina"

I slowly looked over at Alya. She was on the floor laughing. I was now really confused, I mean what's so funny?

" PRINCESS? That is.... such a..... funny joke, M!" She said catching her breath.

"That's the thing, Im serous." I say nervously.

"Wait..... Ur not joking?" she asked wide eyed. I shake my head.

"OMMMM MY BEASTIE IS A PR-" I cut her off.

"Don't announce it to the whole world!" I said with a smile." So Ur not mad?"

"Are u kidding?!?! Why on Miraculous would I be mad?" Alya practically screamed.

"I don't know. I just thought u might treat me different and hate me for telling u." I said sadly.

"WHAT?!?! Girl, Ur my beastie! I wouldn't be mad at u!" Alya stated.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Really!?!?" Alya nodded and hugged me.

"Also Alya can u not tell anyone till my coronation?" I ask.

"If that's what u want, then ok." She replied.

"Thanks Als. Do u want to sleepover and pack?" I ask her.

"Np, and Sure!" Alya nodded and we started packing for the crazy trip ahead.

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