Chapter 9

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I woke up to a familiar metallic scent. My eyes flew open and I shot up.

"Oi..." I spoke, and everyone went silent, noticing my murderous aura.

"Why...have I woken up to the scent of Ryo's blood?" I asked. No one spoke, until Ryoma sighed.

"I dropped my racket. It broke and gave me a headshot." he said. I calmed down, and sighed, coming over to him.

"Hm...There's no wound to your eyeball, that's good. But, there's a cut on your eyelid." I said. He 'Hn'ed.

"You up for it?" I asked. he smirked. I grinned and motioned for Momo-senpai to give me Ryoma's racket.

I took it and gave Ryoma. Before he got up I patched it up.

"It's temporary. Be careful." I said, and he nodded and went back out.

"Blood's stopped. Calm down, people." I said, rolling my eyes. I got stares from everyone again, and Ryoma chuckled.

"Sorry guys. Yuki isn't herself when she wakes up. Give it a few minutes. he said, ruffling my hair. I growled and pushed him off.

"See?" he said to them. They nodded slowly, and the game resumed once the attention was taken off me.

 Ryoma's speed was perfect. In fact, from the things I heard, it was faster than before. He looked to me, and his opponent, Shinji, I think it was, narrowed his eyes and followed his gaze. I nodded, giving him out 'All Out' handsign. He was using his left hand already. So now he's REALLY going all out. He smirked, and continued to battle. Eventually, Shinji was forced to defend himself, and Ryoma finished it with a smash that turned out to be the twisted serve. I smiled and cheered.

"Nice going, Ryo." I said as he came back. He nodded, smiling.

I called a car and it came for us so Ryoma could go to the hospital. The temporary bandage I gave him wasn't going to last very long.


"Your match is last' he said. IT WAS NOT!" I ranted. Ryoma sweatdropped.

"Well, I couldn't let you miss mine, so if it was yours, then there's nothing to worry about!" he said, and I narrowed my eyes at him, huffing and looking away. He sighed.

"Oh come on, give a smile, Yuki." he said, poking me. I couldn't help it. I grinned.

"How come you fell asleep during the matches?" he asked. I shrugged, frowning.

"I shouldn't be this tired. I don't know why. Maybe I should train more." I said, smiling. He 'hn'ed as we reached the hospital.The doctor blinked.

"You sure you guys were playing tennis?!" he asked.

A little while later we got a call from Eiji. We gave us directions to a sushi shop. I tilted my head in confusion, and Ryoma shrugged. We went in and were greeted by the tennis club.

"Ah, ochibi-chan and Ki-chan are here!" Eiji said. I blinked.

Ochibi would be Ryoma, so Im...'Ki-chan'? I giggled. I like it.

Ryoma's eyes widened as the shop owner, Tachibana-senpai's father, said he'd treat us. He shook his head quickly.

"Don't do it! You won't be able to keep up with Yuki." he said, and they all looked from him, to me and then back to him.

"I think I can manage for her." said senpai's father. I giggled as Ryoma facepalmed and sighed.

Not long after, all the food was done. Kaidoh-senpai stole Eiji's eel, and I stole Kaidoh-senpai's stolen eel and ate it. I moaned.

"I can eat this until I die." I said happily. Ryoma laughed, as did everyone else.

"You just might die if you keep eating that alone." Oishi-senpai said. I 'hmph'ed and looked away, spotting Fuji eating some weird roll things.

"Ne, Fuji-senpai? What are those?" I asked. He held one out.

"They're spicy. Wasabi sushi." he said. I shrugged and ate it.

"I like them." I said, taking another. And another. And another. Then they were done and I was hiccupping. Tezuka chuckled, surprising everyone.

"Shut -hic- up!" I whined, and they all laughed. Ryoma gave me some water to drink to calm my hiccupps. It didn't work. I had hiccupps for the rest of the day

After everything happened, Ryoma fell asleep on my lap. Such a child. I heard a 'click' then saw a flash. I looked up to see the club standing over us with a camera in Momo-senpai's hand, while everyone else had their phones out taking pictures. I blinked.

"What are you doing?" I asked. They smiled.

"Cherishing the moment." Fuji said, and I giggled.

"Don't cherish the moment too loudly, he'll wake up." I said. Momo-senpai blinked.

"Why would that be a bad thing?" he asked. I gave him an 'are you seriously asking me that question?' kind of look.

"If he wakes up we can't draw on his face. Let's all sign his eyepatch.' I said, and they perked up. I frowned.

"What is it?" Eiji asked.

"Uh... my pen's in my pocket. Ryo's in the way." I said, and they were depressed.

"B-But, I think he's got a pen in his pockets somewhere." I said, feeling around in each of his pockets until I found a pen.

"Aha! Here it is." I said, pulling one out and giving it to Tachibana. He took it and signed his name on Ryoma's eyepatch, smiling lightly. Next was Momo-senpai, then Eiji, then Fuji. I giggled.

Soon he woke up and we headed home.

"Ah, that's right. Where does Koyuki-chan live?" Fuji asked. I smiled.

"I live rith Ryo." I said.









Liked it? I hope so :3






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