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"You have completed your 2-hour workout," came the voice of the trainer through Aquilina's wireless earphones. 

Sweating and breathing heavily, she drank heavily from her bottle of high PH water and hit the showers.

She switched the tap to hot to relieve her aching bones and allowed her thoughts to wander to the events of the past day.


After accepting the offer of Mr Francis, Aquilina found herself looking forward to the bell ringing for the day. She realised how much she missed drawing and painting.

How much of herself had she had to bury after the incident that changed her whole life?

"Okay, so you missed the party last night," Nat said when the teacher was not paying attention. She sounded like she had missed the world's greatest event.

"I am sorry, I could not make it. I had a lot to catch up on."

"Right!" Nat rolled her eyes. "You could pass every subject if you skipped all your classes."

"Okay, I will make it up to you. How about a Pizza at Uncle Jone's later?"

"Puh-lease. Not that Vegan pizza again!" She groaned.

"Hey, you enjoyed it last time."

"I was starving. A hungry man or woman finds EVERYTHING tasty."

"You were asking for more to take home."

Natalie blushed, "My Mum is a vegan."

"So, you did not have more at home?" She cocked an eyebrow.

She gave in, "Maybe, let's say I ate more than 90% of it at home. I'm not saying I ate all. But back to the topic... guess who came to the party?"

"Let me guess... EXO's Do?"

"You wish! Don't tell me that's what you had to "catch up" on."

"Maybe or maybe not..." Aquilina shrugged, amused at her friend's reaction.

"Aquilina!" Nat whisper-yelled. "You missed the greatest event of history."

"That is what you said about the party last week."

"Exactly! Wait... what?" She looked confused and Aquilina wanted to burst into laughter looking at her friend's face. But she kept her look neutral. "No. This week broke the record."

"Oh, dear! Okay, fine. Tell me. What happened?"

"Well, as the clock struck 9:30ish..." she beamed entering into storytelling mode. "The big doors of Garret's hall where we were having the party swung open — the Golden Friends appeared."

"Really?" This piqued Aquilina's interest, for Prince Javier rarely attended any such event — to the best of her knowledge.

"And that is not the best part," Natalie went on, basking in the attention Aquilina had finally given her story.

"Guess which other people I saw?" She was clearly delighted. "Drumroll, please... Prince Lu Xia and Prince Lu Feng Mian."

"The twins?" Aquilina stated more than asked.

"Yes, the Chinese Princes!" Natalie was grinning from ear to ear now. "I have been in this school since I was in my diapers but I can count on my fingers how many times I have come across them. "

Aquilina sat back, processing it all.

"Wow," was all she could utter.

"I know, right? They probably all felt the need for some fun. Or Garret struck a big deal." She looked satisfied with herself as she relaxed back as well.

But Aquilina's mind was reeling. She had known the twins for some time, no, a long time. Prince Lu Xia the stern twin, would not have been there for anything.

Something had gone down, and she could sense it.

• • • • • • • •

After stowing her belongings she was not going to need in her little cubicle after lessons — and yes, they had cubicles instead of simple lockers other normal schools had — she excitedly picked up the key she had been given to the Art Studio and headed out.

Hers was simple but sufficient. Others richer than she had even bigger, decorated ones, which she had happened to glimpse before.

But she loved hers the same. For she had long since learnt, that joy was not found in the abundance of properties... which she had been blessed with.

None of them gave joy. But being content in that which GOD gives at any given time is truly what makes a man rich.

She got to the Art Studio and strangely found the door unlocked and the lights on.

Was Mr Francis still around?

She slowly opened the door and glanced around cautiously till she met a pair of baby-blue eyes.


"I am sorry, I did not know you were here. Mr Francis gave me the key."

"Yeah, he told me he did. Come on in." Francesco said.

I see.

"I do not mean to impose. Maybe I will come back another time." Or never, she wanted to add.

Surprisingly, he chuckled.

"You are no imposition. Come on here. There is room for more than the two of us."

An understatement. A whole community could fit in here.

"Then, I will work over there." Aquilina quickly moved to the far end — away from Mr Blue-Eyes and Overconfident.

She dropped the key and the few belongings she had carried along on a different stool and settled into work.

She had no idea what to draw. And feeling a pair of eyes watching her every move did not help.

After a few minutes of practising her strokes, she dove into drawing her favourite — Landscapes.

Funny, how she could immerse herself in landscapes and how it made her feel like she was in her own world. A world in which there was no hate, or abuse... neither debauchery nor false accusations.

She felt so immersed that she did not hear the footsteps nor hear the sound of breathing so close to her.

"That is so beautiful, and you say you have no talent?"

Startled, she missed a spot she was shading and turned abruptly to face the blonde-haired Prince behind her.

He stood so close, and he reminded her so much of him.

She felt too startled to speak.

"You did not draw these too fastidiously. The feathered lyrical strokes tell me you felt greatly about what you drew..." His gaze moved away from the art behind her and stared point-blank into her eyes.

"What were you thinking of?"

Aquilina turned to look at the simple artwork again. It was not much. But he had read her intentions well.

It was a landscape of a humble cottage; away from the world, away from everyone. And a lake lay just behind it.

To her, it was an escape.

"Just a place I think will be fun to be in." Or run away to. She quickly explained and pulled to the side, away from him and not towards the easel.

"Oh... would you mind if I include this sketch amongst those that would be painted around the Art-Block?"

"I believe I wouldn't mind."

"Alright. I will get the tripod and capture this."

He walked towards the large shelves at the back and retrieved a tripod. But as he reached towards the camera lenses, a loud crash was heard.

"Are you okay?" She said running to him.

A sharpening blade had been mistakenly left on the lenses and hurt him. It was nothing big. A little cut around his elbows, where his shirt had been folded to.

"I'll be right back." She ran to her bag which had a few emergency medical supplies that she needed and hurried back to him.

She made him take a seat and began to treat his wound.

"It's nothing to worry about. It's only a little scrape."

She did not respond but worked on it diligently. Applying a cream to avoid scarring. It was really effective.

"It was all my fault." She mumbled.

"How was it your fault?" He looked rather amused.

"Hold still." She said putting finishing touches to her work. "If I had not come here today, you would not have needed the lenses and this would not have happened."

"That is a far stretch."

"It is not. It's my fault and I'm sorry."

But he strangely did not reply.

When she was done, she packed the items back and cleared up the mess on the floor. He was still silent. So she decided to turn and leave.

As she moved toward her belongings he reached out to catch her hand, and finally spoke, "If you still think it was your fault, would you do anything to help me as a payback?"


Hello, lovely family. I hope you enjoyed this. GOD bless you for making it this far.

And thank you for being faithful readers and for your awesome feedback.

Please let me continue to know what you think. It means a lot to me. Kindly Vote, Comment, and Share.

Much love,


P.S. Find below the pictures of how I sort of imagine the Chinese Twin Princes.

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