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Vladimir above ☝🏼



On reaching home, Aquilina felt drained. She wasn't only exhausted physically, but mentally as well.

She tiredly took off her shoes at the entrance and slipped her feet into her fluffy indoor ones.

"Estás aqui (you're here)."

Aqui's head jerked up in surprise at the sound of Javier's voice. She hadn't expected him to be waiting around for her.

"Hey," she said softly to him, a tired smile on her face. She began to walk toward him.

"Long day, huh?"

"That's an understatement," she dropped her bag on the sofa. "I'm knackered. Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

As she approached him, she noticed how different he looked.

He often dressed formally, even at school—to show off his status.

But dressed in his khakis and a simple T-shirt, she realised how beautiful and young he was. He was just like her.

Young, yet they had both been thrown into a chaotic world filled with power-hungry fiends.
And they never seemed to be satisfied till they had trodden everyone underfoot to reach their goals.

"I got you this," Javier said softly to her.

Aqui then noticed the steaming cup in his hand. She gently reached for it.

"Mmm..." she moaned, giving him an approving smile when she realised its contents. "Hibiscus tea, my favourite."

"And I added some ginger too." He casually placed his hands in his pocket.

"Muchas gracias(Thanks a lot), Javi."

"Javi?" He cocked an eyebrow, clearly amused. "So you're giving me a nickname now, angelito mío?"

An embarrassed Aqui raised the cup to cover her face as she rushed past him and headed towards their room.

"Hey, where are you going to?" He followed after her.

"I'm going to freshen up," Aqui said over her shoulder without stopping.

"Alright," Javier finally stopped as she reached the doorway. "I'll be in the office. There are a few things I have to handle."

"Have you had dinner yet?" Aqui finally stopped, with a hand over the doorknob. "I prepared you something for later too."

"I know... but I was waiting for you."

Something in Aqui's heart melted a fraction. She could sense the old walls within—as thick as Jericho's—begin to crumble bit by bit. It wasn't much of a clearing, but it was something.

And the feeling alarmed her.

"I'll be out in no time."

She didn't give him the chance to respond before darting into their bedroom. After shutting the door, she leaned against it.

What is happening to me?

She had sworn to never give anyone such a chance in her heart—again.

After calming her beating heart with some deep breaths, Aqui finally pulled away from the door and decided to freshen up.


"I'm sorry, sir. But all I could find from one of my spies is their address," Boris informed.

He had long practised this little speech. Boris knew he was lying, so he had to perfect his act. For his Rukovoditel'(Boss), Vladimir, was highly perceptive.

"The Homeric Estate? That's all you could find about this... Princess?" His eyes seemed aflame with the intense anger boiling within him.

"It was very difficult to find even that bit of information. The Jaye family do cherish their privacy."

Vladimir finally stood up and pinched the bridge of his nose. He willed himself to be calm.

At his young age, he had gained all he had—becoming a Mafia leader, alongside owning some of the top leading businesses in the world—by that one virtue. Patience.

Though he was also of royal descent, he had once almost lost all he had.

He couldn't afford to make any rash decisions that would cost him all he had struggled to attain.

"The Estate is very difficult to break into," he looked away for a moment before facing Boris.

"Tell my assistant to call the other leaders of The Rebellion. I need to have an emergency meeting with them. I know who can help us get in."

"Yes, sir," Boris nodded once and turned around to leave.

He had chosen not to directly give up Aquilina.

It is all up to her fate now.


"I can do it alone!" Aqui whined as Javier continued to wash the dishes.

He didn't say a word to her but had his back turned as he went on.

When he was done, he turned to a very distraught Aqui with a smirk playing on his lips.

"When my beautiful wife prepares the tastiest meal I've ever had, this is the least I can do."

He surprised her by placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll be upstairs going over some final documents."

Javier didn't give Aquilina a chance to reply before heading out.

Once again, with mouth agape, she stared after him — lost for words.

He keeps leaving me speechless.

She groaned and began to walk out when a sudden thought hit her, causing her to halt abruptly.

How do I tell such a loving boy, that his mother has been around all this while?


Hi, fam! Thanks a lot for making it this far. I appreciate it. GOD bless you all.

I didn't really like the name Homeric Estate... does anyone have a better idea, please?

Until next time, God willing.

Phela ❤️

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