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"It's been a while, how have you been?" Francesco asked.

She noticed how weary he looked. Yet she really didn't feel it was the right time to face him—not after all those days. And she had a lot going on.

"Well," she stretched her arms "I'm still alive."

She forced a tight smile and turned, deciding to leave.

She began to descend when a hand grabbed her elbow.

"Wait, Aquilina! We have to talk."

"No offence Francesco, but please, now won't be a good time for me."

"Just five minutes, please." His eyes were desperate and had turned glassy at that moment, she couldn't turn him down.

"Just five minutes," and she allowed him to lead her back to the place where they had sat to talk what now seemed like centuries ago.

"Before I say anything, I want to first say..." he begun after they were both seated on the bench.

"I'm sorry."

She masked every feeling and nodded that he continue.

He took in a long shaky breath.

"I messed up that evening. You see..."


"I'll be back," I say to Aquilina.

I go on with Alexei and Dimitri, of the Russian Royalty. I don't want to leave Aquilina, but my Father's command replays in my mind.

"No matter how unpleasant it may seem, try to get along with other Royals apart from Javier, Ricci. You'll need their support if you want to make it."

So, I decide to leave and entertain them for a while and return to Lina.

"Want something to drink?" And Dimitri hands me a drink.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Don't you trust us?" Something within me doesn't, but I drink it anyway for the sake of cordiality.

Soon, I feel the adrenaline and find myself sitting at a table playing Truth or Dare. Everything else is a blur — Rosa, the dare, everyone chanting that I kiss her.

I am barely able to stand when I hear my Driver call my name — he accompanies me to formal events.

"Signor Principe (Mr Prince)," he runs to my side.

"Dio mio!(My God) What have they given you?" He leads me towards the car, and I stop to wretch on the pavement. He gets me to drink some water as he settles me in the car.

After a moment, I feel my mind begin to calm, and then I recall,



"When I woke up the next day, I knew I had messed things up and didn't know how to face you," Francesco placed his forehead in his palms and then ruffled his hair.

"Rosa met up with me in school that Monday and said I went unto her and that I have to take responsibility for my actions. Lest I make her a laughingstock."

He finally turned to Aqui, hurt and regret written all over his features.

"I know none of this excuses my actions. But I just want you to know that I'm sorry, Lina. If I could take everything back, I would."

Aqui didn't know what to say. His regretful face caused something to melt within her. She sighed and finally replied.

"It's okay, Francesco. I forgive you," He brightened up a wee bit. "I don't hold anything against you. There wasn't anything ever really going on anyway. Cheer up."

She smiled a little and tapped his shoulder in reassurance.

"So are we friends again?"


The corner of his lips tugged upward.

"I wanted to also ask you," he sat straighter. "Will you help me again by pretending to date me? I don't want to be with Rosa."

Aqui pursed her lips for a moment before answering,

"I'm sorry, Francesco. But I don't think I can—not again." She shook her head.

"Please? You're the only one who can help me. At least just think about it?"

She sighed and resigned, "Okay, I will think about it."

He smiled fully now and stood up offering her a hand. She took it, and they began to descend.

"School's almost over, can I drop you off?" He glanced at his Patek Philippe Grandmaster watch.

She knew if she rejected his offer twice in a row, he would feel dejected.



They managed to leave just as the other students started to head out. Aqui was glad to escape their suspicious eyes.

They would have reached her home in no time, but Francesco insisted on buying her something to eat. She accepted that he buy her takeout instead to which he reluctantly agreed.

She thanked God in her heart as they pulled into the driveway to her simple yet beautiful home.

Riding in Francesco's white Maserati MC20 had not been her cup of tea. Truth be told, she loved to speed, but apart from her Dad and brothers, she never felt safe when anyone else did, especially in a sports car.

Just as she was about to thank him and exit the car, she noticed Javier's black Rolls-Royce Cullinan heading towards her home in the right wing mirror. It pulled up beside theirs.

Francesco noticed it too.

"Why is Javier here?" His mouth was set in a tight line.

"He's friends with my cousin, Jason." She unbuckled her seat belt and assayed to gather her stuff.

"I see..."

"And we also work on school stuff sometimes. We are partners, remember?"

Francesco frowned and turned to face her, his face undecipherable.

"Lina, who took you home on the night of the event? I've wondered about it. You can't hail a taxi and no foreign car services are allowed in the area."

"Oh, I left with Javier."


Ciao! I hope we're all doing well by GOD'S Grace.

This is another chapter.

Please give me your thoughts on this also. What do you think of Francesco now?

And, this chapter is dedicated to EmilyKayy1820 GOD bless you, Sis. 💚💚💚

Much Love,

Little Phela 🧡

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