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Aquilina aided him to a short block-fence in the garden. He seemed to be at the point of losing consciousness. But she wanted to assess the problem point.

"Should I call for help?" She asked softly making him lean against her. His temperature was a bit high.

"No. I don't want anybody to see me like this," Javier managed to say feebly.

"Alright, tell me Javier. How do you feel?" She felt  the need to know what was going on.

"I feel a little nauseous and dizzy. And my head hurts."

"I'm sorry to ask this, but do you have any history of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)?"


Okay, we're getting somewhere. She thought.

"And where do you feel the pain right now? Is it still on the left side?"

He winced, and barely whispered a, "Yes."

She bit her lip, based on the GCS, his TBI was mild. All she needed now was to get him some pain relievers and possibly something to help him rest.

"Did you drive here?"

"Dr-iver," He managed.

"Just give me a thumbs up, Javier. Is his number on your phone?" He responded.

She found his phone in his front pocket.

"Just open your eyes for a moment so I can face-unlock your phone." He did.

After finding the driver's number simply saved as Driver, she called him and soon, a white Lamborghini Urus pulled up close to the gardens.

And together with the driver, they helped Javier into the car.

When he was settled in, she gave the driver instructions on medications to get and told him to get him to rest.

But as she tried to pull away, Javier managed to hold her arm and whisper softly, "Don't — go."

She felt torn. Despite what Francesco had done, her naive heart had not wanted to leave without an explanation.

Sure, there hadn't been anything between them, but she wanted to know, somewhere deep within that maybe this was all a game or something.

LORD, what do I do now? She closed her eyes for a moment, and knew what she had to do.

"I will go with you."


It didn't take the driver long to arrive at Javier's mansion even though they stopped to get some drugs at the pharmacy. It was set apart from the rest on the royal estate — as he was. That suited his temperament well.

Many trees enveloped the house which was made of glass. And a pool glistened right behind it in the moonlight.

She and the driver whose name she had learnt was Demetrius, helped the half awake Javier into the house.

There had been many guards at the main entrance of the estate, but only a few were to be seen outside the house.

He really does like his privacy. She thought to her self.

She didn't have time to take note of every detail of the house.

"Madam, I believe we can take him to his room. He'll feel more comfortable there," Demetrius said.

"I believe that will be alright."

They led him up to his room and laid him underneath the covers, Demetrius taking off his jacket and a few other clothing articles to make him comfortable.

"Demetrius, does this happen often?"

He straightened at once and pursed his lips, as though contemplating whether or not to tell her.

"Not as much as before, in fact it's been a while since it came this intensely." He finally explained.

"I see," she furrowed her brows about this new piece of information before she smiled her appreciation. "Thanks for telling me."

"No problem, Madam. I can tell that he trusts you."

"Me?" She raised an eyebrow in surprise.

I'm the least person he would trust.

"He rarely allows anyone — not even his closest friends or his family to know of his condition since it's relapse. But here you are, Madam. He trusts you." He smiled confidently.

"Please, call me Aquilina."

"Aquilina," he tried the name, his thick Spanish accent coming through.

"Then I will leave you, Ma- Aquilina. Please call me if you need anything." And with that he quickly left.

She glanced at the resting form of Javier. She had fed him some pain killers, along with some organic Chamomile pills in the car to help him rest.

The colour had begun to return to his face. She checked his temperature, it was still a little warm.

She walked silently to his bathroom and found a towel which she soaked with water and sprinkled a bit of the lavender oil she had bought on it.

That will help him to sleep even better. She smiled.

That was one thing that gave her joy — just helping others.

She placed it gently on his forehead after returning from the bathroom.

She decided to return to the couch in his room to rest a bit thinking he was asleep. But the towel had caused him to stir awake, and he held onto her hand feebly and said, his violet eyes barely open.

"You know, you look a lot like her. But..." he took a deep breath, his eyelids beginning to droop, "You are nothing like her. Eres un Ángel."  (You're an Angel.)

Then, he fell asleep.


Thanks so much, wonderful family. I am so grateful that you've stuck around this far. I think this is my favourite chapter so far.

What did you think of it?

Oh... and... if you could be one character in this book, who would you choose?

And... this chapter is dedicated to sereniity-
Thanks a lot, Sis. 🙂

Banner way above by panda_love2004

Much Love,
Phela 💕

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