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Just a friendly reminder that this is all fictional. The world system, persons, events... umm... yes, please. 🙂

And... do you mind the inline Authors Notes sometimes?


"Then, stay with him Skylah," a firm and masculine voice declared behind them.

A startled Aqui turned around to face the voice as Javier also looked up. She had recognised the voice but had not expected it.

Her heart soared when he came into full view... Prince Tal, one of the King Makers.

The King Makers were a group from certain Royal Bloods of different Kingdoms. Describing them all would prove rather tedious.

But simply put, they wielded power enough to enthrone or dethrone any other Royal in any Kingdom.

There were three at the top of the group; Tal, of mixed-but-powerful Royal Blood, Klaus of German-Italian Royal Blood, often called the Rudest Prince, and finally, Salvian.

Though Sal was a Crown Prince himself, he had been chosen to be a part of the King Makers. So powerful was he.

Aquilina's family wasn't Royal by just one blood, but different ones. Each of their parents had at least, two distinct major ones in them, some being Jewish and African.

The three were all close, despite their different temperaments.

"Tal," she called out as he approached and pulled her into a warm embrace.

"Hello, child," he said with a warm smile when he pulled back.

He was barely older than Sal but had often called her, 'child'. They had all grown up together. And he had fairly brought her up himself with Sal, who had loved his little sister and trained her.

"Young man," he shook Javier's hand.

(Really, is it because it's night? 😳I felt weird writing the handshake because of... you know... hehe 🙃 )

Javier gingerly shook his hand.

"Little S?" Tal turned to back to Aqui.

"Let's talk for a moment." And to Javier, "We'll be right back."


"How are you, Little S?"

He had walked her to his car which was parked amongst the leading ones in the parking lot.

"I'm fine." She mumbled leaning against his car frame.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded.

"Then, why are you refusing the marriage? Are you secretly engaged to an old man somewhere?"

Aqui flinched and made a face.

"Ewww... no way!"

He mimicked her actions causing her to laugh a little. That had been his goal all along. To make her laugh.

"Listen..." he began.

She braced herself, having a feeling she wasn't going to like what he was about to say.

"Sal is on a mission."

She groaned. The King Makers had various missions they went on from time to time. They could be anything but often involved the chosen person 'disappearing' from everyone else's radar.

She knew what it meant for her brother to be on a mission.

"So, you know the drill. For six months, you'll have to take over his duties."

"For six months?" She asked in wide-eyed astonishment.

"Yes, child."

When she said nothing, he went on.

"He left a set of instructions for you. And I'm afraid, pushing through with the marriage is one of them."

She groaned again, placing her face in her hands.

"Also, due to security reasons, it will be good to keep the marriage low profile for now."

He reached for her hands with his.

"Everything is going to be okay, child. Get that? And we are all here for you. So don't you worry."

Then he hugged her again.


"How is your father also doing?" King Flavian asked.

"Very well, Sir," Javier replied sitting on a comfortable couch in the hospital room.

He had been there with Francesco but the latter had stepped out a moment before.

"He sent his regards, and asked me to tell you that he's considering your offer," he went on.

"Very good," he said just as the Doctor and a nurse entered in.

His eyes discreetly followed the Doctor's every move.

The Doctor... namely, Aquilina... his wife.

The thought warmed his heart as he continued to converse with King Flavian. But the King halted the conversation abruptly when Aqui approached him to check on him.

When she was done, he stared at her intently. Javier also watched him intensely.

"How would you feel if I proposed a marriage between you and Tarquin to your father?"

Aqui who was tapping his stats into the tablet she held, paled and glanced up at him in astonishment. The nurse also stopped whatever she had been doing and looked at them, surprised to hear that.

"Excuse me?" A wide-eyed Aqui managed to finally ask him breaking the silence that had ensued.

"I believe that would be a wonderful match, I will speak to your father about it."

Javier felt like shaking sense into the already sick man.

She's my wife, he wanted to say.

But he recalled what she had told him moments before.

After meeting with Prince Tal, Aqui had reluctantly agreed to be with him, to his delight.

But she had also told him of how they had to keep everything low profile for a while.

So he took in a deep breath and calmed himself down as Aqui replied.

"I don't think my father is thinking about making such an arrangement for me."

As I'm already married, she added in her mind.

The king grunted and mumbled a 'We'll see'.

"Everything seems in order, Sir. You'll be allowed to leave in two days' time. And please, do take care of yourself."

Aqui gave him a polite smile.

"Thank you kindly, Doctor," he replied in a voice heavy with feeling.

She nodded and turned to walk out, but not before sneaking a glance at Javier.


"Tu es ici!(You're here!)" Jason beamed at Aqui and rose from the hospital bed to hug her. He seemed in good shape.

She had decided to visit him even as he was being discharged that day.

"Comment ça va?(How are you?)"

"I'm good," he gave her a dimpled smile.


Aqui turned to see Mike looking at her.

"Have you forgotten me already?" He asked with mock hurt.

"Oh, how can I?" Aqui responded with an arm over her chest.

He opened his arms and enveloped her in them.

"Hey, baby Sis. Tal's here."

"Yeah, I saw him," she gently pulled back as he released her.

"He said he spoke to you."

"He did... I guess it's sealed now." Her tone sounded melancholic.

"Cheer up. Everything is going to be okay. Dad and Mum have agreed that you both live together soon. And you can wait on Military for about a year."

"I guess so."

"What are you two talking about?" They both turned to stare at Jason.


Jason was less than happy to hear about it. Sure, he was glad things had worked out, but he didn't seem to like the idea of having been kept in the dark.

"So, you'll both live together now?" He asked finally.

He was going to miss his cousin.

"Yes... I guess so." Aqui quietly replied.

"It had to be done sooner or later anyway," Mike finalised.

Does it really have to be done? Aqui thought. Would anyone regard me the same after learning about my past? And my defilement?


Hi, fam! I always had an elite group in mind but didn't know how to explain it or what to call it. I'm glad by God's Grace, I've got a name for it.

What do you think?

Prince Tal. Fun fact: He was actually supposed to take up the current role of Javier. Yep. Hehe 🙃)


Phelita 💜

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