53rd Imagine...

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The Breakdown

Princeton P.O.V

"The last bag!" grunted Y/N dad as he threw her last bag onto the back of the truck.

"Thanks, daddy" she laughed. He opened his arms up for hug. "I deserve a hug after helping you!" he laughed as he walked closer to Y/N. She rolled her eyes with a smile and gave her dad the biggest bear hug ever. "I love you, daddy" she told him. "Love you too" he replied then kissed her on her cheek.

She pulled away from their hug and looked back at me. "Jacob.." she dragged on. I opened my arms and walked closer to her. I pulled her in for a gigantic hug, rocking her back and forth. "I love you" she sniffed. I just knew she start crying.

"Don't cry, Y/N" I whispered in her ear. "You'll be able to visit me, remember?"

"Yeah, but it isn't the same" she told me. I cleaned her tears off her beautiful face. I lifted her chin up and demanded her to look into my eyes. "Remember we can text, call, FaceTime, webchat and all that other stuff. It'll be like I'm never away from you" I told her, trying not to cry.

She quickly nodded her head and cleaned her face.

"It's not all about my sister you know" said Y/N brother, Chris. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Chris. "I'm going to miss you too, Chris" I laughed at him. "I'm going to miss you too, Jacob" he smiled. I gave him a quick hug so I wouldn't see less of the man I am.

"Alright, you guys need to get going, traffic is a mother" their dad laughed. Chris in Y/N climbed into the car parked in the driveway. I watched Chris start the car off and prepare to pull off.

"Call me when you two get down there" Their father said, pointing at the both of them. "We will dad" they sighed in unison. They waved at us one last time and pulled off down the rode.

Chris and Y/N had both been accapted to their college. Their scored were so good they asked them both to in the college summer introductory program. I didn't apply for any colleges because I felt that I wasn't going to be good enough to be in college but my friends, Y/N and Chris helped me realized I could do it.

Y/N and Chris

Those two were my only friends. Now I'm all alone.

I walked home with my head down and my hands in my pockets, flashing back to all the great times we had together.

My breathing picked up and my eyes got teary.

I'm all alone. Nobody is here with me.

I flashed back to when I was younger getting bullied.

You need hair cut Mexico? Mind if I give you one? HAHAHA

Look he's crying...stop being a little bitch Mexico!

Is he trying to hit us back? Oh hell no..let's get him!

I walked into my house and started banging my head on the door. "I'm never going to make any friends, I'm never going to have anyone around me" I told myself over and over again.

I slowly slid down onto the ground and hit the floor. Tears fell from my eyes as I rocked myself back and forth trying to tell myself I'm going to be alright. I closed my eyes and flashed back to night in the car with my parents.

10 years ago.

I sat in the back of my car with my parents as we sung along to the Christmas music being played in our car.

"We're almost home, Jacob!" my mother smiled as she looked at me in the back of my seat.

"You get to open your birthday/ Christman presents! Excited?" my dad asked me as he kept his eyes on the rode.

"Yes I am daddy!" I smiled. My mother reached back and pinched my chubby yellow cheeks. "I love you guys" I told them. "We love you too Jacob" they said in unison. I had my mother look at me and say that , I wanted my dad to look back at me too.

"Daddy! You didn't look at me and say it?" I asked him with a laugh.

He slowly turned my head and looked at me. "I love y-"

"WATCH OUT!" my mother screamed. My dad turned is attenetion back the front and saw the big truck come toward our car.

"DADDY! MOMMY!" I screamed with tears rushing down my face. My parents started to say something but it was to late.

My eyes jumped open and I pulled up my leg pants and and sleeves and looked at the the scars from the accident that night.

"I killed my parents" I told myself. I started crying again. "I killed my parents" I wailed. I slowly got up from on the ground and walked into the kitchenand grabbed the knife in the drawer. "If I killed my parents I deserve to die too" I screamed. I looked at the knife then closed my eyes as I placed it on my skin.

. . .

I opened my eyes and looked all around. Where was I?

I seen I was tucked into a small bed in a clean, put together room. I seen a TV and a tray of food sitting next to me.

"Jacob?" asked a lady as she peeked into my room. "I'm Doctor. Wilison, can I come in?" she asked. I nodded at her and she came in.

"Why am I in here?" I asked not taking my eyes off of her as she pulled up a chair next to my bed.

"Your foster parents said they came home and seen you had cut yourself and was laying on the ground crying. Tell me, what's wrong?" she asked pulling on her pen and paper.


"Life? What do you mean?"

"Life my fucking problem! For you to be a doctor, you're dumb as hell" I snapped.

"OK" she sighed writing down something on her notebook. "Your foster parents said you kept saying you're alone, I deserve to be with them, who is them Jacob?" she asked me.

I closed my eyes and bowed my head. "I don't want to talk about this"

"Jacob, talk to me. You can trust me"

My throat started the weird jump thing I always did before I cried. "I'm alone" I wailed. "I'm so alone"


"I alone" I repated shaking my head. "My best friends are gone off to college without me and my parents are dead. IT'S MY FAULT WHY I'M ALONE!" I screamed shaking my head. "It's all my fault"


"I never applied to college now I'm at home like a idiot and I killed my parents by asking my dad to turn around" I told her as I looked at her. She nodded her head and looked like she was going to cry any second.

"I AM SO FREAKING STUPID!" I screamed, pulling my hair.

"Jacob, you aren't stupid. You're smart" she said placing her hands ontop of mine.

"How?" I asked her.

"You graduated from high school and realized your problem therefore, you're smart" she smiled. I looked at her as my lip started trembling. "Can you help me?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded.

"I sure can, Jacob"

- - - - -

If you ever watched "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" you can see where I got the idea from! Man, that movie got me in my feels ;_; if you haven't seen the movie I advise you too!

Hope you enjoyed my imagine!

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