Simply The Best

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I've recently become obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug... Send help!

The loudest war cry known to ears of mankind suddenly erupts when a warrior clad in black and dark purple barges into the classroom of Miss Agreste. The glowing violet slits were the eyes should be scan the rows of terrified teenagers until landing upon the form of the most popular boy in school. The dark haired teacher seems to instinctively try to grab something at her hip, but then remembers she doesn't have whatever she was looking to find.

"Roman Bourgeois! You will pay for the wrongs you have done to Black Valkyrie!" The warrior shouts in an echo-y voice.

He swings a spear towards the aforementioned boy, who immediately drops to the ground to dodge before bolting out of the room, many of his classmates joining him in his escape. Roman manages to duck into the bathrooms before pulling open his white jacket, only to find it empty. He panics for a moment before the bathroom door opens to reveal his best friend, Patton Lavillant, holding both their kwamis.

"Sorry! Pollen followed me to class because I had a peanut butter and honey sandwich in my lunch bag!" Patton apologizes, handing the bee fairy over.

"It's fine, Pat. Let's just get rid of this akuma. Pollen, transformez-moi!"

"Plagg, transformez-moi!"

Roman and Patton, now under the masks of Abeille and Chatte Noire, swiftly exit the bathroom to find Scarabée, also known as Logan Rossi/Patton's boyfriend, already at the scene, distracting Black Valkyrie by swinging around with his yo-yo.

"Where's Renard Rouge? Shouldn't he be here by now?" The ladybug kwami holder calls, dodging a swat from the spear.

You see, the fox kwami holder is the only one out of the four to have not disclosed his identity. He doesn't even know who his partners are out of the suit, immediately shutting down any of their attempts at telling him. Chatte Noire is about to shout an answer, but Black Valkyrie cuts him off with a hoarse laugh that seems to shake the ground.

"Your little fox can't help you!"

Abeille growls, tightening his grip on his trompo, wishing he could just unleash his miraculous power on the monster, but he can't. Not unless he wants to find some honey for Pollen before joining back in the fight.

"We need to lead him away from the school..." Chatte Noire mumbles, his golden cat eyes flickering around to see a possible escape route.

He makes a small noise of triumph as he looks up to see a shattered skylight that would be perfect. He grabs his staff and extends it upwards, right through the window. Chatte Noire cups his hand over his mouth and blows the biggest raspberry he can muster, a cheeky grin overtaking his features. Abeille and Scarabée seem to catch onto his thinking and follow him up, Abeille with his flying and Scarabée with his yo-yo gymnastics. Black Valkyrie snarls and pushes off the ground with enough force to leave a small crater in the ground, his purple cape flapping behind him.

The heroes immediately take off running across the Parisian rooftops, trying to get the villain as far away from civilians as quickly as possible. As they run, something hits Abeille in the face, the surprise of it causing to to fall backwards off the building. Luckily, his instincts catch him and start flapping his wings as he soars upwards and continuing forwards, grabbing the thing off his face. In his hand sits a small fox creature, clutching a fox tail pendant close to its chest. The fox kwami. The small fairy looks up at him with exhausted, but relieved eyes.

"My name is Trixx. Please, you have to help me. My wielder has been akumatized." The kwami pleads.

Abeille gasps loudly, if a bit overdramatic.

"You mean that Renard Rouge is Black Valkyrie?!"

The poor fox faintly nods.

"You have to find someone to use my miraculous until you de-evilize him. There's someone that he knows outside of the suit that I trust. Their name is Joan. Please give this to them." With that, Trixx disappears into their miraculous, waiting to be summoned again when given to someone.

Abeille dives down, flying just above his comrades.

"Scarabée! Chatte! No time to explain, but we need to find Joan!" He yells, holding the pendant out for them to see.

The two's eyes widen, but they quickly recover from the shock and Scarabée nods. He leads the way to Joan's home, knowing the nonbinary pal stay home today considering they're neighbors. The three land on Joan's balcony before a rose reminds them of their little problem.

"Chatte and I will keep him distracted! Go, Abeille!" Scarabée exclaims before he and his boyfriend jump away, the akuma following close behind.

Abeille knocks on the sliding glass door that leads to Joan's bedroom, praying to every deity that exists that they'll open up. Seems that luck has smiled upon him as the familiar orange beanied head looks up and immediately pulls the door open, eyes wide in shock.

"Roman? What's wrong? Why aren't you fighting the akuma?"

In case you're wondering why Joan knows the hero's identity, let's just say the boy needs to be more careful to make sure he doesn't release his transformation when someone else is hiding from an akuma in that same room.

"Joan, something happened with Renard Rouge and his kwami says that they trust you. They want me to give you the fox miraculous so that you can help us defeat this akuma." Abeille holds the necklace out for Joan to take, a pleading look in his eye.

Joan takes a moment to process all of this before a determined look passes over their face. They take the pendant and slip it over their head. A bright ball of light floats in front of them, taking on the form of Trixx.

"All you have to say is 'Trixx, transformez-moi' and Roman and everyone can help you with the rest." The kwami cuts right to the chase.

"Trixx, transformez-moi!"

Orange, yellow, and red lights fall over Joan, turning their clothing into the same suit that Renard Rouge wears.

"You ready to defeat an akuma?" Abeille asks, holding his hand out.

"You know it!" Joan shouts, taking his friend's hand.

The two take off, following the sounds of fighting over a couple blocks. The scene splayed out before them shows many overturned and crushed vehicles, debts in buildings, and a giant wolf that Chatte Noir is working on calming down, though the wolf is acting more like a puppy than anything.

"Fenrir, destroy them!" Black Valkyrie calls, a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"Joan, use your flute to create some illusions. That'll distract him just long enough for one of us to find where the akuma is."

Joan nods and lifts the instrument to their lips as Abeille jumps away, joining Scarabée in the search for the akuma. A small tune plays, causing multiple versions of them and their friends to appear around the battlefield, going in all sorts of directions, effectively rendering Black Valkyrie confused. Abeille suddenly points to an angel wing charm hanging off of the villain's waist. Scarabée darts forward and swipes it, snapping it in half with a flick of the wrist. A single purple moth exits the charm and he captures it in his yo-yo before releasing it as a pure white butterfly.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Scarabée yells, throwing his Lucky Charm in the air.

A swarm of ladybugs appear and repair all the damage done as they fly around before disappearing just as quickly. Abeille looks around to see who had been akumatized and stumbles backwards when he sees Virgil Bruel, the fourth member of their friend group, crouched in the ground, staring up at him in horror. The boy notices the hero looking at him, his eyes widening in terror as he attempts to get away.

"Virgil, please calm down. You're going to have an anxiety attack. Just breath." Abeille slowly approaches Virgil, his hands up in a surrendering motion to show he means no harm, not caring about the beeping of his miraculous.

Virgil takes the hero's advice, breathing in and out until the racing of his heart slows and his brain doesn't seem so against him. He doesn't realize that Abeille has embraced him until his miraculous beeps once more.

"You should go. Don't want anyone to find out who you are, right?" Virgil tacks a small, nervous laugh onto the end of his question, but Abeille simply grabs his hand and pulls him into an alley.

"Virgil, I know that you're Renard Rouge."

"Wh-what?! No, I'm not!"

"Your kwami came to us and said that you had been akumatized. Because I know who you are, I think it's only fair that you know who I am. Unless you still don't want to, then I can leave right now."

Virgil seems taken aback by the offer, but hesitantly nods, wordlessly telling Abeille to release his transformation. Yellow and black lights fall over his form as Abeille is returned to Roman. Pollen appears out of the hair comb and smiles sheepishly at the shocked emo, who lets out a dry, humorless laugh.

"Great. Now both of my crushes hate me."

"Hate? Virgil, why would I hate you?"

"You turned down my confession this morning. You probably think I'm so weird to have thought you might possibly like me back. Of course you wouldn't, though. I'm just that emo nightmare who doesn't interact with anyone." Angry tears begin to fall down Virgil face as he smiles up at Roman without any happiness in his gaze before he continues his rant.

"That's why I was akumatized. I really like you, Roman. I really like Abeille, too. But you don't feel the same as I do and I know it can't be helped, but it still hurts. A lot." Virgil takes a deep breath to speak again, but is cut off by Roman's lips crashing onto his own. The popular boy pulls away too quickly for the other to respond, only stare at him in shock.

"I rejected you this morning because I like Renard Rouge. Because I obviously didn't know you two are one and the same. I'm willing to try to make it up to you. So will you join me for a date at the park next weekend?" Roman's question catches Virgil off guard, but he quickly accepts, a large smile spreading across his pale face.

The two begin to lean closer, lips barely brushing each other when a loud shout causes them to jump apart, blushing heavily.

"Roman! Virgil! Are you two okay? Did the akuma attack you?" Patton asks, his paternal instincts kicking in as he worries over his friends.

Roman notices that Logan trailing after his boyfriend, trying to hide three kwamis in his messenger bag as nonchalantly as possible, Joan attempting to help him.

"Hey, you guys, it's fine. He... knows." Roman points to Pollen, who has taken the moment to snuggle into Virgil's messy purple hair.

Virgil looks relieved that Roman didn't just tell them he was Renard Rouge. He's not ready to tell them quite yet, but knowing that his best friends are his partners makes his job seem a bit less stressful. He quickly puts on a shocked expression that not as fake as you'd think.

"You guys are Chatte Noir, Scarabée, and Renard Rouge?" Virgil asks, causing Joan to cringe slightly.

"Not me. I was actually just a stand in. You'll see me on the news as Vixen." Joan informs the group.

"But everything else you said was true!" Patton exclaims, seemingly a bit happier that he doesn't have to hide anymore.

The five friends begin to file out of the alley way, still talking about the akuma attack in hushed tones as they scurry back to the school as quickly as possible with Joan heading back their house after giving Roman back the fox miraculous. Each boy heads back to their seat, but Virgil grabs the end of Roman's jacket and tugs, pulling the popular boy's attention towards him.

"Sit with me?" Virgil asks, gesturing to the empty seat beside him.

Roman smiles and takes the seat. The school day carries on as if the akuma attack never happened, much to the dismay of a couple students as you could tell by their incessant whining.

"I like you, Roman."

"I like you, too, Virgil."

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