Ask Ro and Virge: Part 2

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[I answered as many as I felt I could for these characters without going against too many of Thomas' personas for them^^]

"Again?" Virgil rolled his eyes as Roman set up the Vlog Camera on the iPad.

"Yes again, we're not some procrastinators that never answer comments." Roman rolled his eyes as he held the tablet screen in front of both himself and Virgil, "Here, I even have pictures this time so you can understand it." Roman dead-panned.

"Ha, ha, funny." Virgil glared, "You're starting though- and it's called a screenshot, not a picture-"

"It's the same thing- but whatever, panic." Roman scrolled over the first question, "Oo! Look at these, they're for both of us."

"Cats, All the other sides like-"

"DOGS!" Roman snapped his fingers and puppies began popping up all over the room.

"I'm allergic you idiot." Virgil hissed before letting out a sneeze.

Roman rolled his eyes as he snapped again so the puppies would floof from existence, "Wow, whoever personified you must have hated you." He scoffed.

"That would be Thomas and it's not a given." Virgil glared.

"Whatever, you have the next question."

Virgil mocked Roman before answering, "Always butterscotch...and always flower."

"...Tumblr has broke you..."

"Ah, but you see, you can't break something that's already shattered." Virgil winked.

Roman rolled his eyes, "Emo nightmare, oh my stars." He then sighed before answering his question awkwardly, "Well...honestly, I think I'd have to go with princes-"

There was a small chirp of a squeak from Virgil that caused Roman to pause before continuing.

"Since Thomas himself is simply gay, I find that stronger for me so I tend to prefer princes over princesses..." Roman shrugged quickly, "But, I'm in between at the moment."

Virgil's shoulders sagged before he snatched the tablet from Roman to look over the next question.

"Well," Virgil began, "I do use concealer actually- pale of course, and-"

"Hold. Up." Roman interrupted.

"What?" Virgil groaned.

"You use concealer?" Roman snickered.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do." Virgil fought back, "Pale concealer for your information."

Roman nodded slowly.

"Anyway, so I have tried different con-" Virgil yelped as he was tackled by Roman.

"I need to see!" Roman squeaked as he held his sleeve over his hand and began rubbing the concealer off of Virgil's face.

Virgil began to let out multiple screeches of alarm as he thrashed around in attempts to kick Roman off, but to no avail, as soon the royal withdrew his arm.

"Done- oH mY sTARs-!!" Roman inhaled deeply before letting out a high-pitches squeal.

Virgil's face turned a fine shade of red as Roman's eyes lit up.

"You- have-"


"FRECKLES!" Roman nearly fell over.

Virgil shrank down with a groan and wriggled his arms free to cover his face.

"Why in the name of Thomas would you hide those!?" Roman gasped as he leapt away from Virgil to free him.

"Because they're ugly." Virgil mumbled as he pulled his hood over his face.

Roman shook his head and grabbed the hand that was pulling the hood up, causing Virgil's voice to pitch further.

"LEt gO." Virgil squeaked as Roman pulled the hand away to pull back the hood.

"No, no. You're showing the world your gorgeous freckles for the rest of the video or I tell Patton you have them." Roman threatened.

Virgil flinched, knowing that Roman was sincere, he mumbled an agreement and sank down against the wall that his bed was against.

Roman was still getting over the fact that Virgil had freckles, stars practically forming in his eyes.

"Well?" Virgil cleared his throat, "Are you going to answer your question or not?"

Roman blinked a few times with a stupid grin before snapping back into reality with a blush-dusted face as he turned to the camera with a nod, "Well, I do have multiple outfits, but I choose to wear this one the most. However, all my outfits include a sash, and I tend to stick to royal attire."

"Yuck, fashion. Just slap on whatever you find in your drawer, that's what I do." Virgil shrugged before advancing to the next question as Roman gave and offended look.

"YES." Both the aspects responded in sync.

"I prefer listening to Disney princess songs!" Roman beamed, "Go girl power and go role-breaking in general! My favorite though is Reflection from Mulan! I could listen to that for days!" Roman smiled widely.

"Actually...I tend to listen to Disney songs too," Virgil shrugged, "They tend to be stupid ones..." He mumbled.

"Oh? Like what?" Roman smirked.

"Nothing you'd be interested in." Virgil glared.

"Well! Good thing I have the tablet!" Roman pulled up EyeTunes and began scrolling through the playlists before landing on Virgil's.

Virgil's eyes flashed in alarm but he stayed as casual as his facial features would allow.

Roman's smile turned into a stupid grin as he read of the list, "'I won't say I'm in love' from Hercules! Oh, and here we have 'Someday my Prince will come' from Snow White, very interesting choice," Roman snickered as Virgil hid under the comforter, "Ah! And here we have 'At last I see the light' from Tangled! Oh! And to top it all off, we have Beaty and the Beast's 'Tale as Old as Time!' Wow! Who've you been pining for and how long?" Roman began laughing.

"I hate you so much right now." Virgil hissed out.

"Alright, alright, I'm moving on!" Roman subsided to giggles before scrolling onward, "Oh, but first, can we appreciate how this lovely commenter can relate with dear Virgil?"

"sHuT uP." Virgil squealed, "rEaD tHe nExT oNe."

"You won't say you're in love?" Roman winked.

"I will hurt you."

"Well, I mean, as we've obviously seen, we both enjoy Disney-"

"Disney love songs for some-"

"Hurt.You.- So I'd say the same we personally feel, which would be quite fondly-"

"Some more than others-"

"Roman...I swear, I'll-"

"Virgil actually tends to watch more anime than I." Roman frowned.

"That's true." Virgil nodded, "But...considering I'm undecided...but particularly not into gals that much...I'll say...I enjoy when girls are given the lead, that way some kind of power can be shown." Virgil shrugged, "Sorry, not that clear of an answer there."

"Quite alright." Roman assured.

Roman laughed nervously, "Wh-hat makes you think I'm a fanboy?"

"Well, considering you've introduced me to something called Prinx-"

"wE dO nOt sPeAk oF tHis." Roman shrieked.

There was silence for a moment.


"oH mY gO-"

"Veronica, Uh...Dustin Kropp...and Connor my man." Virgil made finger guns with a grin.

"I'd have to go with-"

"Heather Chandler." Virgil interrupted.

"Uh- rude much?" Roman frowned.

"Well, I mean, she's popular and bitchy so-"

"I am not bitchy!" Roman objected.

"Fine, you can have Veronica too." Virgil mumbled.

"Thank you." Roman scoffed, "Now, continuing, I would also like to say that Virgil was way more of a Jared."

"That's- actually pretty accurate." Virgil nodded.

"I can see the comments now- I can see the rows of 'Kinky'." Roman shook his head.

"Continue." Virgil instructed.

"Right- Uh...I would like to say I would be Cynthia, and then Jake for Be More Chill." Roman nodded.

"Skip." Virgil commented before Roman could.

"You can't skip!" Roman frowned.

"I just did."

"No- you can't."

"I did."

"If I answer will you?"

"No promises."

Roman glared, but sighed, turning towards the camera that filmed their answers, he gave a small smile, "Well, I have to say it ties with two things, one being his capability to act utterly unbearable-"

"Watch it-"

"But, then showing that he honestly cares and...he does, a lot- more than he lets on, but if you know him, you know that...he's more than just your average aspect." Roman genuinely smiled.

Virgil paused for a moment before mumbling, "A lot..."

"That and his freckles."

"I sWEAR-"

"Honestly...I don't know, it just sort of shows up. If it helps, mind palace Eye-shadow. Though, for awhile I just used a damp, black colored-pencil. But y'all seemed to like when I used real bam..." Virgil shrugged, "Also- he wouldn't consensually allow me to-"

"He applied some onto my face when I was sleeping." Roman growled.

"Yup." Virgil smirked proudly.

"Any dog." Roman beamed.

"Black cats." Virgil answered simply and quickly, "They need more love. They didn't cause the plague, so get over it and adopt them."

"Hey, if Prince Perfect over here will do it, I'm down."

"Not until hell freezes over."

"And there's your answer." Virgil sighed.

"Five minutes max- I mean, it's a quick swipe, but the blending is what kills me every time. Ten minutes tops." Virgil nodded.

"Fairy god-mother, obviously!" Roman rolled his eyes, "I mean- where else? Where do you think Walmart gets their clothes? From factories? Yeah right!" Roman chuckled.

Both their aspects' faces burned bright like Christmas Day.

"I- it's- complicated-" Virgil muttered.

"We...aren't...together, exactly?"

"But we also...are...?" Virgil shifted uncomfortable.

"It...depends...on- well, we've never discussed it...we just simply know we...feel certain...ways...we just-"

"Choose to ignore those feelings."

"Exactly." Roman grinned awkwardly.

"Aaand, we can only dodge those feelings for so long." Roman sighed.

"Well, Honestly," Virgil shrugged, "I'm undecided but- Prince isn't- bad- I mean-"

"For the sake of the stars, are we together or not?" Roman looked seriously over at Virgil.

Virgil blinked in surprise as he we suddenly put on the spot, "I mean- Uh- I want to but-"

"That's a Yes then, sir freckles."

Virgil responded in a little beep of a squeak.

" depends on what kind of attack he's having...if it's severe or not...Yes, he does have them- but on different levels..."

Virgil nodded in agreement.

"I tend to simply give him space but I don't leave his side despite what he says...he tends to need someone there but I don't physically approach him in any way unless he's okay with that." Roman nodded.

"When you're having an attack, Yes, it's sometimes nice to be...held, or hugged- but sometimes you simply need space and to know that somebody is in the room with you, and- like I said, it all depends on different levels of attacks and everyone is different, this is just what works for me, it may not work for everyone."

Roman intertwined his fingers with Virgil's with a reassuring smile, receiving a mumble and a groan from Virgil, but a small, happy smile nonetheless.

"And as for Prince's creativity block- this seems to help." Virgil planted a delicate kiss on Roman's cheek.

Roman squeaked and shrank down, "A-and with that- we're done-"

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