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"He hasn't come out of his room all day." Patton frowned, "Do you think he's sick?"

"I doubt it, we'd be able to feel a minor version of sickness if he was." Logan nodded.

Roman frowned as he entered the main living room area, "Have you tried going into his room?"

"Well...yes..." Patton looked at his feet,

"But?" Roman furrowed his brow.

"He yelled at Patton so, I'm not sure it's a safe zone right now." Logan sighed.

"Teens." Patton shook his head.

"'re the same age as-" Logan shook his head, "Never mind, it's alright." He turned to Roman, "You should give it a go lover-male." He grinned, "He doesn't seem all too gloomy while with you."

Roman's face turned a light shade of red, "I...suppose." He shrugged.

"Aw, come on- it'll be like rescuing a princess!" Patton chuckled.

This didn't help in fixing the blush on Roman's face, "Yes..."

"Oh~ You two kiddos are cute." Patton squeaked.

"Mhm." Roman stiffened a bit awkwardly; he could practically feel the waves of heat radiating from his face as he made his way to Virgil's room.

Stepping into the grayed down version of Thomas' room, Roman whistled a mix of multiple Disney tunes as he skipped up to Virgil's door and knocked sweetly, "It's Roman~!" He sing-songed.

A mutter mixed with a scowl came from inside the room, "Go away..!"

"Nope!" Roman swung open Virgil's door, causing the darker one to squeak in surprise. Roman sighed with a slight roll of his eyes, "What's wrong, my emo emu?"

Virgil shrunk into his comforter with a grumble, his eyes giving a look of death to the trespasser, "Nothing...leave me alone."

"Come on,Virgil." Roman strode fearlessly over to Virgil and sat down on the edge of his bed, proceeding to poke at his cheek multiple times.

Virgil simply let out a groan and pulled his comforter over his face, "No."

Roman made a pouting sound and crossed his arms.

Virgil let out a small snicker with a smug smirk, "Fussy princey?" He cooed in a mocking, baby-voice.

"Well, you're not letting me help you." Roman rolled his eyes.

Virgil poked his face out in amusement, "You want to help me?"

"We've gone over this, you know I️ care," Roman huffed with a cross of his arms, though his eyes shone brightly with sincerity.

Virgil dragged away half of his comforter in defeat, so Roman was able to see his face, "My face seems to be a very persuasive being."

"And call me a dork?"

Virgil shrugged, sitting up to flop down to sit beside Roman on the edge of the bed.



"Look at you, you're obviously not in your best state." Roman pointed out.

"When am I️ ever?"

Roman slightly frowned, "Virgil." He gave a look that allowed a sliver of serious concern for the other trait.

Virgil felt the familiar, subtly-rare feeling of his heart lifting just a little bit. He gave a small huff of defeat,
"Eh,'s...just...tomorrow, ya' know, Thomas has that stupid job interview thing's just... every time something responsible happens I try and do something productive and you guys just... tell me to go sit down somewhere..." Virgil scratched his arm awkwardly and subconsciously let out a scowl at his own words before continuing, "And,
it's not like I️ don't care...I do want to help, I'm just looking out for him- without nerves he'd be a pretentious jerk who thinks he's better than everyone else because he wouldn't know when to shut up." Virgil sunk his head down.

Roman's frown deepened, "Well why didn't you explain this sooner?"

"I'm anxiety I'm not supposed to feel empathy." Virgil chuckled with a hint of a voice crack behind it.

"Well, you've sure shown that, yes you can show empathy- and more than that I might add." Roman put his arm around Virgil's shoulders delicately and almost unsurely.

Virgil instantly flinched and felt that shoulder tingle, causing chills to go up his spine. He wasn't that used to physical contact quite yet but it was a work in progress.

"You'll do quite alright, I'm sure." Roman reassured.

Virgil was the slightest bit angry with himself when he let himself lean into Roman's side.

Roman noticed this and grinned happily, giving Virgil a quick and loving squeeze of a half hug.

"Th...ks..." Virgil muttered.

"What was that?" Roman raised an eyebrow with a wide grin.

"Th...nks..." Virgil murmured once again.


"You're pressing your luck Prince-Charming." Virgil growled through a flustered expression.

"I like that name!" Roman grinned.

"Shut. It." Virgil squeaked out.

Roman pressed his nose to Virgil's cheek, "Almost as much as I like you, Virg." Roman cooed to purposefully pose off Virgil.

"It's funny, the first time you met me you said you hated me." Virgil snickered.

"Maybe it was because I was jealous that someone looked better than me." Roman suggested with a smirk.

"You're such a prince." Virgil face-palmed.

"I don't know wether to take that as a compliment or an insult..." Roman looked over and took note of Virgil's blushed appearance, "I'll take that as a compliment then~"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Virgil couldn't help but not hide the smallest of smiles.

Roman pressed a his cheek to the cheek of the hunched over emo beside him.

"Stooop...feeeeliiiings..." Virgil groaned but begrudgingly pressed his cheek in return to Roman's.

"Dark Princess." Roman murmured contently.

Virgil muttered in annoyance, though silently grinning to himself.

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