Flower-Crowned Prince

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[Requested by periwinkle_moonlight ]

"Oh, Virgil~!" Roman kicked open Virgil's door in a singsong voice.

Virgil yelped and chucked his teddy-bear at Roman, "Jesus Christ could you keep it down-" Virgil paused, ",what are those?" Virgil slapped his hand over his face to face-palm.

Roman wiggled his eyebrows and dropped the set of seven items on the floor, "They're flower-crowns!"

Virgil furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because, all princesses ought to have a crown, and I just thought, you'd look so adorable in one of these." Roman admitted.

Virgil's face turned a dark shade of red, "Well, now I'm definitely not going to wear one of those." Virgil wrapped his comforter around his shoulders, "Plus, you don't have a crown."

"Yes, well, I'm not all as fortunate to have a boyfr- a friend that's willing to bestow upon another with a crown." Roman nodded.

"Just...buy yourself a crown, how 'bout?" Virgil suggested.

"Of course not! That would be against tradition!" Roman huffed.

"What tradition? You don't have parents- or lineage- or- whatever." Virgil waved his hand, dismissing to his thoughts.

"Just try at least one on?" Roman whined.

"Nope." Virgil shook his head.

Roman groaned, "Fine, but I'm decorating your room with them- besides, they're all black flowers mixed with gray and white so it'll match whatever....aesthetic that you've got going on here..." Roman began to get to work.

"Just don't be surprised if they're gone and stuffed in my closet by tomorrow, Princey." Virgil leaned against his wall as he watched Roman shuffle about the room.

Roman simply ignored the negative comment and whistled to himself as he placed one crown on the frame of Virgil's bed, this one having White, Gray, and black flowers. Then he began moving over to the corner of Virgil's room and delicately laying another flower-crown on the top of a lamp, this one being black as well as white. Next, he put two of the crowns on each side of the curtain rod to Virgil's closet.

Virgil smirked as he continued to follow Roman's footsteps with his eyes, watching at the fixed look of focus that painted the other's creased brown as he placed the final crown, "Done?" Virgil folded his arms over his chest with a  now blank look.

"Almost." Roman grinned as he proceeded forward and placed a single crown just beside Virgil's feet, "Just in case." Roman gave a small smile and shrugged before turning to exit the room, "Don't be afraid to at least touch it, I️ promise it won't bite- probably." And with that, Roman left the dark room, closing the door behind him.

Virgil looked down at the flower-crown that had been bestowed upon him, resting at his feet, he let a small smile form fondly as he saw that the flowers were colored Purple and Black, with Roman knowing his preferred colors. Virgil then glanced towards his room's door cautiously slowly leaning forward and delicately grabbing the flower-crown, gently dragging it close and then looking down at it, "...It does match my aesthetic...I suppose." Virgil held the crown to his jacket, checking the color hues and nodding in check to his previous statement.

Once again, Virgil looked at the door, then biting his lip, debating wether to actually participate in this...foolish attire...before advancing towards a half-broken mirror that was crookedly mounted on the wall of his room. He looked at the portion that wasn't broken and then to the crown in his grasp. Very delicately, Virgil set the crown atop his head and looked in the mirror. He felt his cheeks warm up at the sight and smiled shyly to himself as he pondered the concept of Roman actually thinking he looked cute like this, and he himself went over this idea as well.

It did look pretty fine if you asked Virgil, and he had to admit to himself that the purple was a very fine touch, and not just because it was his favorite color, that as well as the fact that the black flowers matched his eyeshadow quite perfectly.

Virgil turned around to grab his phone and snap a selfie before freezing when he noticed his door was a crack open, and a certain Roman was peaking through that particular crack.

In that instant, Virgil's face turned entirely red, the color one's blood might literally be, showing off the flower-crown's colors all the more.

Roman's eyes widened at the sudden change in skin-tone and cautiously entered the room, a stupid grin painting his very amused face.

"What. Are. you. Doing." Virgil growled in warning.

Roman tensed up as he stalled a few feet away from Virgil, "I uh...just...wanted to see if...you'd actually put one on and...didn't expect you to honestly do it..." Roman's voice came out as a scared whisper as he saw Virgil give him a cold, dead stare, but he couldn't find a way to wipe the grin from his pleased face.

There were a few moments of silence, filled with the two aspects simply staring at each other. And then, Virgil leapt forward, causing the crown to go flying off as he tackled Roman to the floor only a few moments later, with a still red facial expression.

"I'm sorry!" Roman squeaked out, but he honestly wasn't at all.

"Yeah, Yeah you are." Virgil managed to growl out, "I swear, if you even tell one trait about this- you're dead." He hissed out as the heat radiated from his face.

"Duly noted!" Roman gulped.

Virgil narrowed his eyes and loosened his grip on Roman's shoulders.

"But...simply, just for the record...you did look...mighty adorable with that flower-crown on..." Roman mumbled.

"Shut." Virgil scowled and rolled off of Roman, laying flat on the ground with crossed arms.

Roman sat up, "Okay, so do you want me to take these back?" He started towards the purple and black crown.

"No, shut up, they're staying."

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